Not with a bad heart and diabetes.
Yes, I take an occasional Tyenol but that is it.
No, severe allergies, have to take some medication some times, and plus a root canal not to long ago.
I wish I could say yes but I can't. With prenatal vitamins and drugs for hypertension and everything else I have to treat--no chance of that
yes. not only illegal and prescription free. but free of over the counter drugs as well
Completely, though I do take some herbs like dandelion and yellow dock.
yes...dammit :P
Nope I will be on prescription drugs the rest of my life
No, I take prescription painkillers and antibiotics at the moment. Trial drugs for my migraines. Lots of script things. I also take a lot of Vitamin pills
yes and iam very lucky
Only kind of meds i take, is just a Tylenol once when Really needed, nothing else.
No, i take prescription drugs.
Completely drug free q:)
nope I have to take them
Honey, when you get to be my age the answer is no.
I assert my 5th amendment right to refuse to say anything which might incriminate myself with respect to illegal drugs. As to any legitimate drugs, Rx or OTC, it ain't nobodies' business but my own.
No, I take some prescription drugs.
Yes and it'll probably kill me! :)
I take a multivitamin every morning but apart from that yes I am alcohol, nicotine and pill free.
Nope. I would be dead.
Is mushrooms a drug?
No, taking 2 prescription drugs
Yes i'm drugs free:)
I am drug-free.
No. I take Mycardis for high blood pressure.
NOPE ... I need prescription drugs to live .... as I am a Diabetic and have Hypothyroidism .... By they way ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY , ZACH !!
Only drugs I've taken for months are tums and OTC painkillers. and apart from that, I think that counts as drug free.
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