Because it connotates something that which everyone has to pay for. Which is anathema to Republicans who much prefer getting things paid for by working class folks.
Because people don't understand it and confuse it with communism.
Because it promotes social exposure, rather than the stabilization of division.
Brainwashing has turned it into a buzz word like "terrorism" or "patriotic" or "hero" - they have conditioned people's minds to have a negative congnotation
Because it's different, and different is bad.
Because, by definition socialism is public or state ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. This is the opposite of what the founding fathers of our country envisioned and the opposite of a FREE society. Personal responsibly, personal property, self ownership, the right to keep the fruits of your labor, that is what this country was founded on. # "To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, 'the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it.'" -- Thomas Jefferson
beacuse we live in a capitalist country, and with the US gov trying to give out tax money to failing companies in exchange for a stake in them smacks of socialism
Because socialism implies big government and high taxes and as Thomas Jefferson put it, "The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases". A socialist country is not a free country, it is a country where the people in power decide how the common man should live his or her life.
Because a lot of people don't know what it is. Or they think it's communism. Americans especially don't understand it. The majority of countries in Europe have socialist governments. Including the UK. When was the last time you heard of the UK oppressing it's people?
Because every few years politicians and pundits come up with a new "bogey man" word to scare people with.
Because it's failed miserably wherever it's been attempted.
Because people don't understand that they are living with socialism now. Roads, fire departments, police The republicans like to throw out scare words. Or I should say the like to make words scare words.
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. β Thomas Jefferson
The purpose of Government and the establishment created by Jefferson, Washington, etc is soly intended to protect the people in which it governs. Police, fire, etc do just that and are necessary branches of any governing body. With out their essential services, anarchy would ensue. Roads are needed so that government and it's people can efficiently function. The postal service was established to create a communications link between an elected republic and it's citizens. Government was never established to be your mommy who feeds you from cradle to grave. That is your own responsibility, not mine.
Do you mean National Socialism, or the stigma that comes from it's association with communism and all the good that brought the world?
Socialism goes against the foundation of this nation: "With all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow citizens -- a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities." -- Thomas Jefferson "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." -- ---Winston Churchill "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." -- ---Margaret Thatcher
People who say Russia was communist and not socialist do not know what the fuck they are talking about, after all USSR did stand for UNITED SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC and NAZI was an Acronym for NationalSozialismus (German Socialist Workers Pary). Socialist governments always have and always will take away every thing you have. Including personal property, liberties, and life.
Because very wealthy people who would be hurt by it want it that way.
Socialism was first tried in the 16th century and failed. It has since been tried hundreds of times in different places, by different people, in different cultures. Not one time has it ever been a success. Socialism always fails. The USA has a 250+ year successful track record of capitalism, which happens to be the ONE AND ONLY system in the world that has managed to feed and provide for 99.999% of the people it serves. Socialism cannot, has not, and never will match the efficiencies of capitalism. Communism = Socialism Socialism = Communism 500+ years of socialist failure of epic proportions.
"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it." --Barack Obama
I believe the states can best govern our home concerns and the federal government our foreign ones. β Thomas Jefferson
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. β Thomas Jefferson
Unfortunately America has never really recovered from the insanity of McCarthyism and now most Americans cant seem to differentiate between Socialism & Communism. I would say it's a combination of poor education & self interest.
Many fine countries function with socialism in place. US is based on capitalism. Many credit capitalism with the country's rise as a world power. We offer greater rewards for successful competition, innovation and productive creativity and we attract the best people from all over the world. We reward success; socialism insures the opposite, that everyone get equal access to everything regardless of contribution. Most Americans like capitalism. We see socialism as a type of mediocrity.
Socialism only works when you can leech off of other nations. It's really just an advanced form of colonialism. People love to point to Sweden or France when they argue how great socialism is, but they fail to realize that without exploitative international trade, those economies would crumble under the weight of their own social programs. Seriously, just how well do you think communism was working in China before they started manufacturing absolutely everything for the U.S. market?
Did you know Osama Bin Laden is a Socialist?
The stigma on the word "socialism" is due to many years of brainwashing that it is a dirty word, this has not allowed the people to be well informed, thus ignorance. There are too many scare tactics around, the right thing is to break the cycle and talk about it openly.
It leads to failure death no real law absence of free speech & religion, slavery and finally war aside from that its fine. EPIC FAILURE!
People don't understand it, put simply. I am not a socialist, i would never vote for a socialist government - but the comments I here on AB about 'socilaism' are rarely about socialism as it really is.
I think the stigma only exists in America.
Maybe,if there were more "socialism" preveusly,we were not be in this mess today. For starters,I think that this word is far to many linked with Lennins tip of socialism from 1912.- 1930. when state became owner of most private land. Stigma is maybe because,common people can't decide no more for them selfs and the state can interfear in economy when ever she wants.This can create slow and unprofitable economy without healthy competion.
in general, those who can make lots of money tend to give it back, see ford foundation, carnegie foundation, gugenheim, gates, buffet. then there are those who struggle to earn a bunch of money, usually much less than the above group. they figure, i worked hard so every body ought to. then there are the copy-cat conservatives - i'm not wealthy, but, if i adopt the belief system of the class above me, maybe people will think i'm worth more. then there are the folks who benefit from socialism. socialism is only a stigma, i think, to the second and third groups identified above. they figure that socialism is a disincentive to ingenuity and prosperity and encourages people to be lazy. what they forget is that if it weren't for socialism, the safety net that is provided for everyone, including themselves, will be broken. they are, by nature's law, equally vulnerable as that poor guy living in the trailer. i also suspect that in the minds of many people, the term "socialism" gets confused with marxist-leninist-stalinist-maoist communisms. nope. communism was a political ideal that has always, i believe, been overtaken by dictatorships. given their aggression, it might be right to have some fears of communism, but, i can only see that there must be confusion between these terms.
Because it means the end of greedy capitalism or at least fatal blows and the start of a process that has happened for centuries, the decline of a civilisation and the start of the new order. The real issue is not as straight and narrow as people and politicians like to think of it. But weβre artificially keeping this current economy and social structure alive just so we can live the illusion for a little while longer or at least until the next depression. Socialism is not an answer nor is capitalism but itβs the best weβve got for the now. Viva le resistance
there is not a stigma around the word socialism. socialism is a failed ideology, so people rightfully see it as a negative.
Socialism is the direct opposite of captalism.Capitalism is controlled by a small percentage of citizens who tend to exploit the workers they employ.On the other hand, Socialism gives control of public or state ownership of large businesses to the people who get their hands dirty producing the goods that help the economy.People tend to lump Capitalism with Communism together, but they are different as chalk and cheese.
Socialism is political taboo. Those who like or even love Obama can't call or let him be called that. Even and especially if it is true. Truth hurts.
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