• Since Jesus is the "express image" of the Father, of course He is the Son of God. Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:"
    • ReiSan
      The Bible is obviously quite crude fiction, and circular reasoning is illogical.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Is that all you do is pull drive-bys in answers? Do you mind coming down here in these comments so we can discuss the Bible? There is nothing fictional about Bible prophecies. You name the prophecy and it is there. Too bad you don't have an argument, just utter bilge. Hit and run is the name of your game.
    • Venus1485
      Jenny is the person who has no argument. She just lies, insults people, uses logical fallacies and quotes bad fiction in the Bible.. ReiSan is correct, and Jenny has no rational rebuttal, so she just tells insulting lies. Prophecies are scams. Some gullible people believe Nostradamus predicted the future, and some believe the Bible did. Neither really did.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Venus1485, come and prove me wrong. It should be that simple if you are right. I welcome anyone to a debate. Let's start again since you are the active member. For the record, there is nothing wrong with the words utter bilge. If you are sensitive about it, then Answerbag is not the place for you. None of ya have challenged anything I said. All ReiSan has been doing is repeating the same broken record. So you tell me, what is so fictional about the Bible in comparison to Nostradamus? Give me one good cite were Nostradamus was accurate so we can compare it to the Bible.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Venus1485, yet again, you have no evidence to claim Nostradamus was accurate. While the Bible predicted many times that the sons and daughters of Israel would return to the land of Israel just before He would send them their Messiah. For almost twenty centuries the children of Israel have not lived in their homeland simply because one did not exist.
  • No, he's a centre forward for Manchester City.
  • He and God both said so and I believe it.
    • Venus1485
      He and God don't even exist, so they never really said a word.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Venus 1485, God is a spirit. Nobody can see Him and live to tell. Exodus 33:20 "But, He said, you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live." The best thing is that God was manifested in the flesh. Jesus said many things in His gospels. Everything He said, the places He went to and His crucifixion is all in history.
    • Venus1485
      No, Jesus is all fantasy not history. Prove that God is more real than Jove, Zeus, Odin, Amon, Enki, Asshur, Marduk, Baal, Quetzalcoatl and all the numerous other gods. Spirits exist only in alcohol. So God is a brand of gin.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Venus1485, Richard Dawkins who is known as an atheist inspiration believes in Jesus. Prove that God is more real? Simple, He abides in you. This is why you always bring up the God of the Bible in all your answers. That's how real He is by remembering Him.
  • He and God both said so and I believe it.
    • Thinker
      LOL At first I couldn't get my comment to post then it did it 3 times. Guess Jesus wanted to be sure it was posted!
    • Baba
      LOLOL Good One
    • Venus1485
      Zeus and Heracles said they're real, so you must believe them.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Venus1485, I am sure Baba and Thinker will believe in Zeus and Heracles if you can show them how accurate their teachings were.
  • I believe this. Either way Jesus was a good person.
  • Yes, he is.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Why not?
    • Linda Joy
      Did you not see the part where the asker requested NO DEBATE? You just can't not, can you?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Linda Joy, your comment is uncertain. I was the first one to answer this question. So I must ask, did you not see who interfered in my answer above to turn this subject into a debate? You just cannot see, can you?
  • I think both God and Jesus are characters in extremely poor ancient fiction.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      God and Jesus? You have no idea what you're saying. God was manifested in the flesh in Jesus. 1 Timothy 3:16 "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." Not one person has discredited the evidence of Jesus' existence by the Flavius Josephus writings. If you are going to claim Jesus was fiction, then you might as well say that His disciples and the Apostle Paul never existed. Neither did Pontius Pilate or Nero. You see why you don't have an argument? Your life must be really dull and boring to repeat the same broken record as if anything you said mattered to people. How old are you?
    • Venus1485
      Yes, God and Jesus are clearly poor fictional characters. Jenny has no idea what a she's saying. Flavius Josephus wrote nothing about Jesus. The passages about him in Josephus' writings are much later clumsy forgeries by Christian copyists. Jenny is gullible. When I was a Christian, I knew Josephus wrote nothing about Jesus. Jenny has no argument but must insult people. Jesus and his disciples didn't exist. Pilate and Nero did. She uses illogical arguments. Accusing someone of having a dull and boring life is sinful.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Venus 1485, quote: "Flavius Josephus wrote nothing about Jesus." You need to do a research to know who Flavius Josephus is to begin with. There was no way the early Christians could have forged the evidence, when Josephus had a great deal to say about Jesus, His family, the antecedents of Herod the Great who reigned at that time, as well as his family after him. Quote: "Jesus and his disciples didn't exist." To start with His disciples, Gaius tells about the wondrous things in Rome, including something called a tropaion, were Peter established a church. In fact, the Roman Catholic church at the site were St. Peter's Basilica is today. One early Christian text, 'the Apocryphal Acts of Peter', recounts many things that Peter did in the city.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Quote: "Jenny ignores some Bible rules as do many such irrational hypocrites." But you cannot disprove anything I say. Not one structural argument have you presented. Both covenants in the Bible resemble each other by the life of Jesus.
