Absolutely not.
Yes just to see what a stupid bitch she is and how she is mooching money from all of us.
Hell NO! Someone needs to sew that thing shut!
Sorry am I missing something here!
I might watch long enough to find who sponsors the program so that I can avoid those products. With so many children needing parents, I see no use for fertility clinics. People that use them are self centered and raise children that will inevitably follow in their parents foot steps. The Otocomom's use of this system is especially egress. Anyone that sponsors this deserves no public support.
I would actively avoid it.
The thought just makes me want to vomit. What would the climax be? Another eight babies popping out on camera?
Are you kidding? That sounds lovely! They could feature a different kid in each show for a whole season!... i.e. how fame and fortune are affecting their development, what it's like to compete with the Megalitterβ’ for parental attention, etc. Have they named it yet? How about doing an "Extreme Makeover: Octomom Edition"?! Each kid gets a shopping spree (up to $25) at Wal*Mart, and a free haircut. (Don't wanna get them spoiled, of course.)
Definitely not. This woman needs to get off the tv and start looking after all of her children. Jeez!!
No. Besides thinking the woman is a wack job I just think the show would be really boring. Like watching paint dry. Who cares.
not no, but hell no!! ;D
Don't have cable so I won't be watching it. . I see only 10 for this and not the 13 it says. I agree my questions do the same thing. Some will show just as yours have. And sometimes I can get to them by going to my "Feedback" page. I can see who indiv. answered and click on each to give pts. But even with doing that there are times I can't even get into their answer and it says that it is clearly answered by Such and Such! Pisses me off to. I notice that later that day or the next day I am able to see all the answers. Like today I have all of my responses from yesterday. But today all my questions are a mess. Since you don't ask many questions you won't see the pattern as I do.
No way!
Another NO. Sick & tired of hearing anything about her now.
Probably not. Why won't people leave her alone?
Shes a poor excuse for parenthood. I think she's planning on selling those babies to childless couples. I don't think she has a maternal feeling in her body and I think the doctor who made her "dream" come true is hooking her up with some childless couples.
Im not into trailer trash. I didnt watch Honey Boo Boo or Roseanne among others either.
I like her!
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