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THC cannot be "flushed" quickly...the quickest method is drinking alot of water. A gallon or 2 a day should clean a person out in about 3 weeks....other than that u can "mask it" with various stealth products....i dont have any info on those though...i have also heard of vinegar clearing you out quick...look into that
Cranberry juice and lots of exercise is a good cheap way to do it. Don't expect overnight miracles though. Give it a few days. For that, you have to get _____, which is available at your local GNC (or whatever that vitamin store is called). As to what _____ is, I don't remember. An old roommate and his girlfriend would always use it when they had to come clean. Along with the aforementioned, overnight cleanings would be a success, though _____ had a tendency to cause minor catastrophe to their bodies (acne outbreaks, stomach cramps, queasiness, overall feeling like crap, etc). Anyone got any ideas?
I know of two methods...One is Golden Seal Root, which can be bought at vitamin stores...It is effective, but be carefull-if you are trying to pass a drug may pass it, but they now test for Golden Seal, as you're damned if you do so to speak... There's another product called 'Test-Pure' or 'Test-Clear', that is very effective, I have used it myself. It is a tea, that you brew about 1 gallon of & drink 8 oz. every hour starting about 12 hours before you test...or something like that...finishing up the final 8 oz. right before you go test. But it makes you have to go BAD! So, be sure you are ready to test, before you pound that last glass. If you end up in a waiting room, waiting for any length of time beforehand, you will not make it! This particular product can be purchased only at smoke shops-where they sell those 'tobacco' water pipes, that are so nifty!
You can flush almost anything from your system by drinking a lot and the use of diuretics. I use cranberry juice and stone root tea to help fight colds (you can buy it loose and make your own tea, if you buy a prepackaged tea, look on the ingredients). Stone root tastes a lot like dirt, but it is usually masked by the other herbs I use to fight colds; echinacea, mint, and chamomile. Golden Seal is effective but expensive because it is endangered. I find teas work better than synthetic diuretics or pill forms for cleansing my system. However, I suspect what you are really asking is how to get THC out of your system for a drug test. Flushing out your system may allow your urine sample to slip by the more general, inexpensive and less accurate tests. However, be aware that these test labs will also look at other aspects of urine to try to screen out testees trying to "beat the system." They look at color, because clear or weak coloration indicates that the testee has been drinking a lot. I have never been tested; but I suspect that this means that those of us that drink the 8oz 8x per day and look for our urine to be colored lightly would be suspect! In addition, temperature is noted to spot those that may have collected a sample from someone else earlier. The final aspect that is noted is the presence of creatine (a soluble protein which will wash out of your system in the normal human body processes). Some substitutes will lack this substance. As for the many products touted on the web "guaranteed to pass drug tests"; buyer beware! They really will not be anymore effective than what you can do with natural remedies. In addition, some are less effective, and simply making money off of the unsuspecting. This may slip by the more general, inexpensive and less accurate tests. There are newer, far more accurate tests that will not be impacted by flushing your system. These tests are more expensive and so are often used to further test any positive results to screen out false positives. There are fat-soluble THC byproducts that are stored in your muscle cells. These cannot be simply flushed out of your system. The only things that impact the storage of these byproducts are excercise and time. Labs that are federally certified will utilize what is known as a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) before a positive result can be reported. The gas chromatograph extracts a drug from most other components of a urine specimen. The mass spectrometry then performs the final separation, identification, and quantification of the specific drug or drug metabolite present in the urine specimen. Another test used that is not affected by flushing out your system is the hair test. However, these also generate a number of false positives, since your hair can absorb THC via second hand exposure. In addition, hair stores TCH indefinitely, thus even in the case of a testee who has ceased using marijuana, their hair may still contain traces of THC. Of course the best method to pass a drug test is abstention. The longer your abstention period is, the better. This information has been gleaned from which describes themselves as "a member-supported organization providing access to reliable, non-judgmental information about psychoactive plants and chemicals and related issues. We work with academic, medical, and experiential experts to develop and publish new resources, as well as to improve and increase access to already existing resources. We also strive to ensure that these resources are maintained and preserved as a historical record for the future." The US Dept. of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration and International Journal of Drug Testing, published by Florida State University.
I don't know about flushing it out of the fluid systems - blood & urine - but I do know that you cannot flush it out of your hair shafts - it will stay there and can be detected with the right test. Is that why some folks keep their heads shaved? If so, do they shave other body hair as well for the same reason?
