Perfect mix, Love it :-)
Never had liver, never will. Hate it!
love it but add bacon with it even more lovely.
Sounds great. I haven't had liver in years! Why? I don't know, but I'd love all that. But I'm having tacos for super.
Hate it.
I would rather die than try to eat liver.
I prefer calf's liver it is milder. Both are good for you though.
Lose the onions, and I'm right there! Haven't had liver in years, (except chicken livers at the drive-thru), because the rest of the family hates it. But, I love the stuff!
Sounds very tasty to me. I love liver when it's not overcooked.
I think I'm hungry and jealous right now. It's been years since I've had liver and onions! My wife wouldn't cook it and if I tried she'd probably claim the smell makes her sick. <sigh>
Sounds good to me though I'd have to go light on the liver as too much makes my goute (<--I'm almost certain I spelled that wrong) act up.
Yuck! I can't stand liver and onions - horrid
Yummmmmmmmm!! Perfect meal & one I've not had in a good long while. Thanks for laying it all out on the table. :)
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