Yes, but it's a slightly more acceptable kind.
no. For starters, hate and discrimination are two different things. One can hate someone and not necessarily discriminate against them.
if they were born handicapped not cool!! if they were born normal and underachieved and chooses to be dumb bust their balls its for their own good!
Linda Joy
How would you know its not a congenital defect, or the result of an injury?
To actually HATE them? Probably. (Not everyone is dumb by choice after all) To have little tolerance for them? Not so much.
If you act on that hate, then yes. Discrimination and prejudice are different. If somebody is considered by others to be dumb, it usually means that they haven't had the best start in life, or been awarded the best education. Maybe because they have learning difficulties. Its not a nice thing to hate 'dumb' people. .....It is also discrimination if you act on hate/judgement against actual dumb people, i.e. those who can't talk!
"I see stupid people" It's discrimination only if you decide to treat them like second class citizens. If you just want them to go away, you simply have an ounce of self-preservation.
Your hatred of dumb people is more judgmental than discriminatory. Discrimination would be what you do with that hatred towards dumb people. Discrimination is unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice.
I think so, but I maybe wrong.
Not if you hate smart people equally!
Why? Are you going to file a lawsuit? j/k
It's not on AB,if you hate me.
First of all, what you consider dumb may not be dumb to many people are the same inteligence level as you. There are many factors to peoples opinons other than how smart they are, so if you think that people with different views than you are dumb, than you are being extemely small minded. If you hate dumb people who actually have a mental disability, than I would seriously advice counseling as you can not hate people for what they are born with. In other words, you have no reason to hate any one. So yes, it is discrimination.
I see that as my right as an American. Screw those dummies, they should have been born smart, like me.
It is not actually discrimination but a foolery!
i guess it depends on how you describe dumb. say that i thought that this is a dumb question. does that mean your dumb? do you hate yourself now?
Probably not, I used to dislike them but I've learned instead and over the years to accept them and get along with them.
Discrimination: The recognition of the difference between one thing and another. Perhaps you're asking whether it is unlawful. It's not unlawful to discriminate or hate, unless you act on it to the extent it harms that which is being discriminated against and hated. It is, in my view, WRONG to HATE...period, including, but not limited to, so-called "dumb people", as you put it! +5
Yes, it is. But unlike other forms of discrimination it is welcomed.
No, they are not a protected class of people (unless you mean they can't speak). You shouldn't hate anyone. Just choose to ignore them.
try and help if you can its not their fault
no because its your opinion about them
What a dumb question. I hate you. :):) Not really, of course. But sometimes I've gotta wonder about people who seem to exhibit deliberate, calculated, and malicious stupidity.
I don't think there is such thing as dumb people. Everyone has intelligence. It's just that a lot of people don't, or can't, use it.
No, I think it's just a display of someone who is either childless or just has no patience. Granted, dumb people can get on your nerves; but if you aren't patient enough to help them learn something they'll may never learn it, or maybe they don't learn because no one has had enough patience with them to teach them and because of that, when they try to learn they just get nervous instead. I'd prefer to help explain something or try to help rather than hate them. Plus, it's not always their fault they they are dumb! There could be a medical reason! You shouldn't hate them! You should be glad you weren't born dumb.
Yes, it is discrimination to hate, love, avoid, or stereotype any identified "grouping" of people. White Black, Brown, chefs, mechanics, students, businessmen/women, or any identifiable group. BUT remember that a person with a discriminating palet does not eat garbage.
I never said I hated you. Besides, there are no dumb people, just dumb questions...
Discrimination is against a race, and last I checked, dumb is not a race.
No because they are not a minority.
Discrimination to hate... discrimination is when you treat a group of people differentily. You could hate them and treat them like everyone else and it wouldn't be discrimination.
Hmm I don't think so. I think it's only discrimination if the people you hate are unable to change their situation (ex. race, age, sex) but most dumb people are able to increase their intelligence but choose not to.
Dislike, hate, avoid, all sound like matters of free choice to me. We generally think people are dumb just because their opinions differ from our own well thought out conclusions, but the "Spotted Cow Principal" does apply. About half of all observers may see a white cow with black spots while the other half of those viewing the same cow will see a black cow with white spotsβ¦. So what makes you so smart?
yah..... duh!!
