Some people feel as if it is immoral. I don't.
Nothing unless you don't like equal rights or you have some religious beliefs against it. Even then there should be a seperation of church and state.
The majority of the nation is opposed to it. There is a slippery slope attached to it. If two guys can marry or two girls can marry then explain to me why I can't marry my sister if we where to get surgery so we can't reproduce? I personally find it offensive calling it a marriage. I support civil unions, but I'm very attached to the term marriage. I belive marriage to be a holy institution.
It requires patience it will come sure as the Catholic Church will eventually have married priests
Nothing. Some people are just narrow-minded and stuff. and majority rules in this country -_- As long as the ones getting married want to get married and stuff, it's fine. (well, atleast I think so)
I don't see anything wrong with it. Everyone deserves a chance at making a family. It seems the argument is straight people are worried that by allowing gay people to get married and use the term "married", it would somehow make their marriage less valid. People just fear what they don't understand, that will always be that.
The big problem with gay marriage is the tax break that ensues. I'm all for gay people having a union so please don't misunderstand me. However, once the door to allow gay couples to get married is opened, even roommates in college can get married just for the tax break. It would lead to mayhem. There needs to be some way to tell the frauds from people who honestly are wanting to be married, otherwise the whole thing would be crazy. Otherwise, I'm all for it and I couldn't care less who wants to get married or not.
Absolutely nothing! Every argument against same-sex marriage is based on complete ignorance of the topic. People confuse legal marriage with religious marriage, people imagine tax frauds with same sex people that they don't imagine with opposite sex people, and people run down slippery slopes. Everyone discussing this issue needs to read up on the supreme court case of Loving vs Virginia in 1967. The state of Virgina arrested a couple for getting married because he was white and she was black. The oposition used the same tired old arguments you see today- God did not want the races to mix, he put them on seperate continents for a reason. What about the children? They will have a hard life being picked on, and won't have a clear racial identity. Allowing mixed race marriage will result in a slippery slope- like letting gay people get married! Well- at least that argument is right! Equal rights mean Equal for everyone!
I'm British, straight and i have no problem with it ;)
We already have enough of God's wrath and judgement upon our backslidden country of America. I love our country, but it needs to come back to God and His Word. Homsexuality is a sin. The Bible is clear of this. I hope that this is helpful. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
Yes, the Bible is clear on this however the church has twisted some verses to make homosexuality to be bad. Those verses are actually talking about homosexuality and even heterosexuality used in pagan worship ceremonies. The Lord God did not want the Hebrews to incorporate these practices into their worship as it was akin to making other gods before Him. It also deals with pederasty that was common in those times.
I think the problem is not so much legalizing it. The problem is that it was ever deemed illegal in the first place. Gay couples are just as much in love as straight couples. They want to give their life to one another, just as straight couples do. Its not fair.
Absolutely nothing.
I live in a country where it IS leagal. No big deal. Some people were upset about it to start, but after a month nobody cared anymore, it didn't lead to anything horrible and I for one am happy to live in a place where gays have the right to marry if they choose.
It's extremely taboo. "The act or ceremony by which two people become husband and wife" -This is still the definition I prefer. To some there is their moral issue. I feel that your debate isn't about marriage - it's about either you accept gay people in society as a whole or you just plain don't. Tax breaks -- unlawful people marry for tax breaks as it is. It is portrayed that two buddies are more likely to do it then me and a female friend.
Yeah--what's wrong with changing the basis of society since history began to be written? What's wrong with letting a four-to-three majority of unelected judges in Massachusetts impose on the majority something that even the people of the most liberal state in the Union oppose? What's wrong with making a change that will have far-reaching implications and effects on practically every other law on the books? What's wrong with making it a matter of public policy that children don't have a natural right to start out with a mother and a father? What's wrong with the idea that two men, or two women, are just as good as a mother and father who have the strongest possible commitments to the children and each other? What's wrong with passing a law that would lead directly to polygamy, polyamory, and incest? What's wrong with passing a law that would make enforcement of the laws against criminal conspiracy impossible? (Two partners in crime could get "married" and then you couldn't compel either to testify against the other in court.) What's wrong with assuming that a minority of Western secularists can throw out the foundation of society and start over from scratch? After all, their track record has been so wonderful on other issues. Just look at the public schools, the UN, the way Western Europe is imploding...
