common sense, hidden talent that it
I don't think you'll get many answers with this one. He seems to have failed at everything he tried. I guess his hidden talent is daddy's money.
deception as he fooled most of the world and most of American to vote him in for a second term.
His brains are actually in his ass... So he farts genius! Unfortunately... Who speaks fart?
"MUSHROOM MANAGMENT" keep you in the dark and feed you crap.
Cross Dressing
George W. Bush talents are focussed towards making money.
I don't think being a b.s. artist was a "hidden" talent at all.
There seemed to be no end to George W. Bush’s talent for destruction. He tried to hand the piggy bank known as Social Security over to the marauders of the financial sector, but saner heads prevailed.
Blowing crack pipes.
talent.... well its hidden... dunno if its there
Dodging shoes. he didnt get hit once. must have been good in dodgeball, I always got hit in the face.
To show off as a comedian and act as a villain.
he can tell where the Iraqi Insurgents even the binocular lens has its cover.
If he's got a talent he sure keeps it well hidden. So I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say: Hiding his talents. +5
body popping?
He can fake sincerity.
Bush is a Shei'ite for brains! he does not know chicken Shei'ite from chicken salad! America has reached Critical Mess under GW's mis-leadership! Bush needs to say no to drugs and booze and maybe he will quit seeing all those EVIL visions, that tell him to kill for oil, cash and votes! GOP = Murder Inc.
Hiding any alleged talent, apparently.
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