I'll give it a 5. Because the name will never stick. People will call him Alex or Lex.
Around a seven but as another answer has said, it will be shortened. No-one I know called Alexander gets called that, they are either Alex, Sandy, or Zander.
ill say a 7 and even if its shortend i think zander is pretty cool!
I rate it a 10, that's what I named my son. He rates his name a 1.
10. I really like that name.
Ill give it a grrrrrr8! get it? Alex the grrr....ahhhhh never mind.
Not too bad - not actively weird like some kid names.
I have to go with a 7. It is alright but does not excite me at all.
It's about an eight. The cons: *It's long so there's a good 70% chance people will shorten it to Alex. *Russians will call him Sasha That's about it really. I think it's a cool name; it's classic and masculine. OR you can always go for Ellis and make him be a possibly-gay tennis star.
10!! (Thats my son's middle name :-) ) I figured if he ever wanted to go by his middle name he would have a choice of Alexander, Alex, or Zander (I LOVE Zander!!!)
Good strong name...I give it a 9.
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