Love and patience brand glue?
The glue of time - Really good question's
I am fairly confident there is no such product. If there was, I would spend every penny I have to buy it.
oye! i wish i knew, i would have used it in the past. sure would have helped. if you find it make sure to let us know.
The warmth generated from self-love. Being kind to yourself, forgiving yourself, and truely learning to love yourself.
It's pretty difficult to mend a broken heart, the saying goes "time heals the heartache" but I find it to be untrue. The pain is lowered to a certain degree but it still exists. I wish there was a glue though to fix a broken heart...
The glue consists of several components;- -Processing the emotions and grief in a healthy way. -Letting go of the attachment. -Self love. -Loving again. When one loves again and again over ones life, one can have a broken heart but for a shorter time. -Time itself. The more you do in the time, the shorter it will be. There is a fast and very effective way to assist in mending the broken heart. Given that some of the strongest emotions involved come from sexual intimacy, a spell of complete abstinence from all sexual activity will sever the sexual attachment, and then the energy saved by doing that will filter into other areas of your life and facilitate a very rapid recovery. A spell of 2 - 3 months of abstinence is very helpful. One thing that will delay the healing is to engage in sexual fantasizing about the sexual element of the past relationship. This will rekindle the attachment to the sexual connection and not be helpful.
Loving and appreciating YOURSELF FIRST. Not in a selfish way, but as you would ANY friend that is hurting. Be your OWN friend, too.
In my opinion, the glue that holds together a broken heart is the hope that their will be another lover for you... i have PERSONALLY experienced a heartache from love... and it may take time to get over the pain, but once you are over it, you will become a better person and a better lover.
Caring .
time & patience. bonus:a few dirty movies.
Hello charmaine if you find the right glue could you plaese tell me so i can also get through this difficult time of a broken heart... its so time consuming amd i am fed up of thinking so if you find it tell mexxx
Self-esteem. Now available in clear so the world can see your strong heart and not the glue.
surgery, there isnt a glue for broken hearts, be realistic thats the problem, asume the fact, and you will learn how to love life is.
Cholesterol!! Sorry, I had to make an attempt at a humorous answer, to compliment all of the excellent serious answers.
The only glue i know that will do this job is the Love Glue.
It's liquor. Everyone wants to deny it, but it is.
Family support if available. Usually a sibling who is older and therefore more experienced, but that leaves that sibling without such help. The oldest sibling probably turned to a close friend or used a 1/2 gallon of Ben and Jerry's to numb their first broken heart.
Mix together some alcohol, some good friends, a bit of family, a few tears, plenty of time, a touch of forgiveness (for yourself and the ex) and a positive attitude. Add in just a little "well, they were stupid at this or that anyway" to harden the mixture... You can toss in a one-night-stand at your own risk. It sometimes helps, but more often weakens the mixture... Apply liberally as necessary...
there is a mentally form of glue. its your friends family things to make you happy and keep your mind off of him. then your heart will start to heal. wen it does heal get back in the game.
a new man to rock your world!!!( or a new woman!)
It's a two part epoxy with a base, and a catalyst. The base is called FRENZ, and the catalyst is callled "NEXT"... Keep alcohol away until you have worked in the Frenz, as it will cause the broken area to feel even worse. Once you have applied the "NEXT", things will be on their way to being great.
I recently found myself face to face with the dissolvement of a long term (nine years) relationship...I do not believe there is a miracle cure for the broken heart. But I do believe there is truth in loving YOURSELF and letting go - It's extremely hard for me but as each day goes by I feel myself becoming stronger. Instead of propelling myself into another relationship (wanting of feeling I have to in order to get by) I realized I need this time to rediscover myself and all the things that make me a GREAT person. When I am ready and when the time is right - there will be time to love again...BE PATIENT with YOURSELF!
Self content, loving family, hope for a better day, and simply time. But the impressions of the break are never completely filled in and last forever.
for mine was not thinking about that person,and praying for that person.
Gorilla glue. it will mend anything. period. Buy a bottle and place it on your heart. soon, your troubles will be corrected. Then, you can start to look elsewhere for another love. (Be sure to keep the Gorilla glue handy, this may occur again).
i always find that sleep is the best healer. aside from the fact that 80% of your dreams will be about him/her i can honestly say its a happier place to be. far far away from reality. love hurts - dreams heal. apart from when you first wake up and for a few seconds you forget why your alone... then it really sucks. :(
get a dog or 2 lil dogs have really helped me.the make sure i get out the house for walks.that means i meet people.other wise id stay indoors and mope.
well you need glue, that will sick something together id try glue sticks those are always fun
Vodka and any series on DVD that requires investing a lot of time in! Your real friends will truly be there to support you (the ones that aren't - not worth squat!) even if you've not seen them in donkeys!
there are two types both work great together or seperatly- Friends or Familly
sleeping with as many people as possible as soon after the break up as possible
Elmer's Glue is always good, nor does it sting like Hot Glue... but I'm really messy with glue, so I use staples.
a brand new love glue.. pathetic truth..
I had to read your question four times to understand it, because I didn't think you were using 'sticks together' as a verb. The glue of love... yeah... Heart attack.
Leonard Cohen and a bottle of Jack Daniels
A trusted friend
it is the healing of timeand love of faimly member and shit
Giving - It is the one part of love that you alone control.
A new, better, healthier relationship that is right for you. No rebounds tho.
