Legal โ†’ Divorce law โ†’ Annulment law
  • G'day Larrysbaby, Thank you for your question. You should see a lawyer familiar with Texas law. You can commonly get an annulment if your partner is sentenced to life: however, this might not apply given that you knew that he was sentenced to life when you married or under Texas law. Consummation is probably not a factor legally but may be in the church - whether you had sex at any time in the relationship may also be relevant. Grounds for an annulment under Texas law include: Married under the age 14 or between 14 and 18 without consent of a parent or guardian. ยท Married under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. ยท Permanent impotency. ยท Mental incompetence. ยท Married within thirty days of divorce (unless marriage to previous spouse or spouse has permission from the court). ยท Married due to fraud, duress or force to induce the marriage. If a marriage is to an ancestor or descendant or niece or nephew that is also grounds for an annulment. You should speak to a lawyer about it. I have attached sources for your reference. Regards Wikipedia Annulment Texas Divorce Findlaw Texas Annulment

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