First, I want to say, I think it is the woman's responsibility to check for the toilet seat down before she sits down. Now, the reason for women wanting the seat down, we have to sit on the toilet every time we use it. Guys usually stand up. We have gone to the bathroom in the middle of the night without turning on the light, and found our rear ends wet after sitting down expecting the seat to be there. I do not complain about the seat, as I am perfectly capable of checking for the seat.
Because, you don't sit in the water if you lift it up after you use it. I just check first. My husband and son don't usually leave it up though.
Gross,who would ever even want to see that side of the toilet?Men have to,but I don't.Plus I find that I am the only one that even cleans the thing,it is the LEAST they could do.ewwwwwww.
Because (in women's eyes) men dont mind getting their hands dirty. OR maybe its an aesthetic thing where a 'properly stowed' toilet has its seat down. OR Chivalery: The same reason we should(!?) open doors for them.
Statistics? Both men and women sit to go #2. Women sit for #1 and men often go #1 while sitting to go #2. So, the majority of uses are down, return it to the down-right position, please.
Because women always sit, and if a man has ever hit cold porcelain in the middle of the night, he'd never ask why? again.
Well, i don't chastize my husband one bit on this issue. I honestly dont understand why women do complain about this.... There are far more reasons to whinge about men than a freakin toilet seat. How hard is it to approach the toilet, and whilst you are turning around, flick the seat, then sit!!! And yes, sometimes I do leave it up for him (just to be sarcastic about the whole thing) .....
Thankfully I don't have to deal with this issue. My partner puts the seat and the lid down, we both prefer it that way, plus I would never want my cat to drown by accident (not that it seems likely to happen!). I am happy to put the seat down myself, it won't kill me.
It is much nicer to be closed My husband had a self closing seat and lid put on our new bathroom suite . You just touch it and they both close Who wants to be looking at the underside of a lavatory seat.
We had a seat once that wouldn't stay up. So my husband put velcro on the seat so it would stick to the lid. But the velcro didn't feel very good on my butt, so out with that toilet seat. He's gone now (died 4 years ago) and I don't have to worry about the seat, but sometimes I wish I did.
Men are chastised for leaving the toilet seat up, because doing so is a lack of common courtesy. Women always have to sit down to use the toilet, and men occasionally have to sit down. If men never had to sit down, it wouldn't be an issue. Men have to lift or lower the seat, depending on their business. Women NEVER have to lift the seat. If the seat is always down, women never have to lift it, and men only have to lift it sometimes. Either put the seat back down, or sit down to pee.
I figure everyone just needs to stop expecting the seat to be where they want it to be. If it's not where you want it, fix it, don't complain.
I do if I am in dire need and have to use a mens toilet! So I would say yes this is totally fair!
Actually, my husband and I both just close the lid. It's fair, because we both have to raise whatever we need, and it works out well for us, because that way the cats can't drink out of it, the kid can't put other random objects into it and flush, and it just looks better and is more sanitary all around.
A toilet consists of a tank, a bowl, a seat and a lid. Tanks and bowl aside...the seat has to be lowered every time in order to close the lid every time. Should not be a men vs women issue. It is a matter of sanitation. (And, in many cultures, a matter of bad energy) There is a porcelein vessel which you defecate in and urinate in daily. Unless you clean it after every use, you are, essentially, just leaving a bowl of your own sh*t sitting out in the open. Lower the lid already! That is what it is there for! ( answer the men vs women issue...have you ever accidentally fallen IN??? Eww! THAT is why men should put the seat down!)
I have 6 sisters and 1 brother.One day my dad got so sick of hearing about the toilet seat issue that he took the toilet seats off of all the toilets in the house.He didn't put them back on for about 6 months.After that not 1 kid ever complained about the toilet seat issue again.
we both just put the seat down. our household revolves around our dog.