I dont have the ability to hate, but I can discriminate one from another and I can judge good from evil....I feel it is discrimination to judge without knowing..."cast the first stone"
I don't think hate is a word to describe my feelings. I have a hard time being patient with those less intelligent than I.
no its common sense to
yes, some people can not help it.
duhh.. not shit its hateing DUHH....
No. If it weren't for morons and idiots, then who would we laugh at. :-)
It is if they have a learning disability. Otherwise no because people allways judge other people on almost everything they do. It allows us to adust and behave accordingly. Hating dumbness is not very constructive though but educating dumb people is. I do not think you can do a lot about the dumb people in the world though. There will allways be lots of them.
No, it's just dumb
Yeah. And it's also a full time job, so let it go. If it weren't for dumb people, we wouldn't have near as much stuff to laugh at.
I have a problem with dumb people myself, but I think that's called "intellectual snobbery", not "descrimination." At least that's what I've heard before. I'd rather be called an intellectual snob than a bigot, wouldn't you?
What would be your idea of a dumb person?
Why would one hate someone who is unable to speak?
- we all are ignorant /dumb on some it discrimination to hate smart people? is is discrimination to hate? this question is so dumb.... i despise people who are "deaf and dumb" in sound reasoning....and i hate ,HATE....:)
Yes, it is. If they want to hate, why don't they pick on racism, haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush to evil, a false witness that pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brother? To hate dumb people is not only discriminatory but deserves full recriminations.
I don't think so, I dislike dumb Americans and I don't think it's wrong, actually many of my friends do too and we are really good people, just realistic. :)
A dumb person votes labour after all they have done to the country, will I discriminate against them? You better believe it.
Yes. The question is whether it's prohibited discrimination. It's not. But just for reasons of personal psychological health, hating people takes up too much energy. Just take their dumbness into account when figuring out how much credence to give to their opinions.
Not really, in my book dumb is defined as 'willfull ignorance', and if they're acting on their own conscience to be willfully ignorant,then they should be allowed to be hated.
Yes it is.
Its called Self discrimination.
No, it's intolerance
Been around long enough to know even smart people do dumb things.
Nope. Hate on...
Why would you hate someone because they can't speak?
Look at it this way: someone is considered not the smartest person around then suddenly you get the most intelligent answer from them.
No because you're not taking away their rights
Technically its discrimination to know the difference, depending on your definition of discrimination. "recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. "discrimination between right and wrong""
Dumb people are not a protected class. If that were the case, 95% of the population would be in that class.
Instead of hating them you should pity the fool.
Linda Joy
Whosoever sayest thou fool stands in danger of hell fire.
yes and they are nasty humans to hate them
No but itβs a hateful thing to call someone dumb whose intelligence does not match yours. Itβs ignorance. Everyone has a brain therefore each of us has some form of intelligence. It takes ignorance to dismiss the point I am making. Stop hating and respect the individual and never force your views on others which only causes stress on the person.
Linda Joy
Like you try to force your atheist views on everyone and call Christians dumb names? -
Shadow Of The Mind
Linda Joy, I do not force my views on anyone. You have the wrong idea which is typical of a religious weirdo. -
Shadow Of The Mind
In many cases, discrimination results from a tendency to build society as though everyone is the same as the people in power, whether all young, one gender, one race, one Religion or one level of ability.
You mean like....Republicans?
No. It depends on what you DO whether or not it is discrimination. But it is stupid to hate for no other reason than someone was born with a lower intellect than your own if that's even the case. Many smart people are uneducated in certain areas. And there are many different kinds of smart. Hate takes a lot of energy. Why would you waste that on something so insignificant? If you were smart you'd be using that huge brain of yours for something good, not insulting stupid people.
I feel bad for them.
Itβs not discrimination but it is hate you feel towards anyone who does not share the same intelligence as you. Everyone has some form of intelligence because we are all born with a brain which is used in different ways for each individual. When someone is seen as dumb, it means they are doing something or using the brain in such a way that is not suitable for them. I believe that each person can use their brain in a particular area that is suitable for them. Some people are not sure what they are good at and others are self aware. Those who are not sure of their own intelligence can go to see someone who notices their intelligence and abilities.
No. That's called hate. Its hateful to hate dumb people. If you were smart you'd know this. lol ππππ
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