• I have siblings and I love them to pieces. Who else would I have blamed things on as a kid?
  • I always wanted to be an only child but now I am glad I have at least two of my sisters. They are my best friends
  • I can't imagine being an only child. I love my siblings!
  • I have siblings, and am glad!! They're the only ones who understand where I come from.
  • I had siblings and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Looking back I'm glad I had a brother and sister... no matter how many times we fought over the years we still love each other.
  • I have 3 brothers 41 37 and 12 one sister 17. Its crowded but the love is plenty.
  • I have no idea what i would do without my sister! i love her to death. i am SO glad i'm not an only child!
  • I have an older brother and I wouldn't be the same if I was an only child. But sometimes I wish I had a twin sister/brother as well.
  • I'd rather have a sibling.
  • i would rather have a sibling because when your ggrounded you have someone too talk too.
  • i think i would die w/out siblings i have a 12 year old sister a 2 week old sister a 2 year old brother a 5 year old brother and a 8 year old brother and im the oldest:)
  • I liked having siblings I always had someone to blame things on, play with, talk to, and protect me.
  • I'm happy as an only child.
  • Well now that im 31,and for the way im treated now that id think that id rather would of been an only child cause my mom was remarried and now i have 2 more brothers who get whatever they want from their real dad..pretty much everything i never had..
  • I grew up with a sister 20 months younger than me. It was hard a lot of the time cause we fought CONSTANTLY, but it was cool when one or both of us got in trouble because we always had someone with whom we could complain about our parents without reservation or explanation. Now that we're adults, we're best friends. My relationship with my sister is the one I value most in my life and I miss her every day (she's in CA and I'm in MN now...). I definitely think that siblings are great, and I hope to have at least two kids so that they can have the same friendship as I have now :)
  • I wanted a baby brother. If I had to do it all again, I would not have a sibling. Sorry, the truth is not always pretty.
  • only child I did the sibling thing.
  • have a sibling!!! i love my sisters! they are always there when i need them.
  • I have 2 siblings and am very glad about it. :] My cousin is an only child and invites a bunch of friends (sometimes us) over. But of course, if you're an only child, you have more money, after all, the more kids, the more you pay ($).
  • This wasn't my choice. I didn’t have any say what my parents did.
  • I'm the only child and I'm loving it for obvious reasons. I do miss having a sibling sometimes but I'd rather have all this attention and love all for myself.
  • I love being an only child. I was adopted and my cousins(who were actually reall blood cousins) were like my sisters and my mom used to send me to their house from Friday night until Monday mornings when I was a teenager, so that I would have a sister experience. My friends were also my sisters- I met one in the 4th grade, 38 years ago and we were like sisters. Another I met in the 7th grade and the last close one I met in the first year of high school, so we have been together for decades and while we don't share blood, we share our hearts .
  • Well I have one sibling, a brother, and i've had lots of fights and arguments with him. More arguments than fights nowadays, or just me telling him he's f***in stupid. But I do love him and I wouldn't have it any other way.
  • I would have loved to have the experience of having a sibling - especially a sister to play with as a child and to hang out with as an adult. It just wasn't in the cards for me - I was born an "only child".
  • I have 2 siblings n i'm lucky i have them..i love them.
  • Siblings are nice to have. Without them it gets boring and your parents just spoil you. I have siblings and I do get in fights sometimes with the but all in all I'm glad.
  • I'm an only child and i'm loving every minute of it.
  • i think i would die if i was an only child. me and my brother have an amazing bond and are best friends. i cant imagine not having someone else with me at home besides my parents.
  • I have 7 siblings and wouldn't give up any of them for anything in the world. I have a different relationship with each one of them and cherish each one. One of my sisters is my best friend in the entire world, we've been through everything together. I couldn't imagine my life without her there whenever I needed her. She has been the only one to never leave me or betray me. Plus we have a weird connection where we seem to know exactly what the other is feeling. I'll admit i don't get along well with one of them, but that's getting better as I'm maturing. Being the youngest also has it's perks, I know I get it easy, but I try not to take advantage of it too much. We've all had our ups and downs, but we all know we can go to each other for help, whatever the circumstance. But I understand that this isn't how everyone is and am truely grateful for the experience
  • I would rathewr be an only child. My sister is impossible to get along with.