In our house, we have a toilet lock that keeps the kids from flushing things, and it is always locked when not in use however.... I visit a house full of bachelors from time to time and whenever I am done with the toilet I leave the seat up to avoid complaints.
did you no that your tooth brushes have to be 5 feet away to stay sanitary after flushing the toliet with the lid open? when you flush it splashes everywhere... but not if the lid is down!
This is indeed a problem. If men always put the lid down, and women always put the lid up, we would be living in a Nirvana like state, where there are birds singing and butterflies flapping their wings (wafting flower smells everywhere as they go). The mutual consideration of one another will no doubt lead to other wonderful things. It will be pure bliss, as long as you stay in synch (pee one after the other). As soon as someone goes to the bathroom twice in a row, he/she will end up with the toilet in the incorrect position - because they left it up/down for the other person. Boom! Boom! Boom! 3 birds just got shot... Now you don't hear birds chirping, but you see a vile cat eating their bodies and chasing off the butterflies. -and then stinking up the place with the most nefarious substance on earth - cat waste. The new evolved fight will be "you don't love me... You didn't pee on time to put the lid back down"... "All I ask as that you do your part and pee every other time"... "I have to do everything, I guess".
That makes no sense. How would each sex know which one was going to use it to leave it in the appropriate position? TO me the seat and lid both need to be down in the "OFF" or "CLOSED" position. Women can put the lid down and men can put both down. Then it isn't open for all to see possible dirt rings or leftover floaters. No dog is going to trip by and take a drink because it's nicely closed tight. If a woman needs to go, she can lift the lid and sit down. A guy has his choice, one or two, depending on his speed. In fact, my husband doesn't even lift both lids in homes at all because he says its the nice thing to do for every person cleaning and maintaining a home. It's just as easy for him to sit and I really appreciate it, no matter how good an aim you THINK you are. It's such a small thing to expect things to get closed when someone opens it. Jar lids get put back on, doors get closed against the weather. Water taps get turned off. Same with the lid AND seat.
LOL. That's a good question. Men, if it's really that big of a deal, feel free and complain.
I don't know. It bothers me if the lid and seat aren't BOTH down, because it's unsanitary. On the other hand, men don't ever "fall in" if women leave the seat down. Women, specially in the dark, do. If that bothers you, try sitting without the seat down, and see how YOU like it!
Because that doesn't make any sense. That would be like complaining that someone hadn't left their front door wide open or that you didn't put the lid on the mayonnaise jar. A seat and lid down have made the toilet 'closed' properly, not left it 'open'.
Have you ever sat on a toilet with the seat up and gotten wet? If you can put it up you can just as easy put it back down.
would you rather have the women complain about wiping your pee of the seat every time? It goes up for a reason. And the rim of the toilet, under the seat is gross. It goes down for a reason as well.
If it is down, you just have a smaller hole to aim through, if it is up, a woman can get a " splash down" and they do not like that very much. It is easier to just comply and put the damn thing down for them.
this is the first time i get involved in the forum and sorry to tell that this isnt in relations to the topic about the toilet seat. i just wanna comment that the second to forth reply above are not related to the question at all,. the question is why are men chastised to LEAVE the toilet seat DOWN (it means they do LEAVE it UP and not putting them back down) and they answered as if men do not LEAVE UP beacause one of them said "Yep, urine is sterile, but even if it were water, I still don't like to sit in puddles of any type". In her understanding, she doesnt like to sit on any other type of liquid including the urine itself. now we can see that the answer is referring to the men that end up having the toilet seat down and pissing over it. a bit slanting answer and apparently is beside the question. sorry to criticise but correct me if i am wrong..
Some women have a selfish lack of logic. And that's probably the only thing I don't like about women.
I believe the correct answer to that is a resounding, "PSH."
