• I doubt it. I'm certain the list is long. I just found three in about two minutes: a. Vladimir Putin, Russian prime minister. b. Woody Allen, actor/writer accused by his then wife Mia Farrow. c. Alfred Kinsey, biologist/writer of human sexuality.
  • Probably the first name that I think of when I think "accused pedophile". He is the most famous in my opinion.
  • Roman Polanksi allegedly had sex with a 13 year old in his home.Before the trail he fled to Europe and has remained there ever since.
  • He might have, at this period in time, more people who know about his indiscretions. But in his day, Fattie Arbuckle made quite the scandal for his pedophile actions.
  • Michael's 'accusers' BOTH had parents with documented criminal histories of fraud and extortion in their past. You do the math.

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