• Not at all... seriously it would make everyone's lives so much easier...
  • NOT AT ALL! finally everything in 10's. DAmmit, I wish we'd get with the program.
  • I love the phrasing of that question! =).. Im not American so I'll scoot off again!
  • I've lived in Europe for 16 years so it would never bother me.
  • I'd whine until I finished my 2.25 km walk.
  • Things wouldn't be any different, really. We'd still need the old tools to deal with old stuff, and we'd still need metric tools to work with things made in Japan, Germany, etc. Over time, we'd need fewer old-system tools, and they'd gradually be phased out. I suspect the impact would be pretty small on me, except that I'd have to get used to Celsius temperature scale, which by the way, isn't really any more "metric" than the Fahrenheit scale, it's just more commonly used in science and engineering.
  • Not one Bit !! I love the metric system and I think it's long over due in the US.
  • the bad part would be old things that aren't in metric like car speedometers, but there probably wouldn't be anymore whining than if Europe had to switch to our system
  • It wouldn't bother me, but I'd have to convert the recipe cards and get rid of some measuring cups.
  • Not at all. I wish we would.
  • I'd whine a bit, as I would have to relearn everything and buy new equipment, but I'd get over it eventually.
  • L-O-U-D!!! They have been saying they are going to do that since I was in grade school. The saying "Why fix it if it isn't broken" comes to mind. Screw us all up! Like Daylight savings time! LEAVE IT ALONE! Gezzzz! OK all done! :-) +5
  • I wouldn't whine, I would cheer. The "Standard" system is anything but. Why not catch up to the rest of the world and go metric? I'm all for it.
  • I am american, and I hope that we do go metric. Personally i think the english system is a sack of crap. Having everything based in 10 makes it easy to remember, i mean seriously which is easier? 12,24,36,48,then what? versus 10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000 I could go on all day.... I always use the metric system, and my friends are like: meters? wtf is that? Its not 12 degrees! Are you on crack?
  • If the US government went metric (like science and medicine already have), it would be decades before the people went fully metric, if ever. I'm from Canada and the government forced the French system on us over 30 years ago. But if you went on the street and asked 100 people their height and weight, at least 95 of them would give you the answer in Imperial (or standard) measurements. And this is after the government tried to stop all use of the standard measurements. Farmers still figure their crops in bushels. There are endless ways we still use the old system. Just about the only thing gone fully metric is the weather. It's handier, if less accurate.
  • not much because 3 feet of paperwork shit I have to deal with tomorrow might be called 1 meter of paperwork shit but it's still a load of paperwork shit either way.
  • They tried that with the gas pumps, people complained and they discontinued the metric system.
  • I wouldnt whine, but it would take some getting use too
  • i whine for about 3 years, but i'd eventually get used to it. i'd have to change how i think about driving distances and speeds, measurements in cooking, etc. it would be quite a change.
  • I would kill myself.
  • SOOO much. Not only would it be a huge pain in my ass, but it would just be a small piece of America that isn't bad and obnoxious going away and the other obnoxious things would stay. If that makes sense. Like, let us keep inches and yards, and shoot republicans in the face. Thanks.
  • About as much as the British I would imagine.
  • I wouldnt whine at all. I already can do most conversions in my head because my husband is English and uses that system.
  • Not at all. I'm sure like most it wouldn't be overnight anyway. We'd have a half ass metric system for a decade or so.
  • It's going to soon. At least that's what they told us 45 years ago yo...
  • None at all. I'd love it if we would join the rest of the world and use the metric system. It's such a simpler system.
  • not much. We would get used to it in no time since measurements are arbitrary and often relative when it comes to common usage. No one knows what 50 degrees Fahrenheit feels like as opposed to 52 or 48. The same community will regard that number as warm in January but cold in August.
  • whining?!?! pshhh i'd be shouting with joy! the metric system is so much easier to deal with than the customary system. i think America SHOULD go metric =) that would make life so much simpler
  • Well, I'm from the UK and we all whine here. Lots of us hate it, and in reality, though technically we are supposed to be metric now, the vast majority of us still use imperial day to day. I couldn't even tell you my weight in kg or my height in cm and all speedos in cars have miles on the clock.
  • Here is a chart of some cumbersome British/US/Customary measurement units compared to metric simplicity: 1 Inch = 2 ½”, 4 1/4”, 8 1/8”, 16 1/16” . 12 inches and numerous fractions in-between are 1 foot 3 feet = 36 inches= metric: 1 yard 1 meter, 100 cm, 1000 mm, 1 km 1760 yards = 5 280 feet = 1 statute mile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Square measures: 1 sq.inch = metric: 1 sq. foot = 144 sq. inches 1 cm², 1 m², 1 are = 100 m², = 1 sq. yard = 9 sq. feet 100 are = 1 ha, 1km² 1 acre = 4840 sq. yards 1 sq. mile 640 acres -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cubic measures: 1 cu. Inch metric: 1 cu. Foot = 1728 cu. Inches 1 cm³/ 1 m³ 1 cu. Yard = 27 cu. feet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liquid measures: 1 fluid ounce 1 gill = 4 fluid ounces 1 pint = 16 fluid ounces metric: 1 quart = 2 pints 1 L = 1000 ml 8 pints = 4 quarts = 1 gallon =128 fl ounces -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dry measures: 1 pint = 33.60 cubic” metric: 2 pints = 1 quart 1 Liter, 1000 L, 1 m³ 8 quarts = 1 peck 4 pecks = 1 bushel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weight: 1 Grain 1 dram = 27.34375 grains 7000 grain = ] metric: 16 oz = 1 pound 1 kg = 1000 g, 1000 kg = 1 tonne 100 lbs = 1 hundred weight 20 hundred weights = 2000 lbs = 1 ton -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the most commonly used USC units and represent only a fraction of medieval units used in the US. Hopefully the table will be presented properly, if not please delete it. Thank you
  • I wouldn't but I know people that would, it won't ever happen those.
  • Metric is a farce. The most important criteria for a unit of measurement is that it be a convenient quantity of whatever it is you want to measure. By chance, the liter was about a quart and the meter was about a yard and the kilogram was about two pounds. in reality, no one changed anything at first. Just call a quart a liter, call a yard a meter, call a pound a half-kilo.
  • The whining will be so strong that not even another intent of switching to metric will be attempted. Switching to metric failed during the late seventies. Miles, gallons, feet, inches, cups, pounds, etc; are concepts that we have attached to our brains and will be almost impossible to remove.
  • I lived in Canada for some time. I got used to the metric system so it wouldn't bother me that much. I don't use it as often as I used to so it is getting harder to remember some things.
  • I really wouldn't care; we are taught to use the metric system in grade school...

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