• im not aware that they do
  • Today is no different from years past. Self-esteem is not something we start out with in must be nurtured. There may not be as much nurturing as there once was.
  • Because people were alot kinder 50yrs. the world was full of catholic schools, and prayers and such, then came a generation of "mommy I want to watch cartoons on sunday morning" just my theory.
  • theres seems to be more to worry about these days want with prices of food gas elect rent ete ete.
  • I think so many people want to live up to what they see on magazine covers, and it's all about either looks or $$$$$$$. When who we are is really much more important than what we look like or what we have.
  • its the media. There are so many images of those people that don't even look like human. The thin, beautiful people that are hurting everybody. They make it seem as though if you don't look like that, you are ugly.
  • As with most things, it starts at home. With many people, it never started at all. Parents have always underestimated the pain and damage words cause, as though physical abuse is the only abuse that actually matters. Parents forget what it was like to be a child with no voice, no opinion, no value and no control over what becomes of them. Is it any wonder children grow up to become broken adults?
  • They've yet to be esteemed in the Word of God.
  • you know what I've noticed too, is that they will go around telling people about it. Mostly teenagers are young adults. I saw couple myspace profiles where the "about me" section says that their losers or whatever. Right there, like its the first thing you need to know! I'm sure they have bad self-esteem, but they're also just trying to get attention I think. Thats a crazy, counter-productive way to do it. Doesn't make me want to be around them. No wonder they're short on friends, which only feeds their lack of esteem. vicious circle.
  • I wasn’t aware that we had a lot of them. Unless you're saying homeless, poor people, welfare recipients, hobos all have self esteem because they cannot raise themselves above the poverty level.
  • Because their parents didn't instill the right morals and values.
  • I'm not smart enough to give you a really GOOD answer.
  • It's the same amount as always, they just talk about it more.
  • As Marvin the little robot said " I'll just stand over here in the corner and rust away." I believe depression is the leading cause of low self esteem. Many people are very depressed right now.
  • Good Self esteem comes from being made happy and accepted as a youth. If for some reason ones peers do not accept you as one of the group,you feel outcast and become a "LONEWOLF" so to speak. Your ability to work in a social group becomes diminished and you can gradually be seen as anti social or pompous when in reality you are scared and shy. No one knows who you are. Sometimes you don't know who you are yourself and have doubful feeling of self worth.
  • I think it comes from societies obsession with always being better. We're constantly bombarded with the challenge to be thinner, richer, smarter, more successful, etc. and some people forget that it's okay just to BE.
  • I dont have any.
  • They don't know the One who loves them despite everything. (Jesus).
  • I blame society and materialism for self esteem issues. If you don't have enough money to get this or that then you're not good enough. If you aren't society's version of pretty/'re not good enough. Then again...there are lots of good looking millionaire's out there with self esteem issues. I guess there's really no answer good enough for this question.
  • I think its always been trendy to put ourselves down and act like we have lower self-esteem then we do. Sometimes if we're the pretty or handsome one surrounded by a group of ugly people. Its better to feign low self esteem, then to look superior. OUCH :P
  • because we are only human and as humans we want to be valued, we want to fit in. were afraid what others think about us or how we look, only when we stop thinking about are selfs and think of others we forget how we look to others. and we get self esteem from helping others.
  • You hit it right on the button. New generation,: Give me give me give me. I want electronic games or nothing. You mean I actually have to go to work. Think I'll live at home with Mama. Of course there is the exception, those that get educated usually the ones that end up running our Country. The others, will be looking for a way to make a quick buck. They rather steal then buy. They will also be the ones filling up our jails and costing taxpayers to further support them. Very sad for the low esteem.
  • One reason is because they have not had enough people to point out their positive attritubes and too many people focus on any negative qualities. It much easier to point out the negative qualities of someone. The people with low self esteem have heard this probably for a long time. Just about all of us have positive qualities but not enough people that are willing to point them out. Also, many people have made mistake and wrong judgment calls. They need to see that the people making up the world are not perfect - far from it.
  • For women - proberly t.v! haveing beautiful thin girls splashed all over t.v and magazines can lower any girls self esteem as these girls seem flawless when in reality they are proberly not!!!we are the normal ones! everyone now a days has big expections in life and it can be difficult to live up to, with beauty, money, good jobs, it really is a fight to the top! and if your lower down the ladder (so to speak!) then you can feel like shit and get low self esteem! i hope that makes sense!
  • Too worried about what others think of them to be enjoying who they are themselvs.
  • Well, I have an idea but It's probably wrong, and anyway, I don't think anyone would be interested in my opinion. Now I feel just terrible. :(
  • Because people are always putting me down.
  • its the society that makes people lose their self esteem !!! every one want to live as per society norms , well dressed, fashionable, thats why many girls sell their body to get money to buy their stuffs
  • Personally I think it's all down to a flaw in modern society. We are all constantly being bombarded with images of how life should be, what products we should own, how we should look & frankly it's impossible to achieve. Consequently we feel that we're always coming up short. How often do you hear people going on about what they don’t have, whether that is a possession, a person, a job. We always seem to be focused on what we don’t have rather than what we do.
  • because were not living up to our expectations. we all had these amazing dreams when we were children and it seemed as though nothing would ever get in the way. as we grew older, life threw us curve balls and we learned about detours. now accepting an unperfect world as an unperfect person is difficult and will lower anybody's self esteem.
  • How would I know. I'm an idiot!
  • Mainly because it's a low self esteem time.e/g. A man trying to support his wife and two kids, who is good at his job but is always being warned that he could be put off at anytime. This is told to him during the working day. He goes home, the wife (through no fault of her own) tries to tell him what a rotten day she has had with the kids. He listens, no worries. She begins to tell him of their neighbour,two houses up, who just received new carpets, window trearments etc. Now, this is on top of him having to be almost a crawler to his boss, taking a pay cut to keep his job. What does he do? Feel like a failure?????
  • Self esteem is the price we pay for media prosperity.
  • I believe it's because society has painted a picture in everybodys mind about what we should look like and in reality no one looks like that but people try to look like that because it is what people see as the way a teen girl should look like or a young man

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