There is absolutely nothing wrong with gay marriage. If two people love each other, they should have the chance to be as miserable as the rest of the world. And to the people who think that gay marriage would bring bad things to the word "marriage"- Have you been watching the news, or even been awake for the last 5-10 years?!?!?! Brittney spears 24 hour marriage, All the stars getting married and divorcing faster than most people change their underwear- But of course if you think that WE'RE going to ruin your perfect fucking union- you have another thing coming. Just open your eyes once a day and you'll realise your sacred little institutaion is more of a circus than the Ringling Brothers. In fact, instead of inviting people to your wedding, just tell them you're putting on a circus. That's more accurate. To say that gay people would ruin the sanctity of marriage, that's a big fat load of bullshit if I ever heard it.
Whenever there is a big moral controversy in this country you can bet your a$$ there's big business behind it. I'm not saying some people aren't genuinely concerned about it but I think it takes deep pockets to stir the hornet's nest this much. I bet its the health insurance companies!! Man I hate those a-holes. Someone should pass a ban on health insurance employees getting married. Or, while we're on the topic of not letting gays get married we should also sterilize them so they can't reproduce. Seriously, Jerry Falwell is dead, is it ok to start treating gay people like humans yet?
Legalizing it or not is irrelevent to me in principle. I disagree with the lifestyle, so legally recognized same-sex marriages would offend me as much as non-legally recognized same-sex marriage. A legal prostitute is no less offensive to me than an illegal prostiture. I don't agree with the behavior. As far as people doing what they like, you have free will, do what you will. Just because you can, doesn't make it right. My thinking it's wrong doesn't make it wrong either, just to me.
Maybe because we are legitimizing sex acts... The only reason why they want to get married beyond the illusion of keeping together is the medical insurances & keeping wills within thier relationship.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with legalizing gay marriage.
The Constitution didn't have to define marriage any more than it had to define "men," "free," and "slaves" because everybody knew what the words meant. And now a tiny group wants to redefine it, not so they can exalt the status of their own fruitless obscenities to the status of the married (which they can't) but so they can pull down the married to their own sexually-perverted level. Doesn't matter to them what the effect on children and society might be. Like all liberals, they think they have the smarts to throw out the wisdom of the ages and of all mankind and to start over again from zero without fear of negative consequences. Their hubris is breathtaking in its self-righteous arrogance.
I honestly could care less. Definitions can change.
Nothing. Practically the only opposition to it is because of Religious teachings, and they only say that same-sex SEX is an abomination, NOT MARRIAGE. Read the Bible passages about it for example, they say that "a man should not lie with a man as he would lie with a woman", this says nothing at all about being gay, or marrying someone of the same sex, it only says that men shouldn't have sex with men. Most countries are thankfully catching up to Morality, in Western Society it's mostly the US which is opposed to it - other countries are at the least making compromises...
People hate equality in any form. Marriage is seen by a lot of people as a very religious ceremony with a very religious background. Theism, the dominant form of religion in the West, has it's roots in the Testaments, which are inherently misogynist. Marriage is seen by many people as relying on this misogyny, and unconventional homosexual marriage dismisses it altogether.
To be fair, there is a cost to Society as a whole, as well as to employers. Some people do not accept the added financial burden on Society which gay marriage may include: - benefits such as annuities, pension plans, Social Security, Medicare - take bereavement leave when a partner or child dies - receive crime victims' recovery benefits - obtain divorce protections such as community property and child support - etc. Regardless of your personal viewpoint, there are many who do not feel such a lifestyle is moral. If two people wish to live a gay lifestyle, I believe that is their right and there choice. If however it will affect others, it is those people's right to voice their opinion. I believe that democracy is about the will of the people. Whatever is the will of the people, not the few... I think that a change in policy is forthcoming, but we will have to wait and see,,,
Bug in the Answerbag program; this is a reply to MagentaStudio's comments to my answer to the question but AB won't let me post it as a comment. Copying what European governments do is otherwise known as "national suicide". Europeans aren't even reproducing themselves and Islamics are filling the vacuum. Europeans should read the Koran. There they would discover that Muslims are commanded to take over and impose Sharia law--completely contrary to all European values--when they reach 10% of the population. And not democratically, but by violence. Marriage is not a human right. It is a privilege with special treatment that society withholds from a brother and sister, parent and child, man and four women, two men, or two women. I never said the USA was supposed to be a Christian nation; I said it was based on Judaeo-Christian values. It was not founded on Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, secular, Enlightenment, or atheist values. Dennis Prager's talk show has quoted enough evidence to prove that to anyone, and he didn't quote the hundredth part of evidence available. You can find the show clips and columns at, for free. I know thousands of conservative Christians and maybe two or three Christian Extremists. The conservative Christians want to preserve our secular government and our Judaeo-Christian values. And if you think that the Founding Fathers would turn over in their graves at anybody's extremism, I can tell you whose it would be--it would be yours. Never in their wildest nightmares would they have imagined that two American men would want to be "married." If they had ever read words like yours, they wouldn't turn over in their graves, they'd be spinning so fast you could hook them up to a generator.
