Being drunk is not an excuse for infidelity.
ohh yea, shes in trouble
yes, yes, yes. Ive been shitfaced drunk more times than I care to admit, but I never did anything other than what I wanted to do. Alcohol does NOT cause cheating; the desire to be a cheater causes cheating.
Yes. Being drunk is no excuse at all. If the bf / gf truly loved the other, they would have never done this.
Legally, you're still held responsible for your actions under the influence of alcohol. Emotionally I don't see why it should be any different. Besides, who else can you blame? The beer companies?
- really sick of the oh i was drunk excuse..never have i been so drunk that i didn't know the person i was making out with..seriously..some people need to learn a nice little word called responsibility..=) and yes it is cheating
Yes. They were still kissing someone else regardless of what they had consumed.
I would never have a boygirl friend. That would be creepy! : )
The next day, remind them of what they did. If they are extremely remorseful, then it was completely accidental, and in my opinion, forgivable. If they are not sorry, then I'd call it cheating
Hell Yeah! I hate when people use drunk as an excuse for whatever misdeed they did. Total nonsense and needs to be checked immediately. By checked, I mean a smack upside the head.
yes this is cheating. being drunk is no excuse. being drunk just lowers your inhibitions. the desire is always there, alcohol just nudges you along the path.
"I was having a few drinks and I slipped and fell and my tongue went in his mouth." Sorry, that one doesn't fly, sweetheart.
would you consider it cheating if they slept together and she was drunk? Whats the difference? She cheated get rid of her you deserve better then that. Good Luck!
Are you kidding?Lynch em up I say lol. Of course it is.
Yes, they should learn to control them self and how much they drink
Well, personally I've done some really stupid shit while I was drunk ie. petting a fur lined boot (thought it was a cat) -calling up my ex's on my cell and lets not forget -losing my wallet which not only all of my credit cards, but my state ID AND my driver's license >< ----------------------------- It'd have to vary off of a lot of things. Does he/she "drunk kiss" this person all the time or was this the first time? has he/she "drunk kissed" other people? what's this person's relation to him/her? Did he/she JUST "drunk kiss" the other person? I'm sorry the kiss might be some what plausible, but if we're talking about a threesome with other people, you can't be THAT drunk. -It takes a lot of energy to take your clothes off, baby. <.<
I think you have to talk to them sober and discuss what happened, and see how they feel after what they did. Being drunk doesnt necessarily mean that your true feelings come out, it often means crazyness out of nowhere - so I would sit down quietly together, if they reassure you of how sorry they are- then go from there - see how you feel after that
ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!. and they should he or she are capable to know wat they are doing!.
errr yeah!
It is in my book!
The only time i have ever considered it not to be cheating was when my friend who was pissed kissed his girl friends twin, she pulled away straight away, was so funny, he actually didnt have a clue it was the twin!!! So if they mistaked the other person for u then it can be forgiven but if not then im sorry they cheated!!
Yes. They need to learn self control.
Uhh yeah! Alcohol is no excuse. And plus how could you trust them drinking next time?
It is not really considered cheating, but you just really need to keep an eye on that person next time, because when you are drunk, you really donβt know who is who, and what is what.
YES; it is STILL "Cheating" .... Drinking alcohol and Being Drunk is NOT an EXCUSE ! If you can't hold your liquor and control yourself ..; switch to Root Beer !
I'd definitely consider it cheating... easier to forgive (perhaps) but he would still be out on his arse.
Do you KNOW the definition of cheating, regarding intimacy? To be sexually unfaithful. Do you REALLY think alcohol is a good excuse to nullify that? Cheating is cheating. There ARE NO IFS, ANDS, OR BUTS, regarding cheating, and you/nobody, definitely doesn't deserve to be cheated on in any form of the word, under any condition.
Allowing the situation to happen means the person wasn't guarding their faithfulness. They lack integrity to place themselves in that position. It's clearly cheating.
everbody knows what happens when you drink alcohal, but it just depends, i gues on if you like that person enough, it is only a kiss but than again its still cheating!
Being drunk is just like being President Nixon or George W. Bush. Everything you do is legal b/c you're the president. When you're drunk, everything you do is legal b/c you're drunk. You don't need a driver's license. You can take any car you see with keys in it. You can drive as fast as you like. You can have sex with anything you can back up to a stump. It's all OK, as long as you're drunk. <satire> :)
Being drunk or not is irrelevant. Yes, it is cheating.
Only if they are unaware of what they're doing. I'd forgive them.
Yes it is still cheating. Alcohol excuses nothing in my opinion. If someone has a problem with alcohol that they feel causes them to do such things, they should quit drinking.
yes it is don't ever let anyone tell you different, if someone stab and rob you when they are drunk can you say oh he's not thief cause he's drunk?
you get braver under the influence of alcohol the truth out of you comes out easier but maybe if you were drunk enough to kiss a monkey or your dogs asss do you think it would separate drunkness and reality i don't think so it is blatant cheating
Did the category name "intoxicated cheating" not give it away? Intoxication is not an excuse. Of course it's still cheating.
yes....this is still cheating.........i wish you luck....Brian......
If you caught your boy/girl friends kissing another person is not cheating ,but you never know that they might do something else behind your back and at that time will a cheating.
yes...i agree.....being drunk is no reason for your main squeeze to kiss anyone other than you....take care.....Brian.....
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