• it could, but now a have complete school to get a job, whether high school or college
  • This is a tautology. It's a consequence of the meaning of the word "average", at least the simple average more properly called a "mean". In just the same way, by definition, half of all people are below average height. Half of all people are above it. That's why it's the average! Intelligence is not easily measured; IQ tests are very over-rated in my opinion, as there are other highly important dimensions to intelligence such as emotional intelligence, lateral thinking and so on which are less easily measured. IQ test scores mainly tell you about one thing; how good the person is at completing IQ tests. Hope that helps.
  • Um ... statistically, it would have to. Well, no, some would be exactly "average," so it would have to be less than half.
  • I think it's more like 99% are below intelligence
  • I change my answer, I believe there are a lot of not so intelligent people out there, more then some would think, especially when you immerse yourself in groups with intelligent people. And i still have to say that ignorance really annoys me.
  • LOL well if you mean, do I think most people aren't very intelligent, I would go along with that
  • doesn't work - average means the norm in a sense. so if it's normal to be stupid that's one thing but it doesn't make sense for most ppl to be below average
  • What's average,I'll tell you this.I think the poeple who make up average's about average's are below average.If it 's half it's not below.

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