  • Me and my sister have a 12 age year gap, so I've sort of been an only child really. I always, always wanted a brother, and I have no idea why. Before she had me, my mum was pregnant with a boy right up to 8 months, but he died. It my mum and dad pretty hard... they'd prepared for a boy, got excited over it, and then they didn't have it. So there has always been this weird impression that me and Katie should have a brother I guess. but being an only child was ok too. One less kid to screw up
  • I am an only child, but i would have loved siblings. You get bored at times when you are younger, and when you get older siblings are a good sounding board for advice etc.
  • I'd much rather have siblings, which I do. I have three sisters and two brothers. It's nice b/c I consider them my friends too.
  • I say this but I know I don't really mean it but I sometimes wish I was the only child. I truely love my brother but he can be a very hateful, mean person. Sometimes, I know my life would be easier without him. Honestly, though I love him.
  • I am very content being an only child.
  • I would have rather had a sister. Honestly I have a brother and he's pretty cool and all but I wanted a sister. But it would be best of all if I could have several siblings even a couple sisters and a brother is fine with me.
  • i would rather have a sibling, but it would be kinda interesting to be an only child for a couple of weeks. but i wouldnt trade my brothers for anything
  • i want to be an only childd...i dont know but like my friend when she was an only child it just looked like her parents didnt have to like SHARE ther love for another kidd and she got like EVERYTHING she ever wanteddd =/ i dotn wanna be selfish or anything i love my sisterr even tho she annoys the HELL out of mee EACH DAY
  • I'm an only child and I'm loving it. I've never wanted a brother or sister, and I really don't. I have two cousins, but that's as close as it comes. No having to share my PS2, no having to share my guitars, no having to share my bedroom, no having to share the bathroom, no sibling rivalry, I love being an only child!!
  • I'd rather have siblings, but next time I'd like to be involved in the choice
  • I have two siblings who are both vastly different from me. I sometimes think about what it would be like if they didn't exist, and I think it would be boring. Plus, they are around when I have nothing to do.
  • Definitely have a sibling. If I were an only child I would be soooooo bored! I sometimes get into fights with my brother, but it's worth it to have someone to hang out with and talk to. I don't know what I would do without my brother.
  • I'm an only child, and honestly, I think I'd rather have a sibling.
  • I have one sister, and she is almost 9 years older than me. I love her, and we get along well, but because of our age difference, I don't feel that we know each other very well. I was born when she was 9, and then when I was 9 she moved out to go to college. We see each other pretty often, but we don't talk to each other a lot, and we aren't "close" in the way that some sisters are. I kind of wish I had more siblings (either brothers or sisters would be fine). I love having family, and I think that maybe I would have been a little closer to my siblings if they were closer in age. However, the way it worked out was great for me (for selfish reasons), because I got more monetary support from my parents during college (and for gifts). If there were more of us, that would not have been possible. Whatever the case, I'm glad I'm not an only child (even though I was the only child in the house for quite some time). I have a great sister.
  • i have 2 older sisters and i don't really like them. we are 13 and 12 years apart - i am the youngest, and i don't think they like me very much either. we are very different - grew up in different places with different family situations. i think they enjoyed my company when i was younger, but now that i am older and have opinions that differ from theirs - they don't seem open to get to know me. i don't even really care although i do with i had more supportive siblings. also, my sister just had a baby - and he is so cute - i am in love with him - but i barely get to see him (only x-mas and big family functions) because of our bad relationship.
