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  • i make about 6. with 2 being poopy and 4 or 5 being wet. often i am kept in a wet diaper till after i poo or feed.
  • 2to3 messy diapers a day and 5 wet diapers a day.
  • 3 messy diapers a day is my record
  • I am 44, parapleic,and 100% 24/7 adult baby. I am both bladder and bowel incontinent. I am changed between 7 and 8 times a day. All me food is liquidised, and always bottle or food fed. At home I am always dressed in baby clothes, cloth nappies and rubber pants. I am left to crawl, or placed in ceiling hoist/sling. My bed is a hospital bed with tall/padded sides.

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