Use a piece of saran wrap. Or tin foil, if she likes it rough!
You don't. You spend the few bucks and buy them at the store.
ziploc bag and rubber band
Youll have to skin you cat.
You have a goat or a pig..maybe a sheep can use the bladder of the animal like the ancients did :)
screw that, make her wear a homemade diaphram. but i have used a produce bag and a ziptie in a pinch.
super glue the tip
Spray paint and wait for it to dry!
Here is the original recipe. In the style of Chaucer. Whan dayes where olde and knightes were bolde and scumb*gs wern't invented. Theye rapped ther coks in worne out sockes and babes were prevented.
take some epoxy and get a real thick hunk of it and rub it all over the head of the penis making sure some seeps into the peepee hole! Let dry, and taaaa daaaa
Use your hat !! :)
You dont, just visit a clinic and get some freebee condoms
Get a jar of rubber cement and a wide brush.
you take a pigs bladder and wrap it around the penis. tying it at the base.
I know someone whose nickname was Saranwrap:)noted for her choice of homemade condoms.:)
Hey guy do not take risk of performing such jobs.You can have serious problems with this if you make home made condoms.You can catch any infection or make the girl pregnant(if you having sex with a girl).So just dont feel ashamed buying a brand new one
I use a Bimbo bag. Once I'm done with the bread, I put it in the drawer and when the time is right, I use it as a condom. If it feels dry sticking it in, I recommend using olive oil to slip it in.
plastic grocery bag.
use a sweat sock.
Her mouth (or his, if you're gay).
Just recycle one of your used condoms. Turn it inside out and shake the fuck out of it.
Jesus....would you really want to??
Saran wrap and rubber bands! : )
I would seriously not consider making a condom from home. There are too many risks involved and if you are trying to practice safe sex you should not take any chances.
please don't, buy new ones pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
Just abstain!!!! A lot safer.
Mr PantsFellDown
Oh yes, and then pray and make macaroni pictures.
Get some scissors, then... Buy a rubber glove and invite four friends.
Get a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While you make those you might as well start working on making a crib quilt for the baby.
Heavy duty tin foil. Then, in a storm, if you keep it on, you can lay naked on the roof and serve as a lightening rod.
How cheap are you?
small sizes use a balloon.
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