• being famous for good reasons is a proffession so of course people have to work hard. Just like in any job.
  • Theres an old saying - the harder you work, the luckier you get. People like Richard Branson etc. work long and hard before they 'make it', then when they are famous people call it luck. Dont be fooled
  • You dont need much/any talent these days to get recognition ... Its more about looks and great advertising ... most of all your partner ... get with another high profile bimbo and bingo!... your a celeb no talent required ...
  • It depends. Sometimes you have to be in the right place at the right time, sometimes you need to meet the right people. Sometimes you have to work hard, sometimes it comes easy. I'm a singer, and I've done some modeling. But I'm nowhere right now. It's a really difficult buisness. I think the issue is, that you shouldn't try to be famous. You should just focus on yourself, and focus on what you're trying to convey, why you're doing it. And if you're doing it to be famous, you're not really doing it- you're just going to be 'there'. Do it for yourself, write your own music, draw your own drawings. See where that takes you. At least, if you don't become famous, you won't be so disappointed because you know you did it for yourself. I tend to get off track sometimes. But yea. That's basically what it is.

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