• The love of the game. Love can make you do crazy things, like streak, and paint your body in team colors...
  • Knowing history of the game. Rooting for your team not just when it made it to the superbowl but even when you had a 6 and 10 season. Respecting your opponents.
  • In my opinion, it doesn't have to mean going to every game (I can't afford it), buying every strip (see point 1), buying every programme (see point 1) and buying every single piece of merchandise to deck your bedroom in the colours of your team (I have taste). However, it does mean supporting the team that you support even when the team is perhaps not doing quite as well as you had hoped/dreamed/prayed to God for. It does not mean supporting Man Utd, because they're dead good. It also does not mean supporting Chelsea because they've got more money than the Bank of England. It means, if you have some connection to make the team you support a bit more persoanl to yourself (e.g. local team, uncle played in reserves 12 years ago, etc), don't lose sight of that connection, and so don't lose the passion of supporting your team.
  • I think the real true football fan, is someone who is willing to spend their money on the club they love, sit through the games through thick and thin and never leaves the club's side. People may think that singing makes you a better fan then someone, but if they don't go the games, and don't support them through the bad times then they are not as good as the person who has spent money on the club for years, and been down to games without even considering not going, even through the hardest of the clubs times. I, think that is what makes a true football fan.
  • Someone who truely likes football..
  • not having a life of your own seems to help. Fan is just short for fanatic. Who wants to be a fanitac? Most of them are just athelic supporters anyway.

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