    • Venus1485
      You need to do some research period! Medieval Christian copyists forged the passage in Josephus' history. You're na?ve to believe such a clumsy forgery is real. Josephus really ha nothing to say about Jesus, because Jesus hadn't been invented yet. Jesus didn't exist, so he couldn't have disciples. Yo just passionately want to believe in crude fiction. I was once a Christian, but I studied science, and htat aroused doubts. I have good friends who are atheists, and their arguments and books they recommended showed me I'd been wrong to believe in the Bible most of my life. You don't have the brains to realize you're badly wrong. You utter mostly vile insulting lies. The burden logically of proof is yours. It's illogical to shift it.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Quote: "Medieval Christian copyists forged the passage in Josephus' history. You're na?ve to believe such a clumsy forgery is real." This is an inaccurate statement. You couldn't give me a specific document, claiming what the early Christians forged. There were no Christians in the Old Testament and the old covenant predicted that crucifixions would take place 2000 years ago. Josephus wrote Jesus was one who wrought surprising feats and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. John 5:39 claims: Jewish people diligently study the scriptures, which at that time were the 39 books of the Tanak/Old Testament. These are the scriptures that also testified about Jesus.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Quote: "I was once a Christian, but I studied science, and htat aroused doubts." Most likely, your studies were an epic that failed, now that you are too dumb. Again, you were never a Christian. Most atheists claim they were Christians. When the Bible is brought up, atheists don't know anything about the scriptures. If you were indeed a Christian, you would know the Old Testament prophesied about Jesus. Isaiah 9:6 "For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Once again, it is no surprise to know the government was on Jesus' shoulders.
    • OrangeDonRump
      "Jenny_Rizzo God and Jesus? You have no idea what you're saying. " Yes he does - and he's right. They are both fictional - and nobody has ever proven otherwise. By the way - a cult book, like the Bible, is proof of nothing.
    • Peking Boulevard Guy
      Come on guys. If you want to believe in Santa Claus, Jesus, Superman, the Flash, Buddha. Spongebob Squarepants or any of them, that's OK if it makes you happy.
  • To answer this question again, it takes a sinless Savior to be the Son of God. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Jesus is without blemish. This is why there is only one Savior of the world to rely on.
    • Venus1485
      There's no evidence that any gods exist. Sins can't exist when gods don't. Jesus never existed, as I have shown in several answers on several forums. To say all men are sinners is a scam to make us all feel guilty for no reason and pay churches 10% of our income for forgiveness. It's comparable to poisoning someone and selling him antidote at a high price or stabbing him and selling bandages. It's an evil con game.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Quote: "There's no evidence that any gods exist." Jesus said human beings are the actual gods. John 10:34 "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" A "god" is simply a person who renders judgment on Earth. Quote: "To say all men are sinners is a scam to make us all feel guilty for no reason and pay churches 10% of our income for forgiveness." The meaning of the word sin is defined as wrong. It is also a transgression. It doesn't have to be in the biblical sense. This applies in earthly courts when transgressions are dealt with. Call it sin, wrongful or transgression, it makes no difference. Also, the New Testament does not mention anything about giving 10% tithes. I am totally against tithing, as God loves a cheerful giver.
    • Venus1485
      Courts don't try people for sins against gods, they try them for Crimes against humans. How silly can you get.? Quoting Bible fiction means less than nothing at all. Sin is defined as breaking gods' rules. Most churches demand tithes. You judge them and atheists too. You're really insane. What a self-righteous hypocrite!
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Quote: 'Courts don't try people for sins against gods, they try them for Crimes against humans." That's because courts speak literally. How blind you get? Quote: "Sin is defined as breaking gods' rules." The Hebrew word for sin is "chata." It simply means wrong, an offense and blame.
  • Christians can't agree whether Jesus is God or just son of God. What does it matter to any logical and objective human? Jesus and God are characters in very crude fantasy with a zany story line. God comes across as inept and dumb. If he couldn't make creations that suited him, why not just quit?
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Hi Venus1485, I don't agree with mainstream Christianity. The Seventh-Day Adventist church is a minority of 25 million Christians worldwide. We highly believe in the Bible, and we can reason with the scriptures were Jesus is attributed as the Almighty God. Mainstream Christians are confused. Most of them do not read the Bible.
    • Venus1485
      Thomas Jefferson and Isaac Asimov said that critically reading the Bible makes you an atheist. So you are the only one who knows the truth. Judging by your previous answers and comments, I distrust anything you say. Many Christains will argue with you on that point.
    • Venus1485
      Thomas Jefferson and Isaac Asimov said that critically reading the Bible makes you an atheist. So you are the only one who knows the truth. Judging by your previous answers and comments, I distrust anything you say. Many Christains will argue with you on that point.
    • Jenny_Rizzo
      Quote: "Thomas Jefferson and Isaac Asimov said that critically reading the Bible makes you an atheist." You can't be serious to imply this silly remark. What makes you think they were true Christians to begin with? Nowhere does the Bible instruct Christians to practice corrupt practices via the government. Once again, you have no biblical knowledge to know what a Christian is.