Because the proper "closed" position is both lid and seat down. Then both sexes can either "open" it by lifting the lid only or both lid and seat. When you are done, you 'close' it by putting both down. It's no different than closing the refrigerator door closed when you are done getting something or putting the lid back on the toothpaste so it doesn't stay open. OPen the jar of mayo, get your mayo out, close the jar when you're done. Open....close.....
i dont really know.. or mind about the toilet seat bein up... as long as it doesnt have pee on it when i go to sit down!!
Because women don't like falling into the comode.
Because women fall in the toilet if the seat is not down
I don't really know why this would be such a problem for either side. It takes a few seconds to raise or lower the seat. As long as he didn't pee all over the seat I wouldn't get upset and even then, it would be about peeing on the seat without cleaning up and not whether or not the seat is down. I'm lucky enough to not deal with this in my current situation. My bf found out that flushing the toilet releases the bacteria into the air and always closes the seat and the lid before he flushes. I do that too and we're both toilet-seat happy.
The only time I ever said anything was in the middle of night and in the dark I landed in the water.... that was more of a scream than a chastise! lol
I don't know. I never chastise a man if he leaves the seat up. I'm smart enough to look to see if it's down before I sit down. In our house we put both lids down before we flush. That is because when you flush bacteria gets released into the air for a radius of up to 6 feet around the toilet. A better argument would be "are the toothbrushes stored at least 6 ft away from the toilet".
Because woman hate falling inside the toilet, and even though some men are repeataly reminded to plase put the seat down, they remember but after a while they simply forget!. Woman don't seem to understand why they forget if they have been told already many times, so they become upste because it almost seems like a lack of consideration! Any way a funny way to remind man to put the seat down while creating a fun atmosphere is a Good luck and don't blaime man when the solution is at your finger tips.....
just p@ss all over it! lol. they seem to mind it less! But I did train a girl to do it while standing!
Because YOU don't fall into pee water in the middle of the night when you're half awake!
Because, sweetie, I assume you need it down occasionally too, so that's 2 out of 3 for leaving the seat down.
It is possible for men and women to live in the same house and be courteous in this way! I had a male roommate, and I would put the seat up for him, when leaving the bathroom! And he would put the seat down for me! We lived together for two years, and did this every time! When I got back together with my husband! HE would never put the seat down! I guess, what it all comes down to is, consideration!!
because men can whip it out and pee no matter how the seat it, women dont have that option. once the pants are down god forbid there should be no seat lol
because men are too lazy to bend over and pick up the lid for their own personal use of said toilet. anyway the lid needs to be up for the dog to drink out of it, and the cat to play with the flush handle.
Men forget a simple fact... we CLEAN those things! We clean the bathroom that you use, the toilet that you do your bizz in, the clothes that you wear, the floor you STEP ON!!! I could go on and on. We do it ALL.... And all we ask in return is a little help once in a while, just a little courtesy to leave the seat down for us. Just to make our time on earth a little easier for that split second. When the men start cleaning their own toilets then we can re-hash this at that point! ;)
because men cant fall in. women can. u try sitting without the toilet seat. especially in a mid-night potty break
Because men know they aren't supposed to leave it up and are apparently smart enough not to antagonize their wives. :p
Guy's dont go to pee, and fall into cold water.
They are the ones falling in the toilet..
Because leaving it down is the normal position for the toilet seat. It is safer because while in the "up" position there are chances for things falling inside....or little Mickey sticking his hands inside the bowl and playing with the water.....
This is funny. The other answers were because women fall in is the toilet seat is up. Are you people going to the bathroom in the pitch dark or walking blindly to the toilet with your eyes shut? ;)
SHHHHHHHHHHHH. I've ALWAYS been afraid that some man would think of this. LOL
A gentleman always puts the seat down after use, both the seat and lid parts. A half second of laborless activity is hardly the lady asking for the moon, now is it, guys
Maybe men are just nicer than women about some things. I think women should put it down and men should leave it up. Everyone does half and no gets surprised. AND no one has to sit on a dirty seat! Fairness is good. Right?
