Probabably as the first Mentally Challenged world leader. He's doing for special children and politics what Jackie Robinson did for blacks and baseball.
looking like a monkey
Whether it's true or not, I think he'll be remembered as the president who lied to get us into a war which caused a membership drive in muslim extremeist organizations all around the world.
George W. Bush will be remembered as total failure in his own 'war on terror', as the president we shouldn't have had -- An illiterate, greedy, oil needing man, who won both elections in a suspicious manner.
Definatly not the president who lost a war. You lost both the Vietnam and Korean wars. Prob the guy who lied to go to war.
...the idiot that America allowed to steal one election, then voted for in a second one.
The president who looked permanently bewildered.
As the president who had Saddam found hiding in a hole in the ground. And as the president who fought terrorism.
For is the deadly hypocrisy that led to a war in Iraq.
Bush will be remembered as C student, IQ of 91, and the most hated president, has been called an a**hole and idiot a million times.
The only US president that could not speak English.
A liar, a fake, a total failure and the worst president in US history.
He will retire and live off of $400,000 of our tax money each year.
I don't think an idiot would be appropriate. As I have said before, if Bush is an idiot, then commoners like us must be little gnats. He has done a better job than 90% of people in america could. Not to say he was a good president, though. Just not as an idiot
He will be remembered as the only president outdone by William Henry Harrison.
He will be remembered as the president who remembered his school boy history and knew how many empires and armies had dashed themselves to bits fighting a war in the Afghan mountains. He was smart enough not to take the war to Osama Bin Laden in the mountains where he wouldn't be able to beat even a small ragtag, underequipped band of terrorists, anymore than the Russians or the Brits could. He was smart enough to draw Al Qaeda into the desert where he has a snowballs chance of fighting them. I only hope Obama remembers his history well enough to know what happens to nations who try to fight in Afghanistan.
As a terrorist.
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