You can only get your W-2 off the Internet if the employer/company issuing the W-2 makes them available online though a their payroll service which can either be internal (check with the company's payroll dept) or external (third party payroll companies like ADP). Either way if they do offer the service, you will to get the instructions from the employer/company's payroll or HR department as to where/how to access the information. Keep in mind that you can also ask for a duplicate W-2 from your employer if it is lost or destroyed but your employer can charge you a fee for the service. Some employers are slow to issue W-2s even though the deadline to mail them was Jan 31 it wouldn't hurt to check with your employer that they have indeed been mailed. You can also get copies through the IRS but you may have to wait a very long while to receive the copy. "1.6 IRS Procedures: Copies & Transcripts Can I get copies of my prior year Forms W-2 from the IRS? The quickest way to obtain a copy of a prior year Form W-2 is through your employer. If that is not possible, you can order and pay for copies of your entire return (attachments include Form W-2) from IRS, or order Form W-2 information at no charge from the IRS. The IRS can provide Form W-2 (PDF) information for up to 10 years. Information for the current year is generally not available until the year after it is filed with the IRS. For example, Form W-2 (PDF) information for 2005, filed in 2006, will not be available from IRS until 2007."
You can get your IRS issued W-2s in 1-2 business days from
That is a pay service for businesses that need to verify multiple W2 forms every year. Fill out IRS Form 4506-T to order a transcript or other return information free of charge. You can quickly request transcripts by using the automated self-help service tools. Please visit us at and click on ?Get a Tax Transcript...? under ?Tools? or call 1-800-908-9946.
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