If both men and women would put the LID down it would be fair and look better. Try that one out.
because women are lazy about this. Why do they want it down? Its because at night when its all dark, they dont check to see if the seats up or down and fall in the toilet and get wet butt. Kind of strange because every night i always check to make sure the seat is up before i start peeing. Anyways, get a girl with common sense and this wont be an issue. My wife doesnt care if i leave it up or down.
The only way to have the toilet lid down is to also have the seat down. Having the lid down is the only proper way to present the commode to visitors. So, to get themselves in the habit, most couples keep the lid (and seat) down all the time. Any other etiquette questions?
serious answer now, well, if the seat is down & the man goes to pee, the man should lift up the seat & when finished put the seat back down, this is the last thing he touches & there is only a very slight chance germs will breed in his internal opening, then he can wash his hands free of germs, when a lady goes for a pee & the seat is down, whilst lifting the seat she may accidently touch the rim of the toilet,aaaaaaarrgggggggghhhh germs,these can then be passed onto her internal opening when wiping before she has had chance to wash her hands. The female genitalia is more succeptable to germs than the males,& guys you dont want to have sex with germy genitalia do you now, so be the gentleman & help the ladies stay clean & fresh,trust me you will be happier:)
It is hard to sit on a seat that is vertical. A SEAT is to sit on and even we sit down to take a dump. The only time the seat is up is when we piss and we expect them to make accomodations for that? Guys, lets cut the ladies some slack here.
We do lift it up - every time we have to clean it!
It's a respect thing... Yes, there WAS a point in time where men respecting women was second nature... eg: opening the car door for them instead of screaming something like, "Where'd you put the **** keys woman!!", walking to the door to greet them instead of sitting in the driveway and doing the "I'll beep the horn twice", pouring a female's drink first before his own instead of cracking open a beer, looking at his wife and saying, "What's for dinner?"
The million dollar question that has been in debate for years. There are ways to compromise. 1. build a his and hers bathroom. 2. install both a toilet and a urinal 3. buy an programmable toilet that is programmed to react before you get to the toilet. Yes these are new and very expensive. One invention was a floor level that held the seat up while you are urinating and when the pedal is released the seat automatically returns to the down position.
who is really in charge?
There are more of us so majority rules!
Because men are expected to treat women with the respect we deserve, and this includes the toilet seat.
So they can be happy. If she is happy, everyone is happy!!!!!
it also keep the dog,cat, child out of it.
learn to aim better, or sit yourself if you don't want to lift it.
Because when a guy puts the seat down, his hands are dirty and need to be washed. When a woman needs to put the seat down, her hands are clean.
I have several reasons for this. 1. Many toilets(particularly non-commercial) will spray water 5 or 6 feet when flushed. Unless you like whatever's in your toilet to be all over your bathroom, it is best to put down the lid. 2. My man can pee with the seat up or down (he does have exceptional aim) and he sits to deficate. The toilet is more often used with the seat down than with it up. 3. If the lid is left up, our cats will drink out of the toilet. We have tablets that contain bleach in the tank to help keep it pretty between official cleanings. While it hasn't killed them, it is healthier for the cats not to ingest bleach water regularly. As a result, we BOTH emphasize the need to put the lid down after using the bathroom. We are teaching the children this also.
I agree with your friend.
I agree with your friend also.Be polite and put the seat up.
If I am ever ragged about leaving the seat up I will make it a point to put the seat AND the lid down, so she still has to look where she is putting her butt.
I say if he wants to get laid, his chances are much better if he leaves the seat down.
It's a nasty double standard. I say we as men should unite. Make women an offer. Either you look before you squat or we'll gladly leave the seat down, but then you run the risk of pee drippings on the seat. The choice is yours ladies!
