• Depends on what you are starting with. Do you have lots of knowledgeable engineers and physicists? Do you have access to enough fissile material? Can you distill heavy water? These are all quite difficult to obtain for your average terrorist. Unfortunately, North Korea has a lot of this stuff already. It's possible they could develop a thermonuclear weapon within 5 years.
  • Im sorry my question was a little confusing, by "second" i ment a period of time... Lets change word "second" for "moment when". How long would it take to make a hydrogen bomb after the moment when government asks for one?
  • Im sorry, i guess my question was a little confusing... Lets take out word "sencond" and instead of that put word "moment" in :) By "second" i ment the time point... How long would it take to make a hydrogen bomb after the moment that government asks for one?

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