• In computing, it's another word for a floating point number (ie, a number with a decimal point somewhere). In maths it's probably the opposite of an imaginary number.
  • A real number is, any rational number, any irrational number, any trancendental number, any positive number any negative number, and zero. A real number is any number except complex numbers where a complex number is a number of the form a+bi and i represents the square root of negative one. Here is a wiki reference:
  • +5 A real number is a number that is not artificial in any way. No MSG is used in the production of that number. The best numbers are organically produced at the number production facility in Spokane Washington. Only accept a real number instead of a cheap Chinese import.
  • Real numbers are the set of all rational, irrational, transcendental and algebraic both positive and negative including zero but not the imaginary numbers such as the square root of -1. At least that's an informal definition. There is a hierarchy to it. In the list below each successive set contains all the elements of the previous set (there are other sets but keeping it simple for now) Natural numbers (which can be the positive or non-negative integers depending if you include zero or not) i.e. 1,2,3,4 etc or 0,1,2,3 etc The Integers (the 'whole' numbers both positive and negative including zero) i.e. ...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3... Rational numbers any number that can be expressed as a ratio or integers such as 1/3, -1/2, 2/1 etc Algebraic numbers which includes the numbers that can be expressed as a polynomial with rational coefficients including some irrational numbers such as sqrt(2) but not pi Real numbers which include numbers that cannot be expressed algebraically and all the irrational numbers such as pi Complex numbers which contains all real and imaginary numbers. There are others but the ones above follow the pattern of containing all the previous sets.
  • A rational number is any number which can be written as p/q where p and q are integers. a real number can be a rational number, or any number that can divide the set of rationals into two halves, where all the rationals in one half are less than all the rationals in the other half. Example: take the irrational number which is the positive square root of 2. You can divide rationals into two halves: those which are less than zero or whose squares are less than 2 and positive rationals whose squares are greater than 2. All the rationals in the first half are less than all the ones in the second half. therefore the dividing line between these two halves is a real number. We call it "root two" and it is approximately 1.414
  • Why is it that you ask so many question that you seem to know the answers to? Any way. A real number is comprised of both rational and irrational number. For further definning please ask another question.

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