I've got one for you - how many times does a woman have to sit on the cold porcelain (and possibly dip her butt into the cold toilet water) before she learns to check if the seat is up or down? I recently heard a female comedian bad-mouthing guys (what else is new?) and made the comment "ladies, how many times have you gone to the bathroom after your guy's been in there and sat down on that cold porcelain because the jackass you married can't learn to put the seat down?" The women applaud and laugh. But wait a minute, isn't the real pathetic person in this scenario the woman? I mean, c'mon, this comedian even said "I've probably done that a dozen times." Well, doesn't that mean she's an idiot who can't learn? Even a dog circles the area before laying down (to check for debris). Why can't women look before they sit? Are they incapable of doing that?
Because you can't fall into the toilet and get stuck in the cold water in the dark in the middle of the night if we refuse to leave it up. I have a friend that had that happen, nine months pregnant and due any minute and for three hours she sat there, unable to waken her husband.
I'll gladly leave the toilet seat up for any man who NEVER has the occasion himself to use the toilet in anyway other than the standing position! :)
haha, I am a woman who lives with three men. I always leave the seat down and most of the time, they leave it up. It has never been a big deal, it takes about half a second for me to put it down. However, when I am asked this question, I always jokingly replay by saying that guys have gravity to help them put the seat down, we have to fight against it to put it up. :)
I don't know. I make sure my toilet seat stays up. It makes sure that my husband and son can't piss on it. I'd rather get a wet butt from falling in then from just sitting in pee.
Try living in a houasehold with three females ann leaving the seat up. It's not worth it.
Meet half way and everybody has to put BOTH parts of the seat down. That's what we do. And it keeps the dog from drinking out of the toilet
I didn't pee on it so I don't want it on my hands, but I do lower it for me, he NEVER does, and I put it back up because I already have to touch it that first time
1) the toilet will be used more in the down position than up since at some point you need to sit too. Mathematically it just makes sense to default to the most used position. 2) The consequences of a man leaving it up are more annoying to a woman than the reverse. The worst that will happen to a man is nothing. A woman can fall in toilet.
If a Man can put the Toilet seat down to pooh then he should put it back down after he wee's Right Ladies
because its common courtesy. more people sit on it rather than stand using it. or are you telling me you're one of those people who needs to squat on top to do your business? but then even if you'd most likely prefer the seats to be down for more leverage and less splashes :P best solution is get a urinal for the men:D or if you can afford it just like a distant cousins-in-law they have a HIS and HERS bathroom. it's one big bathroom starting with sinks, toilet & shower and it meets in the middle with a jacuzzi for 2.
Easy- women think about hygiene more often then men do. After using a toilet you should flush it, right? So - you should close it - to do not spread bacterias and other awful things around. How does it look for you now?
when i was married my x used to put the seat down for me all the time and in return i always lifted it for him it was a respect thing....i figured if he could do it for me i could do it for him
A fair and non sexist way, is to leave it how your partner prefers. So after girls take a piss, they would life the seat up, and men would put the seat down afterwards.
it's not that. what it is is that the toilet seat covers up that hole.,.,Partially with the seat and more with the lid. It contains smell, unsightful sightings, and adds a bit of class and neatness to a sometimes yucky place. And you don't see that place that never gets cleaned under the lip of the bowl.
a man doesnt have to worry about falling into a toilet when you go to pee in the middle of the night when half asleep.
i usually just piss all over the seat...maybe sometimes put some wet toilet paper on there for effect...
Because women do not piss all over the seat like men do.
I have wondered the same thing. I "didn't know" an employee had put up a sign to that effect in the bathroom at work and my female assistant got very upset. Something like "Women: The men who use this restroom outnumber you 10 to 2. Please, as a courtesy to the majority, leave the toilet seat up when finished." I, "without knowledge of its existence," found it hilarious.
