Definitely. No 2nd chances. Men should have zero (0) tolerance for domestic violence just like women. Whatever you do, do NOT let her talk you into giving her a second chance. There are plenty of peaceful women out there. Get your divorce and go find yourself one.
I can't answer that for you. It may never happen again, it might. You have to decide that for yourself. Only you know the circumstances surrounding it and your history together. You have to do what you see as being right, not what others think you should do.
Different people react differently with domestic violence. People who love each other eventually get back together and all is forgiven. Others, it takes only one time, depending on what was said and the seriousness of the assault. Many times, i have answered domestic violence calls to the same couple. Some couples tend to have more violence than others. the object for the police is to prevent the assaults before they arrive at a death situation. Your leaving was a good move. let tempers calm down and give it two or three days before attempting contact by either party. Remember, the old saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". This does not apply in domestic violence. Be careful what you say.
If she is the type that abuses feminism so she can get away with it, yes. If she sees this pattern of her getting away with it, she could keep pushing your buttons until you even yell or push her one time then she'll call the cops on you and all the times she abused you won't even be checked into because the man is automatically the violent husband.
Yes it is!!! She simply wouldn't have done it if she respected & loved you............. lets face it if a woman asked this question everyone would say leave!!!
sorry to hear of your issue ---- moving out for the time being is a good idea, but if you love your wife, get marital counseling to seek out why she did this and then determine if a divorce is in order. good luck to you
Yes. Dump her and don't look back. Be sure to take the kids with you.
I think it would depend on a number of things. How long have you been married. Was there something particularly stressful happening the day she hit you. Do you see her temper as something she can't control. People make mistakes and do things they are sorry for. Again, depending on the circumstances, you might not want to make that move immediately. Give it a week but let her know you are going to consider it for a week so she understands how much this has affected you. Good luck.
I don't even know where to start with advice. I am against violence and divorce.....but know that.....Recent statistics indicate that during the six months after a single episode of domestic violence, 32 percent of victims are victimized move out today and return under better conditions......she may realize her wrong doing and never do it again but, it really depends on her self-control.
Oh, no she didn't! Look man, cut her loose. It ain't got nothin to do with whether you love her or not. She don't love you, period. . It don't make no sense to be living with a woman who's gonna be crackin you upside yo head when she feels like it. Fuhgit dat. . Get yourself a girlfriend and let her do the divorce.
No. Unless she put you in the hospital or damaged you permanently somehow, if it's an isolated incident, you're just looking for an easy out. You clearly have some issues to talk through with her in a counseling setting with a mediator present. Through counseling you may be able to rediscover the reasons you first got together - that or you will come to a mutual conclusion that your differences are irreconcilable. Either way, you should be in counseling with her. Understand, by your posture, that of moving out rather than kicking her out for hitting you, you've demonstrated an admission of culpability as well as your predisposed eagerness to leave her. It begs the question as to whether or not you did something drastic enough to deserve getting hit. Also, your choice of category is rather telling.
Yes, get out now before it gets worse. Once a beater always a beater. Abusive women (and men) are like pedophiles, you can't reform them.
Yes actions speak louder then words
Yes my father only hit my mother once and he all most killed her honestly he did-She only left him becuse he was threating to thorw me out of a window if she left him and I was only 2 months old at the time so yes They've been dovorced for a long time now I belive that she did the right thing
Although I am totally against violence from anyone I think this answer would depend on a couple of things. How long have you been married? Was there something that precipitated the violence? By that I mean did the person doing the hitting have a particularly difficult day. I guess what I am getting at is that everyone has a breaking point and even though it shouldn't come out in a violent way, it might happen just once. All factors have to be taken into consideration. If it is a case where someone has anger issues that is an entirely different story and you are right to move out as it is unlikely to change without a lot of help.
It's really up to you. I've been through that shit before, (not married) but if someone EVER treats me like that again, I'm ending things immediately.
No. It may or may not happen again, but I have been through it with my ex and we went to counciling and everything worked out. He never touched me again.
I think it's an acceptable reason to divorce. Domestic violence is a terrible answer to conflict. If the person who loves you is willing to resort to physical violence to express themselves, it means they have a problem. Lack of self-control, anger management issues, or just plain disrespect - hitting someone is crossing a line that I believe should not be crossed. I would not stay with my partner if he hit me, and I think even once would be a deal-breaker for me.
Only you know what you are willing to accept. But, to say she hit you could mean whacked you on the arm jokingly, likes guys do. So, you must decide this one.