  • it's a bit late now...I was no 2 but I loved my older brother. we used to sing to each other through the wall until mum came in and yelled at us to go to sleep. then when I was 13, mum had another baby, my sister. That child was the light of my life...and now I am looking after her baby....brings tears to my eyes sometimes, when I think of my sister at the same age. No, I wouldn't ever have wanted to be an only child, even with the jealousies of childhood (she loves him better than me etc), there were so many good memories. don't get me started on the cousins. :-)
  • I have a sibling and I appreciate having one, but if your sibling is younger than you, they will most oftenly try to get you in trouble. This has happened to me many times and I despise my sister when she does it. I've just found a way to make her stop. I've noticed that your younger siblings ussualy are very curious, so if you do something that makes them curious and don't show it, they crazy and stop bugging you. You just need to make sure that you don't get in trouble with your parents for antagonizing them.
  • Sometimes I think that I would love to be an only child, but then I think again and say to myself, "Where would I get in life without them?"
  • I would rather have a sibling to have company or have to talk to. I have six sisters and four of them i depend on to be here for me and they are.
  • i think i'd rather have siblings because it teaches you to share and to not be selfish and things like that.
  • I think everybody shouldn't wish to be an only child because sometimes you get what you wish for so than that i would wish I had 1 brother/sister.
  • I was kind of both since my sisters weren't born until I was 10/11 years old. I hated being an only child but then I hated having siblings when I was a teenager (especially since they were young and bratty) but now we get along great.
  • SIBLINGS!!!!! Then your not bored and alone...that is if you like them. :)
  • there are 2 different ideas about this siblings help you we needed you can talk to them wen i toruble or something have someone to hang out with no siblings if you want all your parents attention but they maybe a little more secure over then if you had more siblings
  • I am an only child. I wouldn't trade it for anything. My cousins and friends are my siblings.
  • Even though my broter and I got into some huge fights growing up, I wouldn't trade what we have now for the world. I think that being an only child would be okay, but that I'd have missed out on my best friend!
  • I had siblings and am glad. Even though me and my sisters didn't get along that great, I'd still rather not be an only child. And now I'm older, have 3 kids myself, I'm glad they have each other to bond with :)
  • I really enjoyed being an only child. I got to do all sorts of things with my parents. We really were a threesome, even at a young age. We went and did everything together, had lots of fun times. I didn't have a sibling until I was just about to leave home. I never felt lacking because I didn't have siblings growing up and had lots of friends of all ages, younger kids and had a blast with older people, too.
  • I hate having siblings, they are so annoying but i guess that happens when you are the only boy and you have a older sister and a younger sister
  • Have a sibling
  • I have 2 older brothers and 2 younger sisters and so that leaves me in the middle...and I loved every bit of it. I know the middle child was left out alot...but I gained alot of love from my brothers and sisters. Especially one of my sisters, who I love with all my heart. I would do anything for any of brothers and sisters. Love is wonderful
  • I always wished when I was a little girl that I could have a brother or sister. And I finally got my wish when I was 9 years old. Now that I am going on 13, I don't want a sibling anymore, because he's 3. and gets on my nerves ALL the time. He's also got A.D.D. so that makes it even harder,but I wouldn't trade him for the world. I love him but he gets on my nerves. As all siblings do.
  • When I hear my friends, I like being only child. Just me, I wouldn´t mind having siblings.
  • I am an only child and I have hated it forever. Always wanted someone unconditionally connected to me, as a peer rather than a parent. My own two children are pretty close and I am so thankful!!
  • well thats easy the only child, I am the only child, I am so spoiled at home,I have 2 jetskis 4 dogs and a play room, but I don't play in there anymore.
  • i think it is terrible having 5 brothers but it would get boring being alone though you wouldnt have to share but then you wouldnt be able to play together with someone all the time i mean friends are great but they are not around you 24/7
  • I have a sibling. She is the most immature, selfish, drama-addicted person I have ever met. My parents always said when we got older things would get better. Not the case. I think if I were blessed with a better sibling, things would have been great. As things stand, I would have been better off as an only child
  • I would so reather have siblings
  • i ahve two sisters and a half brother and a soon to be broether inlaw and i am soooo happy! sure i have alot of fights but havin someone to tslk to about parents or life and have them understand is awesome =))
  • I have siblings, but the sister just before me is 18 years older then I am. So I was like an only child with 7 mothers.
