if she had the potential, i sure would...
It's unhealthy physically and mentally... Hell No!
No child of mine would ever be allowed to even contemplate modeling as a carer.
yeah, if it was what she really wanted. who am i to stop anyone doing what they want? and bu taking an active interest, i could monitor her safety to a better degree
I would actually do neither. If it is something she wants then I would not stand in her way. I would give my thoughts on it but would not encourage or discourage her from doing what she wants.
I would encourage her to do what she feels would make her happy but the conversation would encompass having a backup plan in place if and when the modeling career came to an end.
I would highly discourage it. My daughters are engineers and military veterans. I would never encourage any girl to enter the superficial life as a model. If they wanted to pick up a few bucks part time, I wouldn't object but for a man or woman to make their life work based on how they look in (or out of)clothes is degrading and totally superficial. I am not s prude and like to look at good looking women. I wouldn't want my daughters involved. I feel the same way about beauty contests. I also think that child beauty contests are child abuse which borders on molestation.
I would stand behind her and support her in her decision.
Let's see, drugs, sex, anorexia, bulimia, short career. Probalby not.
I'd encourage her, absolutely. It was a secret dream of mine for a long time. Unfortunately, puberty came and went, and I'm still barely 5 feet tall. Ah well. Of course, there would be the condition that her modeling not come between her and a college education, so that when her career comes to an end (as they do at about age 25-30), she would have all the necessary knowledge to start a career away from the runway.
Encourage big time. Beauty will save the world.
I don't have a daughter. Only two sons. If I had a daughter I would have explained to her modeling would not be a long lasting career option. She might need to switch careers and it could be too late to fit herself in a new career once the modeling stint is over. Inspite of my adivise if she has her own preference for a career in modeling I will do all to help her in whatever best way I can.
If she were mature for her age, I would. Along with the notorious names are the names that *aren't* in the news all the time. I think that a successful model has many more opportunities than most other women her age.
I would probably try to lead her to develop a good sense of confidence about her mental capacities before subjecting her to the cut throat fashion industry. It takes a secure and confident person to run that gauntlet at a young age, or before they have gotten a firm understand of who they really are.
Neither. I would encourage her to do what she liked.
I will totally encourage and support especially if she has all the qualities.
I'd prefer him or her to use their brain to gain respect rather than their body.
each person has to live their lives to suit them and not satisfy the wants of others. I would try to give my children the information they need to make a conscious decision and then i would trust in their judgement
When my daughter was two I turned down such an opportunity.
Discourage. Is it a descent profession ?
first - how old is my daughter? Would you be talking about a 5 or 6 yrs old. Then definately not. if my daughter was older and wanted to do something like that, I would support her. AND until she was 18, I would be there (to BAT away the posible crazy people or the ones who would want to TRY and take advantage of her). But this would be her decision.
i would support my daughters no matter what and one of my daughters has modeled
I would encourage my daughter not to be hypnotized to what society deems correct and learn to think on her own.If by chance she wanted to be a model, she would know that I'm always there for her.
I think it's a legitimate career like any other but it would depend on the personality of the girl herself if it suited her. My youngest daughter was interested but once she entered a make and model competition she realised it wasn't for her.That's all the indication I needed. She still loves hamming it up around in front of a camera though.
Discourage. In addition to having inherited my husband's good looks, both my daughters are quite intelligent, and I hope that they will contribute a lot more to the world than good looks.
If it's what she wants, hell yeah she should go for it! Why wouldn't I support her? Successful models make about 5 times what any mainstream job pays, they have a great lifestyle with perks and travel to exotic locations, and they get to hang with some of the world's most influential people. I'd even go so far as to get her a professional manager and a life coach to help her deal with the cutthroat environment, just to up her chances for success.
if that is what she wanted do then go for it!
I have not got a daughter, however, if I had and she wanted to be a model I would first of all want to find out what type of model. If shewanted to be a topless model I would definately discourage her as it is not something that I would want my daughter to be...If she wanted to be a supermodel I wouldn't discourage her as such but I would want her to know the reality that it is a very brutal industry and not many girls who have such hopes actually make it to the top especially if they do not have a certain look, height weight etc and this can be very demoralizing especially if she goes from agency to agency and never get a booking. I was watching Americas next top model the other day and I heard Tyra Banks telling the girls that she walked away from being a model because she could not get a booking because she was told that she was not thin enough, I just thought to myself thank God she had the strength to do to walk away as many other girls may not have been able to walk away....Would I want a daughter to be part of this industry? No I wouldn't not really.
I'd encourage her and see where it would take her. I'd have to be her manager. They maybe I could be a model.....Well, until they see the rootbeer belly.
My lil sister was a child model and love it I never liked it though but I guess it depends on the individual make up some people are just built to be in the spotlight even at a young age. My sister was one of them it made her happy to make others admire her or whatever I really never liked it because I thought it might become a future link to her becoming a pornstar or something. I know a drastic link but just think about it. If I had a daughter or a certain age her mental make up would be what I look at!
If that is what she chose, I would not have discouraged her from becoming a model. I would encourage her to follow her dreams. My daughter is beautiful in appearance, mind and spirit.
I wouldnt encourage neither discourage, but if my daughter became a model she would still have to have brains, go to uni and a good career other then that
Depending on her intentions, whether she is attempting to alter the ideal model, or resemble and devote herself to an perfected manican
If that's what she wanted to do I would encourage her 100%! If she can find confidence in being beautiful that, itself, is beautiful and wonderful. I would continue pressing, as I always have, that looks are not the whole of a person.
I mean, it's a dead end job full of corruption and bile. I would tell them that is what it is. You get used and abused.
I am single and unmarried Keith but,whatever may I profess,I have to respect her final decision.
Definitely would encourage her. I do find it ironic that people say they wouldn't let their daughters be so shallow and dumb. Congratulations, you don't want your daughter to be judgmental and superficial so you generalize an entire industry and forbid her from taking part. That my friends is hypocrisy 101. But hey, it sounds better than "I don't want strange men staring at pictures of my daughter", which is really what all these people are saying. There's nothing wrong with being a model, and intelligence and beauty are not mutually exclusive; I'm living proof. Even if they were, why look down upon a genetic gift of beauty while placing a genetic gift of intelligence on a pedestal?
I would definitely encourage my daughter, no matter what her chosen profession was. Life puts limits on us all, we don't need our parents adding to them. A little encouragement goes a long way!
All these people are worried about their kid's self esteem, health, whatever. Sure, if she wants to become a model, i can encourage her for that. I can still discourage her from having low self esteem and from doing all those horrible things. She's still my hypothetical daughter, i can still watch out for her. I've modeled, and it's been great for my self esteem. It's possible to do it without crashing and burning.
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