I think you had your mind made up already - this was the icing on the cake. I don't want anyone to hit anyone - but I got to wonder what did you say? She's a woman and unless she is your size and can wallop up a hit - was this her intention. Before I get hit with all sorts of accusations - I am asking you?
I'd say so. She might throw a hot plate of grits on you next time. Move out tonight and file for divorced tomorrow.
First off (Inigo Montoya . . . prepare to die) I love the movie Princess Bride good name ! Now to answer you question did she throw something or just hit you in the face ? Did you do something to provoke her ? Not to say she still had any right to actually hit you. Dependes was this a one time thing your entire marriage was like a love story and then one night she flipped out ? Ha ha Or you were already having problems and this was the last straw ? It's your call!
It really depends. What kind of hit was it?
God damn right it is, no man or women should have to put up with it, and those who called you names for asking this question need to grow the fudge up!!!!!!!!!
You seem kind of wimpy. I mean, go ahead and cry in your room. Divorce the woman...wah wah wah, serves her right. Right? You seem like a baby.
I don't know, i guess it depends on how serious it was.... It does kind of indicate that she doesn't respect you.... That said my ex-wife used to throw all sorts of things (including knives) and hit me... And that didn't make me divorce her, though I made it clear that i didn't put up with that sort of treatment. I would go for a drive the second she got in any way physically violent... Once she got balance of her hormones though (by not eating any gluten(wheat), surprisingly!) she seemed to improve and have far less extreme mood swings.. Turns out she truly didn't respect me, though. She ended up cheating on me so i moved out and am now separated. Maybe she wanted me to hit her back? There seem to be plenty of women that keep going back to abusive relationships.....
I always give a person a second chance. What it something you said? Was it unprovoked? What caused her to hit you? Have you hit her in the past? Were you hurt physically or emotionally? There are many reasons for divorce, however did you get married for the right reason in the first place. My parents got divorced and so did I. The children suffer the most.
yep...move out and file for divorce! If someone hit you once, they'll hit you again.....
I have read some of the other comments on here, and your negative reaction. You seem to already have your mind made up so why bother to ask your question ? You seem like a weirdo, and need to get a life and move past your wife hitting you because let's be honest unless she hit's like a man you are probably okay. Divorce her and get over it your annoying.
I hope you moved out and divorced her. There's no such thing as a single incident, only the first incident. If my wife ever did that, I'd pack my things and not look back. There's enough good women out here to have to not have to put up with a crazy.
I know I would divorce her in a NY minute. If she hit me once, there's no telling what she'd do the next time she gets PO'd. I wouldn't spend another night in the house with her. I hope you got the heck out of there and found yourself a peace loving woman.
Oh, I would divorce her in a NY minute. There's too many sweet, fine peaceful women out here to deal with a beater who might kill you in your sleep. I hope you got out the heck out o there and found yourself a peace loving woman.
Yes, it is a valid reason. However, if you have kids, saving a marriage, if at all possible, is always preferable for their sakes. Still, you should not enable abuse by just accepting it because she's a woman and you're a man. The best option may be to separate until such that she gets counseling and gets cleared by the counselor (yes, she can give the counselor permission to speak to you about her case in or out of her presence). The worst option is to stay and do nothing about the abuse because it is likely to recur, get worse, and possibly spread to the kids, which would be worse for them than a divorce.
>.> ...she hit you once and you're moving out? Did she even hurt you? v.v i think ur over reacting.
I don't need to take that, and I wouldn't take it. I have too much self-respect. Plus, there are too many single women out here looking for a good man.
Damn skippy!! That is why they shoot dogs that bite. If she did it once and got away with it she will do it again.
Yes, unless she begged on her hands and knees for forgiveness and accepted complete responsibility. Otherwise, tell her you're going to start shopping for a new wife while the divorce is in progress.
I don't care if she hits like a sissy girl and a 3 year old could have hit you harder...there is ZERO excuse. Male or female, doesn't matter, no one should live with that!
No. Talk about it. Try and work it out. Go to counseling. Don't throw away a marriage because of one mistake.
Hitting someone once is one time to many.......good for you. I would have been out the door had my husband ever attempted to even raise his hand in anger
I hit my boyfriend all the time (not in a evil way mind) :S
I'm on. . . . . .YOUR. . . . .side! Physical abuse, from either partner, is a "deal" breaker!
There is never an excuse for violence and I think you have to do what is right for you, no-one else knows your situation like you do. Someone hitting another is not acceptable and that person made a consious decision to do it. I wish you all the best.