Learning to love yourself. If you can learn to love yourself, to accept yourself without judgment, then you will be able to deal wih practically anything. If you can honor yourself you know you can control your own reactions. If your "partner" has rejected you, consider that he/she is simply unaware of your magnificent qualities. You are, after all, unique in all the universe. You are special. You are wonderful. If others can't see that, it's their problem, not yours. You are really better off without someone who isn't able to recognize how great and magnificent you are. Think on this for a while and acknowledge yourself. You are still you. You know you are good.
Chocolate Glue :D
two words: ben&jerrys
Crazy Glue! If someone broke your heart, walk away, your heart will mend with time.
its called I am not "crazy" about throwing up from crying so much "glue".......
patience ,time
super glue!
Booze and pot. Naw I'm just kidding (even thought I'd probably try that before anything else). If I were you I would try to go to a bunch of places that I've never gone. I don't mean travel, just go to different restaurants, movie theatres, Laundromats, bars, gyms. Whatever you can change about your life without actually changing it (still go workout at the same time as you normally do, just at a different gym) will make you feel like a new person. It will help clean the slate for new relationships.
Alcohol... and lots of it.
Keep busy. Keep breathing. Keep plenty of kneenex with you. Stay away from sappy couples for awhile. What ever you do don't jump into a realationship with someone else to soon, they call it rebound for a good reason. you'll get better. some broken hearts take a very long time to mend. Others not as long as you may think. Write how you feel on paper, then throw it away.
Chocolate.... can even mend a broken heart.
Ben and jerrys
If anyone can find this miracle glue, I'll split the cost of a truckload with ya so we can buy in bulk!
good friends and family, my child giving me a hug all these are a slow but steady way to mend a broken heart
A friend who'll give you a hug and tell you what an idiot that guy was for leaving you.
It is the glue of experience and compassion, of giving and receiving love. It is the glue of loving when love is not returned, of laughter, tears, and time. It is the glue of renewed purpose and passion for life itself. it is the glue of a dream and a mission. it is the grace of God and the friendship of good people. The glue that heals is a composite of all these things, but it is strong and flexible.
Trust, honest communication and time.
True Friends and Alcohol!
Time and good friends.
I also agree that time will heal. but i also have to say that there are different types of broken hearts. Deception, someone cheating on you hurts deeper within versus a break up because your boyfriend had to relocate to a different city or state. And no, it is not as simple to say just move with them. it most cases there are children involved. So there you have it, a lost love.
No glue needed!!! I was told if you love something set it free and if it were meant to be, it'll come back to you. But if it doesn't come back, there is ALWAYS someone better out there. Be strong...
Not glue, you need duct tape for that.
Only time heals a broken heart... Time and trying to get your mind busy in other activities... Go out, try to have fun, visit family and/or friends... Staying home alone will not help 'cause your mind will start wondering.. :o) Best of luck!
friendship and time. it's the time thing that kills... i know.
Sex and beer. Sometimes peanut butter works.
revenge nah i dont know i'd love to find out so when my heart breaks i can fix it...
if all else fails == therapy. that and a few cheap dates to get you laughing again!
My last painful breakup was in 2002. These few books really helped me! Don't Call That Man Why Men Love Bitches After you've healed..a few must read: Calling in the One (best of them all)
Whiskey and lots of good blues guitar music.
A good close friend who will let you cry, listen and just be there to lean on.
Belief in yourself. Only you can fix your broken heart, so believe in yourself and your value as a person! You're worth it!
There is no glue, but true friends are the best plasters on the market.
more love
Time, love, patience, friendship, compassion, and chocolate
Time glue :D
Time. Time heals all wounds.
for me jack daniels
find another to love that usually helps alot with mending a broken heart
Friends, Family, and Time.
time ..hang on man :)
self preservation, you got to move on and take care of yourself...
when something is broken up into pieces, there is more to go around. more to share. more to enjoy. the pain of your heart breaking will ease up over time, but the pieces you have given out over your lifetime will never come back to you, and you shouldn't want them back. when you give your heart to someone else, they have the power to break it, and most of the time they eventually will. but by the time you're very, very old, hopefully you will have given your heart to many, many people to love and enjoy. that's what a full, loving life is all about. no glue needed.
usually a broken heart is sewed back glue necessary..
your friends !!! and time 2 let things in your mind re agust.
time for muh as it sucks
I sincerely sugguest you to change your life style for a moment. for example takeup a hobby, go to gym for body building, learn swiming or driving if u dont kwn,do any thing that gives you enjoyment. i had break up with my girlfriend so i have taken up a hobby to sheld out some pounds from my body. so i joined gym and changed my eating habits. gradually what happened i slowly lost those thoughts i used to get in past and i slowly developed interest in other activities. time will heal all wounds, just love youself. best wishes.
I WISH there was such a thing. I am going through the same thing. The guy I am madly in love with, and who was madly in love with me until 4 days ago, just told me he is still in love with his ex. My heart feels like it is in a million tiny pieces right now, and it seems like nothing anyone says will make it whole again. I've been through this before however, and I did recover. I just have to tell myself that everyday. Last time, I cried so much I didn't think the pain would ever go away, but it did, and it will again. This won't be the only time your heart gets broken, but each time you learn to slowly put it back together, the stronger it'll be in the end.
penis glue
The glue that sticks together a broken heart is the belief deep down inside that everything is alright. It's the feeling that you know no matter what happens someone out there cares for you, someone out there loves you, and someone out there wants you. It keeps you sane and it keeps you fighting for the chance to love again.
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