• The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage which was on the southern coast of the Mediterranean. The First Punic War was 264 BC - 241 BC and was won by Rome. In the Second Punic War, 218 BC - 202 BC, Hannibal and his elephants crossed into Spain, and around, and through the Alps to attack Rome from the north. His army fought to, and was camped outside Rome. Aa Roman Army marched out of the gates, ignoring Hannibal altogether, off to fight a different invasion from the North East. Hannibal could have taken Rome but instead went home, for reasons which aren't entirely clear. In the Third Punic War (149 BC - 146 BC), Rome defeated Carthage, and to ensure the an to matters, destroyed the city, ploughed it over, and sowed salt, to ensure nothing would grow there again.

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