The debate surrounding the toilet seat is a complex and many layered one, but I will attempt to tackle it. No. 1: In general, there are two bodily functions for which each gender uses the toilet. Woman use the toilet in the seat-down position for both of these functions and men generally use the toilet in the seat-down position for one of these functions (I have known some men who also urinate while sitting at least some of the time). If the ratio of genders is equal (or very close), this means that the toilet is being used in the seat-down position roughly two-thirds to three-fourths of the time (depending on body differences this may actually be a little higher or a little lower). No. 2: It has been my experience that women generally use the bathroom more often than men (again there are variables such as body type and fluid intake to be considered). If I use the bathroom twice as often as my partner, then the percentage of times that the toilet is used in the seat-down position increases. No. 3: The bottom of the toilet seat is nasty. It is especially nasty if you encounter a man who has bad aim and doesnβt clean up after himself (I have run into these). Most people donβt want to have to look at it, let alone touch it, if they do not feel it is necessary. If you were to reverse the situation (insisting that the seat be left up), you would increase both the number of times and the number of people who are touching the bottom of the toilet seat as I have already established that the toilet is more often used in the seat-down position. Even if everyone simply left the seat as they had used it, it would most likely increase the number of people touching the bottom of the seat before they use the toilet, which brings me to my next point. No. 4: As far as I understand, most men grasp the shaft of their penis, below the head, to urinate. This places their hand around an inch from the opening to their urethra. Woman, as a necessity, must bring their hand very close (direct contact with only a barrier of tissue paper) to the opening of their urethra as well as their vaginal opening, which is a mucous membrane. Considering the amount of germs (as well as particles of fecal matter) that are often present on the underside of the toilet seat, this poses an increased risk of women transmitting harmful bacteria to the opening to the urethra and vagina. Considering the fact that women already have a significantly greater risk than men of contracting a urinary tract infection, this is not a small concern. Of course, it could be argued that the person should use one hand to lift/lower the seat and the other to hold/wipe. However, I doubt that the majority of people (male or female) consider this when using the toilet. Reducing the need to touch the bottom of the seat reduces the need to be concerned about this. No. 5: (Typically only applies to home toilets) There are times when a woman may get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. If other people in the home are sensitive to lights being turned on while they sleep (or if they are like me and have a partner who will occasionally yell about the light being on), they may fore go turning on the light. Then, when she attempts to sit down, she hits cold porcelain and often dips her rear into the water. Men may also have this problem but I have never heard one complaining of it (possibly because they know that, if the seat was up, it was because they left it that way). This problem can be solved by the seat always being in the same position when not in use, whether it is up or down. If we consider that the toilet is used in the seat-down position the majority of the time, it is more logical to keep the toilet in the seat-down position. No. 6: (Only applies if the toilet has a lid) The lid of the toilet can only be placed down if the seat is down. Many toilets can spray water particles a significant distance from the bowl when they are flushed. Therefore, it is preferable that the lid (if present) be put down before the toilet is flushed. No. 7: (Only applies in certain situations and if the toilet has lid) We have bleach tablets in the fill tank of our toilet. We also have cats that will drink out of the toilet if they can regardless of how much fresh water they have. I do not think that bleach water is particularly healthy for them so I try to make sure that the lid is always down if the toilet is not in use. Since I do not know what chemicals others may have in their toilets or whether or not their pets (or small children) are in the habit of getting into the toilet if the lid is left up, I make sure to put it down when I am in someone elseβs home as a courtesy. It does not require much thought because I am already in the habit of lowering the seat and lid. If I were in the habit of always leaving it up, I would have to make a conscious effort to put it down in other peopleβs homes. Given the above points, it would appear that the most logical course of action is to keep the seat down, except at times when the toilet is being used in such a way that the seat needs to be up. After such use, the seat (and lid if applicable) should be returned to the "down" position.
Because my wife told me if I leave it up again and her butt gets wet in the middle of the night I will be in deep do-do!
Women complain more than men about little things like that.
Most women have bigger fish to fry.
I never complain about that,i save my nagging for more important things.
the lid should be down anyway. everytime you flush, the toilet lets out harmful bacteria and it travels all over the bathroom and settles on all serfaces, like your toothbrush (Ewwww!) so the lid should be down!
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