There IS nothing wrong with it. Two people getting married over here, have nothing to do with people over there. The "sanctity of marriage" has not, nor will it be destroyed by us.
other than the fact that Bush doesn't like it---nothing. I am Canadian and gay and married--with the same partner for 20 years.. The moral fabric of the universe seems to be holding well in Canada inspite of the legalization of gay marriage :)
in my opinion? nothing. but then i am of the opinion that many things should be legal that are not.
Absolutely nothing.. I live in Canada and am gay and married and with the same guy for 20 years. I now feel like an equal in society here. And funnily enough...the whole gay marriage debate has dropped off here in Canada..the moral fabric of the universe is still intact.
A big fat 0 reasons that are wrong for not legalizing it, yet I can give you a 100 reasons why it should be legalized
because, first they legalize gay marriage, and before you know it they will be ruling the world!!!!! No!!!!!
Nothing. I am gay and married and it's no big deal..but the world had better get used to it for their sake...40 years ago I remember the words 'gay' or 'homosexual' were not allowed in the newspapers.
Absolutely not one thing wrong with it. I am in a committed, monogamous relationship with another consenting, unrelated adult...who just happens to also be a woman. What possible harm could it do? How could our getting married possibly do any "damage" to the "institution" of marriage any more than heterosexuals have already done?
Nothing, of course. By not legalizing it the state continues to inflict institutional discrimination upon a class of persons. Why is this the case? Well, if the state is going to give special benefits to heterosexual married couples, than it needs to show that by giving those benefits only to heterosexual couples, they are not enforcing standards based upon religious bigotry, or that they are not favoring one group over another arbitrarily. To make their case, the state has generally said that hetero couples deserve the extra benefits, because they can procreate and raise children, an activity which benefits the state. But the courts have rejected this argument over time, since many hetero couples are aged, sterile or otherwise childless, and still allowed to marry and receive the benefits. Also, a large number of gay couples are raising children, so it would seem that the current policy that favors giving special marriage benefits only to hetero couples harms the children of gay marriages, which contradicts the state's original argument. In conclusion, legalizing gay marriage would ultimately benefit all of society, all children, and the state.
absolutley not one thing wrong with gay marriage. kedar pretty much summed it up here. I mean, with all the infidelity, domestic abuse, the high divorce rate and so many people (celebrities, especially) having such a blase' attitude towards marriage (i.e. Britney's drunken 55 hr Vegas marriage, and..big surprise! her next marriage, and now divorce from "K-Fed), could we really harm the "constitution of marriage" any more than straight people do? at least give us the chance to screw it up as much as everyone else does! LOL!
Absolutely nothing. Period.
I would rather equalize tax and inheritance laws, have all state have domestic partnership laws....I see no reason that I should support married couples with tax incentives. I do not want to be pressured into marriage by a lover. I have been married, and once was enough. There is absolutely no need for marriage, and a legal document often spells the doom of a relationship.
Nothing. In fact, several countries have done it (Netherlands, South Africa, Canada, Spain, etc...) (edited to include Spain)
Nothing, people are just jealous that gay marriages might turn out better than straight ones, lol, just joking...though it might be true xD People are ignorant and try to make a bigger mess out of almost nothing.
lol, well it's mostly none of my buisness. i personally think gay people are....different. Their unique in their own way just like you and I are. I personally don't judge people, but I personally don't like it
Nothing's wrong with legalizing it and having it be a purely legal situation. But marriage between a man and a woman was created by God. People seem to think that if you legalize it you're implying that God now approves of homosexuality.