There is one way I know, it works 99.5% of time... You can find it at your local grocery store, its canning gelatin. Now what you do is you get this canning gelatin and you mix and drink it 45 minutes to an hour and a half before you take your test. Now this really works and this is because the gelatin actually adheres to the thc molecules in your system and thus makes them too big to pass through your urine. The only drawback of this method is the gelatin will only hold for about an hour and a half to 2 hours. So make sure you give yourself plenty of time before you take the test.. but not too long either. I myself have used this as have friends of mine and it has never failed.
niasin or you can put cranberry seltzers in water and drink lots of them and they clean or mask your system in a few days. i'm not sure if its true i havent tried those methods but ive heard they worked. when i got tested i just bought this stuff at GNC from someone who hooks me up with stuff lol.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Geez, wouldn't that be a neat product to market. Can't do it.
Not really. You can flood your system with fluids, but don't believe the hype of the over-the-counter flushing systems you can buy. As a past drug tester, I can promise you they don't work. Best thing you can do, if you're illegally smoking marijuana and are facing a drug test, is to take some cold medicine, pretend to be ill and delay the test as long as possible.
Thc is stored in your fat cells and since its like that you have to get exercise and drink plenty of water...Sweating and using the bathroom as often as possible is the far as flushing it out quickly it doesnt work like that its a process that should be started at least a couple of weeks before a test to be can try niacin which has a short burning sensation and you might get flushed but it gradually helps and the same with goldenseal and less side effects but those drinks and stuff from GNC contain creatine which will show up because this has happened to me so your best bet is to quit now and start sweatin to get it out those fat cells Also just a word to the wise THC stays in women longer than men because women have more body fat
Sure use this product every day that you think that you will be tested. If this donβt make you give up your THC habit, nothing will.
When i found out i was gonna get tested i didnt think much of it until 2 weeks up to my first test date. I started to panic and came to these enternet Q&A things for advisce. Some gave good advise and other were just bullshit. I went to my friend who is all about this stuff and actually did tests on wat works best. The thing was i didnt ask him until 4 days before my first test date and i know you all are saying wat a dumbass. Well i was but luckily i passed even thought i smoked 2 wweks before my first test. I think my system cleans out THC faster than other but w/e. were not here for me were here for you. Now, everyone out there that tihinks if you drink 2 gallons of water a day to flush your system out....well your half right. You dont want to drink those 2 gallons all at once. What you want to do is drink 20oz of water every hour from when you wake up and until you go to bed. Doing this makes you pee a lot but doesnt make you just pee out water. Drinking a lot of water only dilutes your system and you just pee out water, you dont want that. When you pee yellow thats all the crap in ur system gettin flushed out. Exercising is also a great way to get it out fast, but if your to lazy to do that just go to a sauna 2 times a day and it shold be out in about a week. Im not sure about canberry juice, but i do know it cleans out your kidneys....its up to you. Taking pills to try to flush your system out is a good way but can backfire. Most places that test you also test for the pills you take to flush your system just be careful with that one. My advise is the water thing and sweating it out, but everyone has there own opinions.
Exercise, time, and diet!! Eating whole foods low in fat lowers detection time by days. Herbal laxatives are effective in lowering thc concentrations in urine. Good cardio and Detox diet/fasting up to three days prior to the test.
There is no magic way.
a lot of people forget about alcohol. every time I've had to take a test I stop two weeks before. drink nothing but water and workout twice a day, then every night drink a 12 pack (this method can always backfire, for obvious reason. One substance to another isn't usually the best idea). The key like said earlier is not overdoing it, because if you drink too much at one time, you'll just be pissing water. Workout and drink water. It's the only fullproof method and you have to give yourself time. Don't be afraid to go buy a drug test yourself, so you have an idea. Just make sure you take the test in the morning when you wake up, when the toxins are going to be present in your urine, if they're there.
I know of four ways to get this out of your system. They're listed in order, from what works the best to what doesn't work so well. And as practical as they may seem, they really do work. 1. Drinking two tablespoons of vinigar as soon as you wake up, then at least 20 oz. of water every hour afterwards for about a week works very well. I've done this multiple times before taking tests, and I haven't failed a single one yet. 2. Drinking pickle juice is another good way to flush your system. Get the biggest possible jarr of pickles you can find. Eat the pickles, then drink all the juice. It may be disgusting, but my friend has used this method many times and it never failed him. Ha said you should start doing this every other day two weeks before your test, but he also said he did it a week before and still passed. 3. Dieting, exercising, and withdrawling from the drug is another good way to get it out of your system. It's the easiest way, but it also seems to take the longest time to do, and it doesn't always work. And I personally only reccommend this to you if you're thin and fairly short. It doesn't take as long for it to get out of your fat cells. 4. I also heard that if you drink a regular sized bottle of water every hour for two weeks before your test, it can help you pass. This doesn't always work though. To be honest, I only know two people that this has worked for. And this only seems to work if you start doing this about two weeks after you've used this drug. So I don't really reccommend it. These methods seem very practical and easy, yes. But they DO work. And this is a cheaper alternitive to all of those fancy teas and stuff. And, they're less noticable ways to flush your system.