It depends on what the argument was about and what you said before she hit you, but the way I see it, although it's never something I recommend, it's a lot more acceptable for a woman to hit a man, based solely on the idea that most of the time a woman punching a man does a lot less harm then a man punching a woman, and I think most women who punch their men think of this. She might have had it well in mind that she wouldn't have hurt you that much (although I don't know for sure because I don't know the extent of your injuries or where she punched you etc.) But one incident is really nothing to divorce over, and honestly as the man if your willing to then I would think you were wanting to divorce before this happened. In other words if you do love her and want things to work out then talk about it and make sure it doesn't happen again.
If so, I need to bail. My gf hits me all the time.
id say YES. no one deserves to endure violence, especially not from the one who is supposed to love them
Are we talking a slapped face here? or did she actually hurt you? I've slapped before after being provoked verbally, knee jerk reaction to shut his vile mouth. did you screw around on her? I threw a lap top at my husband.(i have never slapped him) because he was cheating online with his whores. it missed him but i ment to hurt him. I want a divorce. what I'm getting at is if its escalatilng to violence its probly time to give her away.
She just hit you for no reason?
Keep walking. Don't look back. A single will turn into a double,triple and so on. I am female just FYI and NO ONE...NO ONE has the right to raise thier hand to anybody. I've been divorced now for 7 years. For that reason...It DOESNT STOP. The I"M SORRYS' go on forever too. I have been with a man now for 5 years. never raised a hand to me. He asked me to marry him,I said. Yes,BUT not right now. IT'S CHEAPER TO CALL A TAXI THAN A LAWYER. Good Luck to you. I don't care what was said it the moment of anger or what ever"brought that on" doesn't give the right to hit. When it get heated.Someone needs to walk BEFORE it gets to the point of no return.
No and stupid if you have children. If there's a concern, file a restraining order against her for her to move. Right now your ass is grass and you gave her the lawn mower. She can now file against you. Get into counseling with her. If there are children, write me.
I wish you well. Theres always someone out there that is right for you
I would never hit a woman, and I expect the same from the opposite sex. There were many factors that made my dicision to file for divorce, but the day my wife attacked me was the final straw.
I think one thing to keep in mind is that while men are always taught never to hit a woman, the same is not said to women. It was wrong of her to do that of course, and I think some time apart would be a good idea. But you might consider explaining to her that her hitting you is just as bad as you hitting her would be. She may just not have seen the connection. Of course you should also factor in how she normally acts, is she normally prone to violence, throwing things, hitting walls, etc.
I don't see what choice you have. You can't call the cops. They will just arrest you. But, once she's out of the house, get a restraining order.
Yes, because there is never a single incident, only a first incident. If she did it once, she'll do it again.
I don't think there is enough information in this question to give you an honest answer. What was going on when this happened. Sane people don't usually just run up and smack their husbands. If you were in the middle of the arguement screaming at each other and you were in her face I'm sorry to say it but I don't think what she did was that horrible. My ex has verbally abused me, harassed me, smashed all the phones so I couldn't call the police on him and then placed himself outside the door to the bedroom so I couldn't leave so yeah i pushed him out of the way. He was drunk and stumbled over to the stairs and then fell down them. If you were verbally abusing her so she physically assaulted you I think you guys need counseling but could work it out. If you were honestly being a reasonable person having a discussion then I dont get it as to why she hit you. I don't know if any of this will help you but in my opinion abuse is abuse whether it is verbal, mental, sexual, or physical and if you were showing any sort of abuse to her you have to understand why she felt justified to physically abuse you. I know i'm going to get a lot of men saying that if it was a woman writing the question I wouldn't say the same thing but I would you can't abuse someone and get mad when they do it back. I don't think anyone should put up with abuse but I think couples can agree to not put each other in that situation again. Learn how to deal with conflicts like adults. I am not saying that you verbally abused her it's just that's the only way it makes sense in my mind for her to hit you. If that is not the case please give me some more information about the situation so i can give you a better answer. Good luck hun hope no matter what you are happy and don't let anyone walk on you.
If i told you just one act of domestic violence is grounds for a divorce, i would be not telling the truth. i have answered many domestic violence calls. i have been to some locations as many as 12 times for dm. One man stated his wife hit him with her fist, but he did not want her arrested. too bad. the law states otherwise and the police can make the arrest themselves. You need to give us more information, concerning this incident with you wife. like, did you intimidate her into strking you? Please tell us more.
If my husband hit me, yes, I would leave. I am glad that you understand that it is the same for you. Never let anyone hit you.
yeah . leave. Seriously I am feeling bad now for leaving husband for not letting me sleep πand calling me names and then saying I made it up
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