The Lord God never disapproved of homosexuality between adult consenting people. He did disapprove of homosexuality used in pagan ceremonial rituals not wanting the Hebrews (Jews) to incorporate such practices into their worship this would be the same as placing other gods before the Lord God. There was also the establishing pederasty was not acceptable to the Lord God as it exploited young prepubescent boys by older men. Pederasty was common with young boys captured and considered the "spoils of war".
I don't know but I do know that everyone needs to mind their own business and let people live! They will answer to someone higher when the time comes!
Because marriage, by definition, is the joining of one man and one woman.
There really isn't anyplace in the Bible that says this. This has come out of the church and preacher teachings. The church has said this lie for so long people accept it as truth.
Nothing! Most people are against it due to religious beliefs, but what happened to the separation between church and state?? For everyone who's against it due to their Christian values I think you're dummies... ya'll say its an abomination and they'll go to hell... well what do YOU care? I don't understand why people are so worried about others private matters... if it doesn't effect you keep your nose out of it, and let people do whatever they please.
Argue as you will, justify with whatever reasoning makes you feel okay, regardless of what you want to believe or not, truth is truth and can never be altered because what is good and true comes from our Father-in-heaven and I know, not think, I know that He is against same gender attraction and marriage. This can not be argued because you can not take man's laws and try and prove that God's laws are right or wrong, but nice try.
I'm cool with it! Actually, I've discussed it a lot with a lesbian friend of mine (who is a very intelligent woman and is getting gay-married, as she calls it, next summer) and she made a very interesting suggestion to me and the married Christian couple we pal around with (weird circle of friends, eh!). She suggested that she does not want to infringe on something Christians hold sacred and just wants to be recognized politically, publicly, and symbolically as a union. Since Christians define marriage as the union of a man and woman, she thinks gay marriage should be given a title other than marriage, but be recognized as a legal union. there's obviously no perfect solution here, but I thought it was an interesting concept.
Nothing. The title married bestows a large number of legal options to a couple. The problem is that many laws were written making special provisions for those that are married, and those laws were ratified under the assumption that they were helping male/female relationships to flourish at the expense of those that are single. There are also many other legal rights which should be extended to partners in general, but that were for sake of convenience worded as spouse. Simply allowing same sex marriage would help give those rights to the couple, but unfortunately includes those other laws designed to promote families and the raising of children. As more people accept the relationship of "any two persons declared as partners" it creates conflicts with having to reanalyze each law for whether it applies to today’s environment. I wish it could be easier, but since we no longer need to encourage breeding, perhaps 75% of the laws that give special treatment to marriage should be scrapped anyway.
Nothing. I find it weird why we would even think about preventing two PEOPLE who love each other from getting together.
One of the main reasons a lot of people get married is so that their children won't be illegitimate. Doesn't really apply, does it?
there's nothing wrong, just the government fears change
First off, If you look at true sexuality, a lot of other countries would execute a person for even being homosexual. LEGAL marriage would be ok with me if a heterosexual couple could live together, without marriage, and still get health benefits from one or another. However, religious marriage, the true sanctity and sacredness of marriage, should not be allowed. It is not my job, but God's job to judge people by right or wrongdoing. So, leave that part up to God.
absolutely nothing
nothing is wrong with it, just coz someone loves someone from the same sex doesnt mean they shouldnt have the same rights and be able to marry and live their lifes together, it shouldnt matter what or who you are if two people love each other, then they should be able to get married
I personally dont think that gay relationships and gay marriages are morally correct.. I dont think that men&men and women&women are supposed to be romantically involved at all - otherwise they wouldve been able to make a child together...and logically they cant! I think gay marriages should never be legalized because it shows how moral values are bent over time - its just not right!
Nothing, I wish I was gay...:)
Nothing at. all. I find it strange how quick people are to dispel a form of hate crime, but something as positive as two people who happen to be of the same gender and orientation are equally stamped upon as if they are causing pain to others. I think that its just people who are a bit behind the times and are too black and white to accept diversity and think that it is wrong just because they don't feel the same way about it, or ignore the fact that the world would be so boring if every person was heterosexual. One day people will accept. One day.