  • Long ago, I wanted a sibling... notihng would of made me happier! Now, if I had one, nothing would cause me more misery. I'm happy as an only child and would like nothing more then to remain one.
  • i have two brothers and two sisters so yeah, there's 5 in my family. I'm the second eldest. then there's my older brothers two daughters and son so I've grown up with other kids around and i wouldn't have it any other way... the only one i ever fight with is my 9yr old brother but we're all still very close. I'm especially close to my 12 y.o sister. she is my best friend!
  • I'm a single has its benefits, but i would prefer having an older brother and a younger sister!
  • please delete
  • i love my siblings i'd never be able to live without them
  • I would rather have a sibling.
  • i'm the oldest of three. we're all really spread out. i'm 16, my brother is seven, and the youngest brother is 4 months. i feel like i kind of got jipped on the sibling experience because of the huge age differences. we're too far apart to be very close, so we just fight a lot. as for the baby, he's basically my world. anytime my mom wants to sleep or shop or anything i take him, and have a blast playing mom for a little while. i'd love to have a sibling closer to me in age to actually bond with and have as a best friend though.
  • even though I'd give anything to have a different sibling... I'd still rather have one. most of the time only children are snobby or such (sometimes, not always)
  • I don't know where I'd be without my sisters and brother. They give me so much advice, advise me to study, be good to people. I love them so much.
  • I am an only child and I don't think my 57 year old mom is going to have anymore kids.
  • I have 12 siblings and I wouldn't trade them for the world. My family means so much to me. My family has been torn apart before by social workers and it wasn't good for our emotional being at all. We are reunited again and that's good. I can't imagine what life would be like as an only child. I would probably be extremely bored. My boyfriend is an only child, though. He turned out awesome. ;)
  • I have many brothers and sisters. It is great. But I have to admit there were many times that I wished to be an only child.
  • I would be nothing without my sister.
  • I am an only child and really wouldn't want it any other way. I have a few cousins who I am very close with and are like older brother and sisters.
  • siblings.....i couldnt imagine being a only child
  • Have siblings, It teaches you a lot early on that many single children dont learn.
  • I love having brothers! I can't imagine whats its like to have no brothers or sisters at all!
  • i find it hard as my siblings are all older than me but i don't think i could live without them. my two sisters who are 10 and 12 years older have practically reared me as my mother was terminally ill with cancer when i was younger and my father was out of the country working.
  • im glad i have three other sisters and we are so happy together!!i love them and i wouldnt ask for other sisters to replace them
  • Coming from a large family and considering all the love and support I've known from them through all the good and the bad in my life, I wouldn't have it any other way!
  • definitely have a sibling(s)
  • I'm an only child but I'd rather have siblings :) When I was a little girl I wanted a younger sis. When I was a teen I wanted an older bro. Now that I'm grown it would be nice to have an older sis..
  • I'd rather be the only child! I have a retarded sister and so I want to be an only child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • being an only child: 1. most likely 2 get spoilt 2. u'll get bored all the time 3. u'll be less social? 4. if all u r friends turn on u, u'll have no one 5. no sense of sharing/fairness etc...
  • Sometimes but I am glad I was not.
  • I love having sibilings! My little sisters can come to me for anything! And I wouldn't have it any other way. When we were growing up we never got bored because we could always have fun together! And keeping "sister secrets" from our parents was always cool!
  • I have a brother it's kool!!!
  • I love having siblings, older siblings tho, not younger... GOD forbid having a younger siblings, it's very annoying... But if i really can choose, i'd love being the only child... At least my parents won't be comparing me to them and love me more...
  • I love having a brother. I wish we were closer in age, but I love him just as much. I would hate being the only child. I loved having someone to play with growing up. He was young enough where I could make him be my slave. lol He loved it.
  • I'd rather have way cooler sibs.

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