I use the generic brand. They are just paper towels.
The store brand is good enough for me.
Paper towels are such a waste. You buy them, use them, then throw them away? I use cloth towels :)
Bounty or Viva. I use less of them when they hold together better.
BOUNTY®, "The Quicker Picker-Upper!"™ +5
Charmin soft on my cheeks lol
I think we use Viva or Bounty depending on what's on sale. We buy it in bulk when it's on sale.
I use Bounty paper towels. I buy the jumbo pack from CostCo.
The cheapest ......... wal*mart
Mardi Gra
Not quite sure, but my toilet paper is called "Happy End"...ironic isn`t it!!
Whatever is on sale.
the cheapest I can find
Cheap store brand.
Brawny paper towels =)
whatever - I'm not choosy.
Whatever is on sale, Viva, Scott, Bounty...
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