It's okay for governments to legalize gay marriages but the churches should be left out of it. It's a 2 sided coin. They should leave each other alone.
not a thing... it will change things but for the better.
Absolutely nothing. Nobody has the right to tell people who they can or cannot love!
here is some excellent information for people who think gay marriage is a "new thing"
Now for those of you that say homosexuality is not in the Bible, have one never read the Bible, or two just choose to ignore it, for your own personal wants and desires, for it is well dcumented in the scriptures that Homosexuality is dead wrong, so dead wrong that God dystroyed to cities for practicing homosexuality. God does love all of His children, just as we must love all our Brothers and Sisters, cannot argue that: BUT, He does not love all of our actions, nor should we. We love the person, but cannot love certain actions. I suggest you study hard the reason why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, or Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9, or Romans 1:27. The unfortunate thing is, you will read the truth, understand exactly what these scriptures mean and yet you will still deny the truth. No, I do not speak for God, He does a much better job then I could ever do. Many individuals have faith, but when you leave faith at that and not grow in knowledge than you cannot have a testimony. A testimony means you KNOW something to be true, because you do not try and skirt around a truth.
I think you need to learn what the Bible says and not what some church and preacher says it says. You should read the following three books available from Amazon Books, The Royal Law of Liberty, Devine Sex, and God Is Not A Homophobe. By Darwin Chandler. They should read in the order I have listed them as the book on homosexuality will be better understood. Chandler has been a minister of the Word for over 40 years and has done much research. You will learn more about Jesus Christ from the Royal Law of Liberty than any 20 other books you may read and understand the Bible much better about the Love of Jesus Christ.
It threatens our delicately crafted Puritan heritage, and conservative religious fanatics don't particularly support any form of progress in this country.
Nothing at all it will just be another stepping stone on the path to equality!! Ireland shall hopefully have civil unions by next March :-)
True Magenta - I am sorry for doing so, but its kinda, built into me, i grew up in the times and its stuck to me. BUT im trying to get to Not saying it, or if i do i say Ghey - if that does anything.
absolutely nothing i say go for it. :)
Not only do most not understand the Bible, they do not even understand the Consitution of the United States. And anyone hiding behind the socalled 14th ammendment, have really gotten their constitutional laws screwed up. I have been blasted by many for the above written comment and they unknowledgeable ones have been asking about the infamous phrase “Separation of Church and State.” Here is my answer to them. Yes I have heard the phrase “Separation of Church and State” but as I know where it came from and what it meant, and obviously you along with the Supreme Court and The Senate haven’t a clue. When Thomas Jefferson was a State Senator, he past a day of prayer and fasting, and since the 1st amendment pertains only to the federal government he was not wrong in doing so. Then when he became President of the United States the state capital of Connecticut, which at the time was Danbury, wrote Jefferson asking for a federal day of prayer and fasting. He wrote back to them telling them that as president he could not do that due to the “Separation of Church and State” meaning that the federal government would not have any national church or impose any religion on any state that it was up to each state to have their own state religion, which by the way they all did. Then under the Warren Court in the early sixties, Warren and his other non-American peers, stepped way out of their jurisdiction and began writing law instead of interpreting law, which is exactly what the Supreme Court is suppose to do. They Supreme Court is never to make a law, but to interpret what the original constitution means and ensure that no law strays from that. Unfortunately, they took one phrase from the 14th amendment along with a few other steps and completely turned around the original intent of the 1st amendment. This is not the only disaster the Warren court did, the list is unbelievable; needless to say, the Constitution of the United States as originally written by our Founding Fathers, all who believed in God, bore testimony to the fact that this nation was build on God by God, has been turned into something that is neither recognizable or anything close to the original document. So, am I saying that all those people in America using the phrase “Separation of Church and State” when referring to keeping state government and anything to do with religion separate from one another haven’t a clue about the law, yes that is exactly what I am saying. Am I saying that within the states anyone trying to take God and or religion out of schools, state government buildings, etc. is wrong, well yes unless that states constitution passed a law forbidding it. Am I also saying that anyone at the Federal level whether it be the Supreme Court, the Senate, etc, that try’s to interfere with any of the 50 states and their efforts to either bring God in or out of their schools, government buildings etc. is over stepping their boundaries, absolutely. So before you write back with anything in the way that I do not know what I am talking about, I would really encourage you to do your research. What the Warren court did to the constitution in many areas has contributed mopre to the ruin of this nation then anyone at any other time in the short history of the great nation. And one can only pray that we will one day have a president that is in a situation where he can put knowledgeable men and/or women on the Supreme Court that can right the many wrongs that have been incorporated in one of the most inspired documents ever written. Whether you like it or not want to accept it or not, this country was founded so people all over the world could worship God not Ala, Buddha, Zen, Baal or any other. By the way a bigot is one that is intolerant to other beliefs. I did not serve this country for 20 years during Vietnam because I was intolerant, I served because I wanted ever American to have the freedom to think for themselves, even if they have no clue as to what is good and proper. I am very tolerant of others and their believes, just do not shove it down my throat, you will bite off more than you can handle.