    • OC Joe
      Interesting that Jefferson said that since he basically re-wrote the Bible himself, The Jefferson Bible. The title page of the Jefferson Bible written in Jefferson's hand. Reads, "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth Extracted Textually from the Gospels in Greek, Latin, French & English". Present location Smithsonian National Museum of American History, The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, commonly referred to as the Jefferson Bible, is one of two religious works constructed by Thomas Jefferson. The first, The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth, was completed in 1804, but no copies exist today.[1] The second, The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, was completed in 1820 by cutting and pasting with a razor and glue numerous sections from the New Testament as extractions of the doctrine of Jesus. Jefferson's condensed composition excludes all miracles by Jesus and most mentions of the supernatural, including sections of the four gospels that contain the Resurrection and most other miracles, and passages that portray Jesus as divine.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      OC Joe, quote: "Interesting that Jefferson said that since he basically re-wrote the Bible himself, The Jefferson Bible." It is a sin to alter the Bible. Throughout history and with many Bible versions, there is the belief in progressive revelation that originates from outside the Word. What right does anyone have to teach what is not in Scripture as if it is Scripture? False teachers do not want to submit to its original intent, so they do not seek what Scripture actually teaches. Instead, they conform it to what they want it to mean. They will look to another source as their authority, because they are not under God’s authority. This is why Paul admonishes us in 1 Corinthians 4:6: "not to think beyond what is written" (exceed or go past).
    • bostjan the adequate πŸ₯‰
      "It is a sin to alter the Bible." according to which verse (be careful of context)?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      bostjan64, All-Scripture is given by inspiration of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) And it is a Christian's duty to ensure that it doesn't get twisted with reasoning.
  • yes just like I'm a child of God
  • Yes! And I guess you've learned by now that asking people not to debate on a q&a site is pretty much useless. That is what they are for, after all! Maybe if you just want to preach without debate you should find a podium instead of a Q&A site.
  • Yes. Mathew 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
  • Hi. I have no interest in answering your question. I just needed a place to start debates with people. Thanks. (only joking)
  • No. Mainly as 90% of the bible is nothing to do with Jesus. He isn't even the central character - let alone having his own gospel in it. It's obvious the real Jesus was someone completely different from the Jesus that Paul invented when he founded Christianity. A religion which neither Jesus nor anyone in his family were involved in. God doesn't need a "son" it's only Paul who needs the guilt trip of a "sacrificed son" to base his Original Sin conjecture on.
    • Texasescimo
      What's your beef with God and Jesus? What do you think about these non violent verses inspired by the God of the Bible? (Matthew 5:38, 39) β€œYou heard that it was said: β€˜Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ 39?However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him. (Romans 12:17-21) Return evil for evil to no one. Take into consideration what is fine from the viewpoint of all men. 18?If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men. 19?Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: β€œβ€˜Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says Jehovah.” 20?But β€œif your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals on his head.” 21?Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good.
  • Yes! Jesus is the son of god. Matthew 3:17 says, β€œThis is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. To learn more, please visit jworg.
  • Jesus said he was God's son, Almighty God said that Jesus was his son. Jesus plainly stated that he was more than a good man. He said: I am God’s Son. John 10:36 Of course, anyone could claim to be the Son of God. But if Jesus’ claim were false, what would that make him? Really, not a good man, but a great fraud! The most reliable testimony came from God himself. He twice said concerning Jesus: This is my Son. Matthew 3:17; 17:5 Just think: The Scriptures report only a few occasions when God’s own voice was heard on earth yet on two of them he affirmed Jesus as his Son! This is by far the best proof that Jesus was who he said he was. Jesus never claimed to be God, but he repeatedly spoke of himself as God’s Son. Even his enemies acknowledged this. Jesus never even suggested that he was God or was equal to him. So to teach such a thing dishonors Jesus. He is God’s Son. Whereas his father is Almighty God.
  • No, there is no evidence that Jesus ever existed. Not even ONE writer, contemporary to the time he would have been alive, ever wrote anything about him. No historian, author, official scribe, writer - nobody but the ridiculous gospel scribblers - who didn't start writing anything down until at least three decades had passed. It's just so much cultist nonsense.
  • No, I do not believe any gods actually exist.
  • I'm a non-believer so my answer would be no.
  • Yes I certainly do believe that Jesus is the son of the almighty god Jehovah
  • God took a tiny piece of himself and implanted it in the egg of Mary. So Jesus IS god as well, and they know each other well enough, regardless how Jesus had to pray about disparity and all.
  • Yes, I do. This question certainly turned into a "slugfest" didn't it.
  • No. As a historian, I believe that someone possibly named something like Yeshua ben Yusef actually existed and that he was the leader of a small, apocalyptic Jewish sect that eventually metamorphosed into Christianity. That sect certainly existed, and it had to have had a leader of some kind (though we have no contemporary documentation of this person, none dating from his lifetime). However, I certainly do not believe that that leader was the son of a god. I don't, in fact, believe in a god either.
  • Jesus would be turning over in his grave at some of the silly comments being made in his name on this forum.
  • I made up my own religion, by invitation only, but we are not looking for new members at this time. I will post on this forum when we are.
  • bible says he is
  • bible says he is

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