I think there are a few ways of doing it. I am in probation and usually smoke to about 4 days or so before my test which isnt the smartest thing but I suppose we all have our demons. Anyway I had a friend who probably smokes more than anyone I have ever met and when he was on probation he said," Drink gallons upon gallons of water. Take a shot of Vinegar and put it is every other gallon you drink, and also eat things like hotdogs for protein and color content." I have found this works like a charm. I have also had friends tell me Goldenseal works. Yeah it does but tastes like absolute ass, honestly I would rather eat dirt. I would say coming from me a pot smokeing fellon is if you can give it up do it, it really isnt worth all this hassle. Had I known where I would be today and where it would have led me I would have never started. But that is just an opinion I do love and support the cause as I am an avid reader of high times and have donated money to NORML. Well that is my advice take it or leave it, but I will end with what appears to be what everyone else forgot to end with, GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TEST.
ok look heres the deal its not easy and u CAN get busted but if ur just doin sum drug test from family or a VERY nice probation officer u take empty bottle of eye drops. fill the bottle eith water an yello food coloring (dont over do the food coloring!!!!) tie this bottle to a sting and the string to your belt, hide the bottle under ur "nut sack" guch or well asshole and for girls just stick in the vagina you do this to keep the liquid as warm as possible!! an when time 4 the drug test pull out the bottle an squirt it into the drug test!
THC is fat-soluble and builds up in your fat cells, so in theory liposuction would do the trick. EDIT: To whomever downrated me, everything I said is true and removing a fat cell containing THC would remove that portion of THC from your system.
the whole pickle drinking thing i dont know if that works i herd you should stay away from salty substances.. thc is an oil base.. so just drinking water will not do sorry guys but it will dolute your piss so if you drink alot before a test you can pass..and drinking vinegar dosnt work it just shuts down your kidneys so this will only work if you drink it before your ua right before your ua.. what i have found the best is you need to eat alot of citrus acids witch natrually detoxify your body and work out and sweat and burn as much fat as you can.. and you can be clean in about 2 weeks..
The ONLY thing that I have ever heard of that actually works is a drink mix called "The Stuff" you can get it at some health food stores or order it online from the "High Times" magazine website. The directions in the box will tell you how to use it. YOU MUST FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS CORRECTLY DOWN TO THE LETTER OR IT WILL NOT WORK! You have to drink water so many minutes before you drink The Stuff. Which you have to drink exactly one hour before the test. Once you drink it you will test clean for 4 hours! ***I have used this stuff, It really works if you follow the direction EXACTLY. Other wise the only thing that will clean out your system is about 30 days and a glass or two of water everyday.
drinking cranberry jucie and viniger mix works but i tryed it for 5 days before drug test and i works iam a supper pot head been smoking for years viniger is nasty really nasty but it works try drinking a small bottle at least more than half drink lots of water the night before the test drink viniger and cranberry juice mixed make sure u pee at least 3 times before going to the test remimber drink lots of water 100% u will pee straight clear u will pass remeber this is a 5 day thing
Does Anybody Know about this Canning Gel, Idea ? Gonna try it this week, Just wanted to KNow How and if it Acutaully Works . And is that the SureJel Stuff or What ever it's Called, that this Person is Talking ABout ?
The gelatin way makes your urine dilute and depending on what your taking the test for count against you. I heard of this 7day detox which you can buy in the health stores like GNC but I myself took this and really dont know if it works. dbreman
Simple Cocktail = Acidophlius 3x's daily, Golden seal root extract 2x's daily, vitamins A 5,000 iu & D 400 iu 1X'S day, Vitamin E 400 iu 2x's a day,multi vitamin and vitamin B12/B complex..7oo iu 1X'S A DAY. DRINK WATER ACCORDING TO WORK OUT REGGAMIN AND TO HELP MOVE AGENTS THREW SYSTEM, TO EXPELL TOXINS, USALY WORKS IF DONE A WEEK IN ADVANCE TO TEST.. Yet remember to not smoke is the easyest way to no thae to worrie about this kinda thingTHIS IS BASIC COCKTAIL INGREDIANTS FOUND IN NATURAL FLUSHES, 2 DAY BEFORE SMALL AMMOUNT LAXATIVE HELPS THC AND FATTY OILS LEAVE SYSTEM...
i used that 7 day detox stuff form GNC and it worked fine
yeah that works for a standard drug does not work for probation i know that for sure....
does anyone know how many cranberry pills you would have to take for it to get out of your system in like a week or so?
get up now and hit the stationary shop.... ask for a "carbon paper", hope you know what it is.... go home, take the paper and soak it in water.... squeez the water out to a glass or a cup and DRINK it for real!! this will get it outta your system for sure.....!!!!