So lets just all agree to let people do what they want to do. If people want to get married, let them, regardless of gender and race. Truth is, Its not destroying YOUR life - so why complain about it?
Unless you huff paint regularly, nothing. Personally, I'm a libertarian and think you should be allowed to do anything you want as long as it doesn't harm others. Of course, "harm" has been kind of stretched by special interest groups in out government to mean ridiculous things like smoking in public or driving an SUV. Let's... try to get a grip, people.
I am not nor will I say I am just giving my opinion. Nor will i ever back down from my statements, nor will I ever back away from stupidity. I do not care that gay men or women have deep feels for the same gender. I believe that there is such a thing as a man that has biological, physical, and mental differences that makes him different from other men. After arresting pedophiles and ebophiles, for fifteen years, and counseling many homosexual men I have no doubt they have different wiring, and I accept this fact, proving the do not act on those desires. Regardless, of their feelings for the same gender, regardless their feelings for children, regardless a man’s feelings for a woman, to act on those feelings sexually outside the bonds of an adult male and adult female of the human race in marriage is wrong. Promiscuity, for the not so bright, meaning sex outside a heterosexual marriage is wrong, period. Therefore, back to my original statement of many months ago, and with all this bickering, as ridiculous as it is, gay marriage is wrong because it is not between an adult man and an adult woman that are married, just as wrong as it would be for a man and a woman outside of marriage. Sex outside of marriage is wrong. Why, well after 20 years in the Marines and 15 years in Child Protective Services I have come to the conclusion that the number one reason that America has the high crime, the drugs, the high percentage of children born out of wedlock, and all else that falls into these categories, it comes down to men in America do not live up to their responsibilities. Now before you scream, I do, maybe so, but there are unfortunately more that do not then do, just look around. If young men were raised by a loving father in a loving home with a loving mother, and they were made, as well as their sisters, to become responsible and caring adult men, and accept their responsibilities as an adult and this goes for young women as well, much of the stupid debates and problems we are having in this country would disappear, not all, but a great majority. Children have the right to be raised by loving and caring role models, a father and a mother in a home were they are married and care about one another, over and above all else. You can not get that no matter how hard you try in a gay marriage. Yes, I know the argument; wouldn’t it be better if two gay men or women that loved and cared for the child be better then a bad father or bad mother? Neither scenario is good, so the argument is mute. There are a set of moral ethics laid out by God, He has never changed them, nor altered them, nor modified them, nor deleted them; man has tried and that is exactly why we have the mess we have in the world today. When you take God out of anything, you have a real disaster and failure is inevitable. Now let us see the number of comments trying, as they will, to disprove this statement. By the way, for you nay-sayers, you can not touch me by anything you say or do. Actually, ignorance makes me really laugh and I have gotten a lot of laughs over the last few months with the ignorance I have been reading from you nay-sayers. Thanks for the uplifting moments, please give me more.
