29.9% just like a credit card. I'll loan you all I have.
Because the last time i lent you money you didnt give me the same ones back, they might have had the same numbers on them but they wernt the same ones!
I won't let you borrow my money because I believe in my own ability to do well with my own money.
Coz I know you aint gonna return them!
i have a beg fund in one of my questions, its doing ok
I want to ask the same question with you!!
Coz i dont have any.:(
Because the best way to stay friends is by not loaning/barrowing money from each other.
New Health Care for America will fix that
Erm I have none thats why!!
No collateral. Interest rate not high enough. You won't sign my contract.
It's mine that's why!!! :-/
I lent you money. Faxed it to you yesterday. Didn't you get it?
Because Possum told me he sent you money and you still want to borrow MINE? I was born at night, but not last night!
because I do not trust you to pay me back
Because everyone knows I do not lend money. If the bank won't pony up, what makes you think I will?
The reason is plain and simple. I am a retiree living on a government pension.
I work hard for my money and you probably will never pay me back.
If you don't have enough money to meet your needs, you aren't going to have enough to pay me back. If you can't manage your money to meet your needs, you aren't going to be able to manage to pay me back. If you are meeting your needs, there's no need to borrow money from me. If you want something that you can' afford, you won't be able to afford to pay me back. If you have enough money to meet your needs, you manage it well and you want something that you can't save up for, then go to a bank. I am not a bank!
Because I have worked very hard for this money. The other reason is, that I really need this money now, and in the past, when I have asked you for money you gave me excuses all the time, but if I lent you money, you never paid me back, so sorry.
Because I don't know you and really don't loan money anyway. Good luck though.
For every action, there will be an equal reaction - that will be true in human relations also. May be you will show me kindness in some other thing.
i lend it if i had it. sorry buddy.
'Cause I ain't a financial institution?! ;-)
Well i believe in what Shakesphere said "Lend money to a friend and you lose both, money and friend." When I cant lend my friend some money, how could i lend you.
I just don't have enough at this time. Maybe later when i get back to work.
A- cause I don't know you B- because I don't have any :)
I need it to support my interest in all things horsey :)
You got it. +5
Because I don't have enough to lend out.
Because you never asked.
Brcause i do not want to wreck a good friendship. :)
You didn't ask?
Because I do not have any.. Otherwise you might have given it a try and propably would have failed on getting it. I do not give money to strangers :P
You can. But I don't deal with that myself, I use an agent called a bank. Just pop round to see them, anytime.
I will, but seems you have really bad credit that's why you come to me. So I'd give money for 30% interest and for some collateral.
Its hard earned and I am saving a lot for my children higher studies. Sorry but if i have enough some day I would surely consider you for lending some part of it.
Because I want to remain your friend.
How do you know I won't, you didn't even ask.
My money is my precious. Will not depart them till I die.
Linda Joy
Yet you condemn the rich for doing the same thing! 1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
cause its rnine and i need it
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