• Big, big surprise!
  • No, wouldn't surprise me.
  • I am surprised,for he has common sense and she is senseless.
  • Mary Matlin and James Carville. Complete political opposites, married with children. It can work.
  • I can't find any evidence that they remain "good friends." If they ever "dated" I would guess that it was closing time at a bar and Maher helped Ann up off the floor before he realized who she was. At that point Ann might have begged or bribed Bill to take her home, and Bill may have been too drunk to think clearly. This site lists 5 bf's for Ann Coulter: Here's a detailed description of the Maher-Coulter sex video. <WARNING> Not for Christians, Muslims, or anyone under or over 17 y/o.
  • They're perfect for each other! Opposites attract! I hope they marry and she takes him for every cent he will ever have!
  • Yes, I knew it because it was mentioned when she was a guest on his HBO show. It doesn't surprise me that they briefly dated because Bill is a player.
  • I don't see how ANYBODY could ever date Ann Coulter. YUCK!
  • If that's true, I'm stunned!
  • I didn't know, and I didn't know. I don't care in the slightest.
  • I knew she was friends with him but I didn't know they dated. Isn't there a theory going around about how she's really a liberal and she pretends to be republican to sell books?
  • Ann Coulter (may she rot in Hell) is actually extremely intelligent. I don't think she believes in what she says. I think she just found an easy way to get lots of money and publicity from dumb people on both sides. Ignore her and she will go away. p.s. Yes, they did actually date. Bill mentioned it on her show once. This is one of the reasons that I believe that Coulter is a facade.

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