I am not nor will I say I am just giving my opinion. Nor will i ever back down from my statements, nor will I ever back away from stupidity. I do not care that gay men or women have deep feels for the same gender. I believe that there is such a thing as a man that has biological, physical, and mental differences that makes him different from other men. After arresting pedophiles and ebophiles, for fifteen years, and counseling many homosexual men I have no doubt they have different wiring, and I accept this fact, proving the do not act on those desires. Regardless, of their feelings for the same gender, regardless their feelings for children, regardless a man’s feelings for a woman, to act on those feelings sexually outside the bonds of an adult male and adult female of the human race in marriage is wrong. Promiscuity, for the not so bright, meaning sex outside a heterosexual marriage is wrong, period. Therefore, back to my original statement of many months ago, and with all this bickering, as ridiculous as it is, gay marriage is wrong because it is not between an adult man and an adult woman that are married, just as wrong as it would be for a man and a woman outside of marriage. Sex outside of marriage is wrong. Why, well after 20 years in the Marines and 15 years in Child Protective Services I have come to the conclusion that the number one reason that America has the high crime, the drugs, the high percentage of children born out of wedlock, and all else that falls into these categories, it comes down to men in America do not live up to their responsibilities. Now before you scream, I do, maybe so, but there are unfortunately more that do not then do, just look around. If young men were raised by a loving father in a loving home with a loving mother, and they were made, as well as their sisters, to become responsible and caring adult men, and accept their responsibilities as an adult and this goes for young women as well, much of the stupid debates and problems we are having in this country would disappear, not all, but a great majority. Children have the right to be raised by loving and caring role models, a father and a mother in a home were they are married and care about one another, over and above all else. You can not get that no matter how hard you try in a gay marriage. Yes, I know the argument; wouldn’t it be better if two gay men or women that loved and cared for the child be better then a bad father or bad mother? Neither scenario is good, so the argument is mute. There are a set of moral ethics laid out by God, He has never changed them, nor altered them, nor modified them, nor deleted them; man has tried and that is exactly why we have the mess we have in the world today. When you take God out of anything, you have a real disaster and failure is inevitable. Now let us see the number of comments trying, as they will, to disprove this statement. By the way, for you nay-sayers, you can not touch me by anything you say or do. Actually, ignorance makes me really laugh and I have gotten a lot of laughs over the last few months with the ignorance I have been reading from you nay-sayers. Thanks for the uplifting moments, please give me more.
The fact of the matter is that there is nothing wrong with legalizing gay marriage. Oh, aside from the fact that the government once again wants to be God and not serve God. I have not found one valid argument against gay marriage that does not revert back to religious foundations. Let's say religion is correct. Let's say that marriage is swearing to God. Let's say that every last person who has taken communion and reverted back to old habits has lied to God. Let's say that every man that has ever had an affair outside of his marriage has lied to God. Heck let's say that anyone that has gone to church and offended his brothern without apology has lied to God too. Do we really want Gay marriage to a religious issue. I do believe the Bible itself says "do unto others as you would have the Lord your God do unto you." and "Judge not least ye be judged." Give them the right and let God be the final judge in the end. Oh yeah, my bad, HE ALREADY IS PEOPLE!
I just read all 80 plus answers to this question, and there seems to be many rhetorical comments, from those of little knowledge of laws. So let us forget one minute the fact that God is against it, and let us focus on the law. There are numerous reasons for two people to fall in love and obtain a legal marriage. 1. A life together; 2. Procreation; 3. The legal, medical, and other government benefits that come within the bonds of a legitimate marriage. Okay, marriage is not needed for number 1. Since a gay union can not produce an offspring unless they utilize an outside source they are incapable of procreating, there goes reason 2. Now for reason 3; although, there are many uses of the American tax payers money that many tax payers resent and have a very difficult time swallowing when they pay those taxes, as well as, pay into company benefit plans, we will now force down everyone’s throat the fact that our tax monies and benefits must now go to a union a purpose that can do nothing but create more detest for the government, more hatred toward an already frowned upon segment of society, so sure let’s add to the hate and contention in America by having gay marriage have all the rights and benefits of an heterosexual relationship, and then see what happens to what is left of a barely getting by civilized society. There comes a time when enough is enough, that goes for any and all areas that have and will deteriorate the moral fiber of this country, along with the never ending selfishness of the few.
i still don't understand why we (as a country)consider sexual orientation a political issue. who are we to decide that for someone else....i would think that's between them and a much higher power and god didn't give me the job description of judging other people (that's his job) what should we deem legal vs. illegal next~ sexual positions?????
