i dont know anyone that as done this but IMO it is wrong. just because a child turns 18 doesnt mean they dont need their mum and dad anymore. somebody at 18 might not feel ready to move out so they shouldnt be kicked out. a parents job never ends IMO
I think in smaller degrees of course, parenting never ends.
some people DO think that parenting ends when a child is officially an adult. I have heard them saying "When the kids are off my hands I will be able to have a life again'. What they don't realise, sadly, is that their family is the biggest part of their life...when they are old, their workmates will not be the ones who will come to their bedside. It will be their family, if, in the meantime, they have not driven them away.
I can't imagine a parent kicking his child out of his home at any age....although if you're 29 and still living at home the parent might want to strongly encourage his child to leave. I think it is a very sad thing to do, because making your way in the world can be really tough, and most 18-year-olds haven't developed the necessary skills to make it...that's what the parent is supposed to do...prepare his child to live in the world. And to answer the second part of the question, parenting never ends and when you're 70 or 80,and if you're lucky enough to still have your parents, they'll still be loving you, thinking about you and wanting the best for you. :)
Parenting never ends. I could not imagine throwing one of my kids out of the house. My children will remain my life for as long as I live. If one of my children needs a home at any time in their life, my door will always be open 24/7/365 days a year.
Kicking your children out when they turn 18 is wrong. I think children should be allowed to live at home until they complete college. Living on your own is hard these days, kick them out at 18 and they will most likely end up working a minimum wage job. Give them a future and let them complete college first so they can be more secure on their own.
If a person is not ready to be on their own by 18, then there is something wrong. The US has one of the longest periods of adolescence by far. There was a time when people were already married and having babies by that age. BUT, with that being said, it is almost impossible for young people to be financially independent by eighteen. Even finding a suitable place to live is ridiculously difficult, not just because of money, but everything now days is dependent on credit score. I would never just kick my kid out in the street...unless they were up to no good and refused to change.
I left home when I was 16, and I never went back. However, I can see how some teenagers might have difficulty adjusting to supporting themselves, so I do think that making someone leave home at the age of 18 is wrong.
I think that a lot of it depends on the kid. I have devoted my life to being the best parent I can be for the last 18 years. My kids were always great. Fun, smart, happy, considerate, hard working. About half way through his Jr. year of high school, my oldest started doing stupid things and getting in trouble. He barely graduated high school and does not have plans for college at this time. He sleeps all day, goes to work in the evening, then comes home at night and smokes weed, drinks, and has his girlfriend stay the night. He does not care what I think, feel or say. I am at my wits end and am tired of waking up to a mess of bottles, bongs, and dishes all over my house. In this case, I think it is time to tell him to leave. I have tried everything else. We have had some really good talks and I feel like he has listened, but it only lasts for a few hours. I love him more than my own life and always will. If he wants to return home he may as long as he follows the house rules.
Wow...kick their kids OUT? That's super mean! : รขโนลก grrrrr!
Some parents know only black and white, not shades of grey. If the law says they're an adult at 18 then that's it, etc. Most kids need a time to grow and take responsibility for themselves by degrees. Even if they live outside the parental home, they may still need some parenting. We had 5 kids and they all were quite independent but we still let them come back for a time until they finished college. 4 of the 5 did for a short time (a semester or so) and one to save money to pay most of her own wedding.
I agree that once you're a parent, you are a parent until you die. That being said...there is a fine line between allowing your 18+ child to remain living in your home and them abusing that. My son is 20 and goes to college away from home. When he is home during the summers & winter break, he is respectful of my rules in my house and abides by them. It would be a cold day in HELL that he would smoke weed in my house or bring a girlfriend in to sleep. That is a "since birth" respect that I have planted in him and it took. He went thru a "smacked ass" stage when he was 15-16 but he still never crossed the boundaries that I had placed. However, if he were to disrespect me or start living a dangerous or destructive lifestyle, I most certainly would offer him first & last month's rent and show him the door.
I never understood that tendency either. I mean I understand if he's a free loading loser who wants to be there when he's 30, kick him out, but don't make things so black and white. Americans have this strange tendency to treat anything, however superficial, like some flimsy legal estimate on when the brain matures, like it's written in stone black and white end of story fact. I'm not bashing Americans or anything, I just can't understand the tendency to shy away from grey. I didn't move out until around 20 and I'm pretty sure I'm perfectly sane and normal.
Parenting never ends. I still have lessons to learn from my parents and I'm over 40. Hopefully those lessons help me be a better parent to my children.
Parenting never ends. I still have lessons to learn from my parents and I'm over 40. Hopefully those lessons help me be a better parent to my children.
Parenting may not end at 18, but patience might.
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