• I think if you have a good reason to be critical of something ... you don't necessarily have to have a solution to make your opinion valid. However, a proactive person might want to contribute a solution to help illustrate their point.
  • I think a critic can point out the pitfalls. However, they can also kill a good solution. A critic who can see a way forward is probably more valuable than one who can't.
  • Yes, that person is making you aware of things, its up to you to fix it.
  • Yes, if anything else, payback can be a bitch. As most Republicans BITCH something fierce now. I've got a lot of solutions. But most folks won't listen.
  • Zero! Critics *usually* will provide insight as to their critical view. Absent that your are only complaining or whining more than likely!
  • The word "critic" is taken from the Greek kritikós, "able to discern", which derives from krités, meaning a person who offers analysis, value judgement, interpretation and observation. Therefore a person incapable of offering analysis or a solution is not a critic, it is a mere quibbler!
  • We all value those who provide great solutions more than those who just point out great problems. But it's way better to know what's wrong than to go blindly along thinking everything is perfect when that's far from the case. So yes, critics serve a good purpose when their criticism hits the mark. Those that complain about illusory problems or set up phony straw men are a real PITA though.
  • I think it's OK to criticize yourself as a first step to growth, but not other people without providing a solution.
  • Only if the criticized is not aware of the problem and the criticism is intended to be constructive.
  • of course,you get the person,subject, to think about self improvement,or at least ponder your thoughts,therein lies the solution,self governing
  • Its a necessary step that brings attention to something or situation that may benefit from that view. If its just a habit of unhappiness then perhaps not.
  • No. Discussion or an effort to find a solution can have a great deal of value but that is not being critical. To complain or be critical has no value if you haven't got a better idea. It is annoying and frequently an attempt to sound superior with no substance. What's the point of a discussion focused on being critical of water because it won't run uphill?

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