i usually end with l8er = later
I say goodbye or see you later or something.
Usually give an explanation like gotta take the dogs out, going to bed, have to take a poop etc and then say see ya or talk to you later.
I always do something to let them know that I am leaving.:)
I let them know that I am leaving and usually finish with, Take care.
It's polite to say Goodbye, so I do.
Yes, usually a friendly "C-YA".
I would ALWAYS say goodbye/goodnight.
i always say when im 'leaving, some of my friends just disappear :)
Say goodbye, if someone left me hanging it would be a little weird;0)
I just drop off
I always say goodbye before i leave
Bye, See Ya,, Gotta Go,, (((HUGS))) ;)
I always say bye or something like that, so that at least they know when I'm leaving. I hate when people just drop me off, cuz then I always think I did or said something wrong. Hell sometimes I won't type anything in for like ten minutes. but they know I'm still there. If I have to go, I let them know.
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