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Decorate your life
The knowledge that there are people here who love me.
I on the whole enjoy my life, guess it's a good a reason as any
My will to live and love of life.
That it is true..."this too shall pass..."
The beleif that life should continue. Also, my slogan is "never give up".
Two Things: 1. that no one would take care of my little dog the way that I have and spoil him ... 2) that I'd not get to see my son as he is suppose to come live with me in about three years ...
the happiness in the future no matter how bad things are in the present!
What... and miss out on all the fun??? I think curiosity for the most part. It's like being addicted to soap operas. You just can't help but want to see what's going to happen tomorrow.
Medication, mostly.
Don't have the guts - well most likely I do have, I just don't want to see them and I would not want to take a wimpy way out.
I don't have a gun, and i don't want to cut myself because i don't want an open casket.
the fact that ive never had sex or kids
Mostly me.
There is nothing stopping me from killing myself...I lost the love of my two daughters and the love of my life.
Never really had the desire. What WOULD stop me? I would not want to leave my wife and family with the pain of the loss of a loved one. I would not want to leave my friends with the same pain. I would not want people I have not ever known to feel the pain, and many do. In both cases, some, if not all, would probably also feel guilt that they never saw it coming, and guilt, in and of itself, is a killer. There's too much I WANT to do. There's too much I NEED to do. There are too many people I have not ever met I would like to have a chance to. I enjoy this life too much to take it away from myself. ;-)
This damnable straight jacket!
I love myself too much to take my life. I also love myself to know the extreme gerif my doing so would cause. And I love my friends&family too much to put them through all that.
Fear of Almighty!
I have never been in the sort of situation where I'd consider it. If I ever was, though, that low, I think remembering the pain caused by someone I knew killing themselves would stop me from doing it.
I'm too scared of the pain. If there was a 100% effective painless legal way that had no chance of you waking up as a vegetable, I'd sign up!
Cuz I am nosey and if I do that, I might miss something..LOL :)
Lovin' Life!
I'm not allowed to have guns, sharp objects, poison gas, or a rope in here.
The fact that I was put in hospital... followed by 1 year suicide watch.
The hope that if I hang on a bit longer things will get better, even though I don't really believe that they will.
Love and A happy life.
Seat belts.
Not a lot really, it's just kinda trying to talk myself out of it every day...telling myself that if I keep waiting things will get better. Although I know there's no way they can!
my children for one....also that no matter how BAD things are, if one takes their own like, it is permanent & then things can't be worked out.....the thought of the pain if I did so.....wanting more for my life than it is now..
The fact that life is far too short as it is..
Music and Love.
i always consider that the life is for enjoying. god has sent us into this earth for enjoying lives. we should enjoy every moment, every second.
I am not ready to check out yet and I wouldn't want to cause my family that kind of pain. At different times, I have experienced short periods of situational depression but worked my way through it by taking ownership for the way that I felt. However, I do understand how people have suffered so many disappointments and losses in life (maybe one right after the other) where it is not an easy task to pull out and I empathize with these people, especially when their sadness and depression if related to grief.
I am indentured to the bank. They have a clause that forbids suicide.
The dozens of people that are counting on me for their jobs, and the several people who count on me for income and other support.
Apart from I wouldn't do it, (although I think we all have felt at times that it would be easier if we weren't around) I am not afraid of dying, I am afraid of not quite dying or from prolonged suffering.
The satisfaction it might give to some people.
Nothing as I am not willing to give into anything
Me not having a reason to.
No reason to kill myself, I'm happy. I really can't see why females want to kill themselves over some jackass that treats them wrong? You should be ecstatic the bum is out of your life.
I'm curious as to what my future holds
well, I had to stop to answer this question didnt I! :D
Me and better judgement. and knowing that i would have to do it all over again, if i did.
Thinking of Our Lord Jesus Christ
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