Work is one
Complain. Eh, even I do it.
Believe fairytales and impose their will on others Oh, they're also really good at consuming mass amounts of fast foods, cheap beer and watching TV
Eat! lol
Waste food and clothes and everything else that can be given to other people who are here in America. I know someone...who would rather throw away something brand new that to make an effort to find someone who can use it or take it to a thriftshop. Makes me so mad to see her do that.
Cavalry charges.
Eat and get fat!
Consume resources.
Brainwash people into buying junk they don't really need, and overpaying for it to boot. Madison Avenue baby!
install confidence in their children
over consume.
Food Production (has more to do with the land than the people) and Military (various complicated causes for this)
everything- the usa is the greatest country in the history of this friggin planet- so we do all things well. u see?
At the risk of opposing those who've given cynical answers to this question, I'll point out that American people do quite a few things well. One thing: Studies of various nations' work and productivity statistics put America at or near the top of the list of the hardest-working people in the world.
disregard the feelings of the people they supposedly love
Spend money.
Make people welcome.
Come together in a time of crisis.
Stab their friends and Family in the back and then expect them to welcome them back with open arms after they've torn their family apart.
Support the Government with their hard earned taxes they send them. An alternate question would be what does the government do best? Answer: Spend the taxes unwisely.
Porn. It's one of our largest industries. lol.
Talk in American accents.
We're all really good at driving like mad men, (or women)!!
chosing their presidents?!
accept. If we didn't accept, why is america considered a cultural mixing pot?
Blow their own trumpets
Americans are the most creative compared to other cultures. That's what I've read. It has to do with the fact that we come from a free country.
Not give a shit about their fellow man allow piece ofshit corporations to exploit the world, lose wars, not look after their own import drugs. Look at your pathetic president looking at that liar I can't respect your country What is wrong with the vice president?
Adapt, build a country, invent, industrialize, work, hope, cereal, diversity, muscle cars, military, higher education, beef, entertainment, free speech, porn, junk food, ANY food, using corn for other things, pride in our country and culture, guitars, friendliness, jazz and the blues...
Play soccer and win World Cups. That is, the US Women's Soccer Team of course. lol ⚽
Avoiding working while on the clock.
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