get up now and hit the stationary shop.... ask for a "carbon paper", hope you know what it is.... go home, take the paper and soak it in water.... squeez the water out to a glass or a cup and DRINK it for real!! this will get it outta your system for sure.....!!!!
drink a water and glass of crannberyy juice every other hour for 1-2 weeks before the test. wen you piss is in the cup, piss a little in the toilet,then piss the end in the cup because the thc will show in the beginning of the flow. that will work,its always worked for me!!!
all of these things will work, except for the carbon paper thing. But if you wanna be sure to pass the test, do all of these things, and than one hour before the test, drink as much water as you possibly can!! like a gallon. What will happen is the remaining THC (if there is any) will not have to to dillute the water in your system before your piss. WARNIING!!: your pee might come out too clear for whoever is testing you to feel comfortable with the results, and may call you in for another screening. If you do not want this to happen, try taking an advil, or a asprin, i hear that this will add pigment to your urine.
i have not smoked weed in 120 days, my urine test came back positive for weed, and i even drank one of those flushing drinks, dont believe anything less than this, i was searching forever on this topic, but found out the hard way by personal experience
okay i smoked prob like and 8th personally of some really good hyro heads on tuesday a week ago and i have a test tmrw and im going to try this gelatin stuff hopefully it will work
If you have a week or more, do the following. Go to a healthstore and buy "Detox Tea". It supports your liver/kidneys and gets the toxins moving out quicker. Drink 5-6 cups of this per day till the day before the test. Next, put on a hoodie and go out and jog. If your too lazy to jog, do whatever, but the point is to break a sweat at least once a day. During periods of excersize make sure to drink large amounts of water. Take multivitamins and garlic tablets, and limit your intake of fatty foods. Don't eat at mcdonalds. The perfect detox diet would be whole grains, vegetables and lots of fruits. Eat something high in protein like chicken. The night before the test, drink 3-4 gallons of water. You'll be pissing all night, but (at least for me) nothing is worse than a positive test. The mornign of, eat a heavy, fatty breakfast. Take a multivitamin and then drink a gallon or two of water. When you piss, pee the begining of your urine stream into the toilet, and then about halfway through your stream deposit your urine sample. This regime has worked for me for the last 7 years. I am 26, 6'1 and 200 pounds.
If you have a week or more, do the following. Go to a healthstore and buy "Detox Tea". It supports your liver/kidneys and gets the toxins moving out quicker. Drink 5-6 cups of this per day till the day before the test. Next, put on a hoodie and go out and jog. If your too lazy to jog, do whatever, but the point is to break a sweat at least once a day. During periods of excersize make sure to drink large amounts of water. Take multivitamins and garlic tablets, and limit your intake of fatty foods. Don't eat at mcdonalds. The perfect detox diet would be whole grains, vegetables and lots of fruits. Eat something high in protein like chicken. The night before the test, drink 3-4 gallons of water. You'll be pissing all night, but (at least for me) nothing is worse than a positive test. The mornign of, eat a heavy, fatty breakfast. Take a multivitamin and then drink a gallon or two of water. When you piss, pee the begining of your urine stream into the toilet, and then about halfway through your stream deposit your urine sample. This regime has worked for me for the last 7 years. I am 26, 6'1 and 200 pounds.
detox drink from your neighborhood head shop.. cost between $30-$40, works great.
I have two products that work well for me...Sonne 7 which u can get at any health store and Niacin which u can find almost anywhere...Niacin cleaned my system in 48 hours and sonne 7 works in less than 24 hours... Follow the Directions though!
Yes, Run and do a lot of it wearing heavy clothing. Also eat good food that are high in anti oxidants. When you run do it for about 45 minutes to 2 hours a day everyday but not the day of the test. Don't eat fatty food because THC is in fat cells, you want to burn up your existing fat and not make more fat. Also when your driving home from work or the store and you know your gonna shower or something when you get home(Summer or not) Close the windows and put the heat on full blast(making you sweat) Also if its a hot day and you know your car is just heating up baking in the sun. Crack the window 1/2 and inch and sit their and sweat and have a cigarette or something for a good 30 minutes, but be sure to stay hydrated, you can dehydrate quick sweating at this rate. ( I usually do two bottles of water when sitting in the car sweating and talk on the phone to take up time). Cranberry pills will help too, but not too much. I would never take some flushing product from a head shop, on some test it come up inconclusive or altered with when using those.<(past experience) And what ever you do please dont take Niacin even know some say it will help flush your system. Because it wont and you can end up in the hospital like i did. I was shaking uncontrollably and burning up the had to give me an epi-pen benadryl and saline threw my blood stream. And they said it was a cause of too much Niacin, and that it is common. And i only took 1 damn pill a day! Not a good experience, DON'T TAKE NIACIN!!! -Hope i helped-
Drink a gallon of water every 45 minutes and work out. Blood is harder to beat than urine.
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