• the poison was in the ice, and he drank it before the ice melted... ?
  • this is kind of a twist on the icecubes riddle. A guy drinks a glass of punch quickly and it doesn't kill him but everyone else who drank theirs slow died...the poison was in the icecubes, the guy that drank his fast did't wait long enough for the ice to melt to poison his drink. So with this riddle I have two theories..1. the guy didn't die because he has poisoned the punch himself and therefor did not drink it after he had poisoned it...or he had poisoned it and drank the poisoned punch but had spent years building up a tolerance to that specific poison. 2. There was not enough poison in one glass of punch to kill someone, it would take 2 or more glasses to get enough of the poison into the body to kill...the guy only drank one so he didn't die.

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