smiling can be, licking your lips, twisting on your hair..
If genitalia make an appearance, you probably have crossed the line.
Well it matters what kinda flurting.. what I see is making eye contact, playing with hair laughing at jokes that aren't really funny smiling and if she starts biting her bottom lip ;)
There's plenty, it could be making suggestive comments, hinting at certain things that you might want to happen, being playful, winking, tickling etc.
Its impossible to tell. Some people say I flirt alot, others not at all. I just act the way I act and its up to interpretation, and thats the case with everyone.
joking a lot teasing smiling cant stand still fiddling with your hair or hands.
When a girl bites her lip and looks at you.
licking your eyebrows with your tongue
Corny comments like ~ "Is that a mirror in your pocket, 'cos I can see myself in your pants!" Chatroom flirting: Man: you look like my third wife Woman: I thought you just said you'd only been married twice? Man: I have! ;)
When you hit on a woman and start dropping lines like :If I follow you home, will you keep me? or: I’m writing a telephone book. May I have your number? or All those curves, and me with no brakes.
For a man :- To be more funny with girls, is the most successful way of flirting. For a can explain better;)
The classic awful pickup line.
touching, suggestive talk, long moments of eye contact...
you have the prettiest eyes , the sun sparkles of of them
boy telling a lie to a girl 5
Why don't you come on over and I'll show you? +
laughing smiling winking
Some examples are laughing at their jokes, paying close attention when they talk, maintaining eye contact, making physical contact (like placing your hand briefly on their hand or their arm or leg during the conversation), apparently touching your own hair is a flirtatious sign, teasing them gently about something, and talking about sexual or romantic topics.
Giving each other THE LOOK. saying things like: Girl: "why did you want to talk to me?" Boy: "because I love to hear your voice." Girl: "and why is that?" Boy: " Because it's beautiful...." Corney, but a good flirtation.
youare te only one that i see whenever i look myself n miror
lol .... well theres direct and indirect flirting.... one of them you dont mean to do but is just in your nature like i have freinds who are girls and sometime theyll grab me when they want to say something,,, it doesnt phase me these day i ignore it as i know its just them being them but they dont realise how much of a turn on it can be i sposes.... im talking about morethan just the grabbing btw thats just an example... hope it helps :)
I usually have no clue I'm doing it.
I don't know, NUNYA. Maybe if I flew over and spent some time with you I could better explain. :-P
Telling someone their avatar pic is cute. *wink*
NUNYA, you look so sexy! +3
Sitting down on a chair/bench and dangling my heel pumps 👠or my high heel boots 👢 as a guy looks.
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