I like the Bluebird. It's not quite so prevalent as the others. Blue Jays are pretty but they are a nasty bird. Cardinals are a dime a dozen. Blackbird, uh uh. I like the hummers that visit my feeder.
tough one going with cardinal..bluejay right there second..sounding like a track announcer here..
I love the Scarlet Hawaiian Honeycreeper. We call it the I'iwi. (I'm going to try to upload a picture. Hopefully that works.)
Bluejays with cardinals close behind.
We don't get many bluebirds around here so it's hard to say. Redwing blackbirds are pretty cool. I know a kind of dirty joke that involves a peach.
THIS Blackbird! . .
We have had generations of cardinal "families" nesting in our yard for the past 10 years or so. We are so lucky to be able to see them raise their babies and stay in the area every year. Each night as we watch TV in our family room, a pair of them sit on the bench outside the window ... almost like they're watching US!! It's so nice.
The cardinal.
I wish they still flew it. It was amazing and way ahead of its time.
Ludwig's bustard. Actually I just like the funny name.
A flock of all feathers that stays together.
The bright red of the male Cardinal without a doubt. What can be more beautiful in Winter than a tree branch with a brushing of snow and seeing a Cardinal perched majestically on that limb surveying his World!
Well now! I have to pick the Cardinal because he is the Illinois State Bird!
The Cardinal is very impressive
I love Blue Jay's they are so beautiful.
I love to see cardinals visiting. We have all of those birds but the cardinal. They visit the feeders next door at my sis-ion-laws home. They are beautiful to see during the winter that bright red in the snowy landscape. But I'd put goldfinches up there for beauty, too.
The Cardinal. It brings good news and positive signs when you see one.
The Rocky Mountain blue bird is so beautiful
Where I live, it's a toss up between Blue Jay & Cardinal. They are BOTH beautiful. Depending on the time of the year as to which is the most beautiful!!!
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