rip its eyes out
If escape is possible-up a tree or into a car-go for it. O/w you need decide if it's a cub sitch or not: if it is, the mother bear will usually fight to the death, so the recomendation is to lie flat & look nonthreatening. If you are seen as a likely snack, you must fight: a punch in the nose has worked on occasion. Hopefully you have some weapons. The point is to make yourself not worth it. A black bear grabbed a small child & ran with it; the woman with it ran for help & it was too late to save the child. If she had run for the bear it undoubtably would have dropped it & ran. The aggressive nature increases from black to brown to grizzly. Modern grizzlys are much less aggressive than their ancestors-but not enough so that you would notice!
i've heard you have to make your self look big by spreading your arms and legs and roar but i've never tried it.
Kiss your backside good-bye.
Stop wearing Calvin Klein's Obsession for Bears.
I thought it was playing dead!
Fetal position. and if its a male... Point your ass toward the ground!
Well, depends on where. If it's in my bedroom, then I take my gun from under the pillow and shoot it. If it's on a camping trip, I take the gun I brought, and I shoot it. If we're in the mall, I take out my concealed weapon, and I shoot it. If all else fails, then I run faster than anyone else nearby :-)
Ask him to be gentle yo...
scream at it first and flail your arms. If that is too late/ does not work, then drop into a ball with your hands covering your head; protect your neck. Pray.
+5 When you have an attack by a bear, you must proceed with all care. The first thing in your head is to be a possum and play dead.
Stick your head between you legs and kiss your arse goodbye.
Just let 'em finish.
Punch it in the nose.
- hell
TRY not to die. Then you can get on one of those animal violence shows!
Try to feed the bear the last protein bar In your pocket and If that doesn't work,then tough luck..LOL
I guess my martial arts training won't help me. Even my stick fighting technique is useless. If all else fails, I will get my trusty shotgun and kill. I don't like animals being killed. And I am an animal too.
If in bear territory always travel in a vehicle. So that you can hide in it and drive away.
Sit calmly and both disguss what may have provoked such violence.
lie in the fetal position if he doesn't leave you alone bite the hell out of his nose it is your only chance to survive....happy hunting+5.
Attack it :D
1. Stop, stay calm, be quiet, and make no sudden moves. 2. Break eye contact (if you look in their eyes they are more likely to attack). Stand your ground. Don't turn your back on the bear. Look for signs of agitation; ears back, lower its head and swing it side to side, pawing at the ground, may make huffing or woofing noises, it may snap at you, or make no sign at all and just charge at you. 3. Back away slowly while speaking in a low, calming, almost monotone voice. You want to show the bear that you are being submissive and just want to get out of its territory. 4. If the bear charges you, spray him with Bear Deterrent Pepper Spray. Aim for the face or spread it out in a fog the bear would have to cross to get to you. 5. If it's a grizzly bear and you don't have pepper spray, roll into a ball or lie face down, and do your best to protect the vulnerable parts of your body but particularly your neck and face. Remain as still as possible.
I guess I'm just not too keen to use other people as a meat shield. You wouldn't need to run from the bear at all just do what I posted.
poke it in the eye or something...
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