• probably.
  • I thought Albania might be, but the Wikipedia entry says otherwise. There are still certainly Communist Party elements in some parliaments (e.g. Italy), but I don't think any European government can rationally be called Communist.
  • No there are not. I live in Europe and there is no communist states here. Latinobeauty said "probably", that is a very ignorant thing to say.
  • None, and they never were Communist because the economic and political principles were not followed only preached. All Communist countries then and now are actually dictatorships ruled by one man with the support of a small group who manipulates that country, not shares it with all the people. There may have been an exception somewhere at sometime, but it does not come to mind.
  • Are you are thinking of the 35 year dictatorship of Tito and his tendency to purge opposition and hinder modernization efforts to assure his continued power? It might be characterized as a tragic comedy if made into a movie or play, but not Communism. I welcome comment from those who survived Tito's Communism.

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