• I think it is the human being, which after all is also an animal.
  • Dogs, hippos, sharks, snakes....countless others.... they all kill people. Basically any predatory animal. They all kill. But wait.... so do humans. We just pay someone else to do it. So sad.
  • Whatever those Japanese Hornets do should be illegal. Those things are MESSED UP!!!
  • a cheetah?
  • Dogs by peeing on everything.
  • Every one of them that leaves a trail of empty beer bottles to the john.
  • 1) Dogs and cats, guilty of indecent exposure when using restroom outside. 2) Any animal that mates outside (Lude conduct in public) 3) Birds/dogs/cats/squirrels, etc that rip open garbage bags for food- disorderly conduct/littering 4) Anything that becomes road kill--jaywalking 5) Greyhound running down a residential street (speeding 40 in a 25) 6) Stry dogs and cats--loitering 7) Any dog that bites--assault 8) A squirrel, mouse, rat that gets into a house--burglary 9) any cat that chases down a mouse, bird, etc...stalking, assault, attempted murder, murder 10) A stray dog that mounts someone's pet--sexual assault, rape 11) Any dog that hates black people--hate crime 12) Stray/wild animals/birds begging for food--panhandling 13) Animals mating with their relatives--incest 14) Barking dogs--disturbing the peace 15) Dog wanders into someone's yard and takes a ball/bone/toy belonging to another dog--theft

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