There's nothing wrong with it, its just the damn church that everyone seems to be a part of that doesn't like it. You know, I bet if the pope didn't like Lucky Charms, half the world wouldn't eat em. The Church is a huge influence in the world today, even though it CAN BE WRONG, people still think that this god figure is never wrong. And frankly I don't know why people started believing in a 1,000 year old Lord of the Rings story either. But if Gay or Lesbian couples ever took on the church or questioned its authority, though many already do but not all, it would be like the church having the BFG9000 and the Gay and Lesbian's with a lolly pop. I guess the real point is that the church has majority in the US. Even though they say church and state are separate, there's still a huge influence in the government depending on what religion they are. Thats why I don't let the church "influence" me. I like to take in reality from looking at my everyday experiences and actually learning from them. I don't want someone to tell me whats good and whats bad, I think I'll be the judge of my own person and what I believe is right and wrong.
I tell you what is wrong with it! The fact that it is none the the govenments stinking business who anybody tries to marry, and if they'd get their heads out of thier butts and realize that, everyone would be much better off. Everone knows the govenment does not want us to be better off- hence the medeling.
i dont see anything wrong with it...i dont know why it isnt already...sheesh!
Uhm Marriage is a LEGAL binding..not a religious binding So gays should be allowed to marry
I would like one person to come up with a valid reason for there being a problem with legalizing gay marriage, that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with religion. And also, I wish people (in general) would quit thinking that equal rights for everyone is bad. Seriously, wtf?
nothings wrong with it. Whats wrong is society seeing same sex relationships un equally to opposite sexes being together. sexuality shouldnt be discriminated.
nothing is wrong with it. what keeps it illegal is the fact that under married status, most insurance companies have to cover the spouse, and we all know how they like to hold on to their money and not have to pay out. Who runs the nation truely? yep insurance companies. Also theres the fear of change, and the religion bigots working against it.
Oh, those gays, whatever will they want next, EQUAL RIGHTS?!!! HARRRUUMMMPPPPHHHH!!!!!! There's nothing wrong with EXPANDING the definition of marriage to include adult couples who love each other, regardless of gender.
Nothing, it would only burnish the reputation of the instituion of marriage. Why should marriage be limited only to hetero's, and why would my queer marriage threaten their hetero marriage? I hear their arguments and they just ring hollow to me. I am not religious, so religious arguments against gay marriage are moot, as well.I just don't know why it has to be SUCH A BIG-ASS DEAL. "if you're against gay marriage, don't marry one..."
Its toying with the laws of humanity and with Gods laws.
NOT ONE THING...My best friend has been in a same sex relationship for over 19 years, longer than most so called "normal" man/woman marriages I know. She and her partner had a ceremony several years ago to signify their love in front of family and friends, why shouldn't they be able to do so legally? They should...people fear what they do not understand...I don't understand people who fear love...
nope not at all, and anyone that thinks that oppressing the homosexual community needs to shut up, and get over it
absolutely nothing. In Belgium and in Holland its legal, fortunately.
You are asking for the impossible ;)
Those who are against it and answer honestly will post a whole list of twisted reasons that are, for the most part, based on every lie, assumption and stereotype they've heard their whole life. Or, they cite a bunch of "religious" reasons. You'll never hear a legitimate "reason." Bottom line, they don't like the LGBT. Period.
I object on religious grounds. In the Catholic Church, Marriage is a sacramental vow between a man and a woman, one of 7 religious sacraments. Most Protestant churches do not recognize matrimony as a sacrament, only 2 (baptism and communion). I do not object to civil unions between individuals, including M-F couples who do not want to be "married", but want the benefits.
You realize of course, that "reason" never enters into it, or they would support equal rights for all, which is also what the Constitution is supposed to support. Most recite healf-truths and canards that have no logical basis whatsoever.
It is legal. A gay man can marry a gay woman. No problem there. Maybe we should call it same gender marriage? Same sex marriage?
Nothing! It is illegal to molest children,it is illegal to commit murder, etc. How can we even begin to allow a goverment to decide for us, what is legal when it come down to something like gay marriage. I thought marriage is a union of two people who love each other. Who cares what sex they are. Love is just that, love. Isn't that the reason people marry in the first place. And for those that disagree, what about child molestation,and wife beating, and all those things that happen every day in our society,that are illegal,do gay marriages belong in that catagory.
What ever happened to the constitution? equal rights
By and through the use of the USA Constitution were the gay population able to obtain their "rights" as citizens of the USA. I hope those in polygamy and even adult consensual incest will soon gain their rights by the same reasons. The government has no right to be in the bed room or home of free people.
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