• Black widow Brazilian wandering spider "also known as Banana spiders" Brown recluse False Widow Funnel web spiders Hobo spiders Mouse spiders Red Back Spider Six eyed Sand Spider Yellow Sac spiders (I think, if they are not all in the top ten, they are close)
  • Venom From spider man takes all the slots... i mean have you seen how vicious he is...
  • haha oh yh lmao mad haha i want the deadliest to umm most harmless i guess haha
  • 1)The funnel web spider 2)The golden silk spider 3)Brazilian Wandering Spider 4)Brown Recluse Spider 5)Black Widow Spider- (most poisonous) 6)Hobo Spiders 7)Wolf spiders 8)Tangle-web spiders 9)False black widows 10)Recluse spiders
  • lol confused .com half the stuff u hear these days is a myth lol why cnt ppl stay with the truth lol

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