• I don't think most people hate it; I just think a lot of people don't understand it. Maybe they think that it doesn't require any musical technique, theory, or talent, or maybe they simply find the lyrics offensive.
  • I think it is just a personal preference, just like how some people hate country or classical.
  • I don't think most people can identify with the majority of it at all.
  • its a bunch of jibberish after awhile.
  • I love hip-hop but the garbage that is coming through radio and television broadcast these days are just that... garbage. I can go on for centuries about what is wrong with the new audience... but I wont. I have done it too many times.
  • I like a lot of hip-hop and I love R&B and soul but the majority of rap that has come across my ears has had me really amazed that people would choose to want to listen to it. If it is not degrading women or promoting murder and violence it is sending out the image that it is "cool" to talk with a foul mouth and do drugs. Except for the occaisonal "Momma" song in which there is some softening towards the lyrics.. the majority of rap to me is absolute garbage. I once watched a rap artist give an interview in which he said he was glad for the outlet to vent how his life was growing up in the streets. Well.. in watching his video.. it did not look so bad with him laid back with five or six hunnies and smoking a blunt.. and his lyrics were about revenge and the like. Do not get me wrong.. there are some that I do see making an effort to keep it clean but the majority of RAP? No. Trash.
  • I like hip-hop and rap, but not all of the songs. I will not listen to lyrics that call women and other groups highly derogatory words. That is just not something that I associate with listening enjoyment.
  • I think a lot of it is to do with the negative publicity the genre has received. The same happened with heavy metal a few years ago. The original hip/hop artists were singing ABOUT life on the streets, in sometimes very impoverished, problematic areas- there's no way of talking about this without talking about drugs, gangs, guns, and other things a lot of people find slightly distasteful. But just rapping in the persona of a man who has shot someone and feels good about it as a result doesn't mean you personally condone such behaviour (People who fail to grasp this concept would do well to look up the principle of Dramatic Monologue, which has been used by a number of highly respected poets for years). Unfortunately there are both young rap fans and (more often) reactionary journalists who have trouble with this. Because rap comes largely out of a culture which has a lot of problems, people tend to think that rap is part of the cause of these problems, rather than an observation of them. And of course, with some people, it's just not to their taste.
  • People don't understand it thats why they hate it! They don't understand/know of the struggle each artist has gone through! (poverty, getting shot at, criminal records) you think it is just a whole bunch of crap when it aint!2Pac was very poetic and though his lyrics were offensive they had a very powerful meaning. Its just music by people who dont give a fuck!
  • Probably because it's distinctly popular ethnic minority music, and it's commercially successful. White guys who try it just look like twats.
  • I don't like most of it because of the lyrics: profanity, offensive terms and just plain dumbness.
  • i don't like it because it takes no talent and is not musical to me. The majority of it is pure filth and i am surprised that is even allowen on the radio. when you hear the words itis porn and degrading and shaming to girls and women.
  • I think its because all they hear is commercial/mainstream rap. I think if they listened to some conscious rap it could change their minds
  • I agree...its the choice of words often used, the story the songs tell. I used to hear a lot of it when I would be on Beach Detail in San Diego (SDPD). I was 40 then, 48 now. Personally, standing there, baking under the sun, watching for BS that might go down, hearing the waves, smelling the sweet tang of beach air...I often enjoyed the worked for me. (I'm white/F) But, unfortunately...if the words were about killing cops, beating women, doing drugs, killing people in general, rape or some other negative thing...I can't ENJOY that and it pretty much negates any pleasure I might feel at the actual MUSIC sounds being played. I've heard some I like just fine...those negative, hate and anger ones...don't cut it for me!
  • It's just a matter of personal taste in music. Hip-hop and rap appeal to different people for different reasons. Some people like the sound,and some like the message. Many people like both. Then there are those who do not like either. Whether someone enjoys hip-hop/rap music or not depends on their individual musical preference.
  • i hate the kind of rap music that talks about killing people especially cops. It is disrespectful. But to generally answer your question, rap/hip-hop you get the impression that they dont respect anything. they dont care about anything.
  • About the lyrics; I'm convinced there is a deep meaningful content behind the "unh, unh", "Ayee motherf**cker" and "Check it out, Yo" lyrics. Although upbeat, I don't like the rythm, So I don't even care about the lyrics. But I'm sure rappers don't understand the "shalala", "o baby, baby" or "oohooh's" from our Europop! The speed of the lyrics make it also hard to follow, and I prefer singing over talking. Now rate me down, you bitches.
  • some people think it makes no sense and also that they swear alot .
  • Because they are loosers!!!!
  • I reckon they think it's offensive and they think it promotes violence. I enjoy my hip-hop/rap and R&B.
  • yo most people who "hate" hip-hop are old people who just cant understand how a predominantly black, street subculture could become mainstreem in a society, that only 40 years ago didnt even allow blacks in the south to vote. a majority of the country just is either to old to understand, or they thinks its hip to go against what society says is good, which in this case is hip-hop. but they dont know that whats blasting on the radio's isnt true hip-hop. i personally have found a niche of what i believe is true hip-hop. though many emcees talk about street life and gangs (something i havent realy lived through)i think a lot of the lyrics are positive and trying to uplift people in similar sturggles. no matter, just for the old people its hard to compreend a new style of music that sounds nothing like previous music forms; and an artform that is dominated by black, inner-city youth.
  • ignorance is often a cause of hatred. i hated previews but loved Audition "I blame my hate mail on typographical errors Correct the mispellings and then send out thank you notes for the love letters"
  • Because most of the popular stuff today is geared toward a very immature audience. The profanity, the degrading sex talk, the guns, the drugs, the pimps, the hos all appeal to young teenage guys. Real hip-hop, the classic stuff, Eric B & Rakim, BDP, Public Enemy, Tribe Called Quest was unique and exciting. It was intelligent and intelligence often does not sale. It is really sad because hip hop started off so well and was so cutting edge and great. Most of the stuff now is barely musical. Play an Eric B. cut to kids today and they will think it is corny because there is no bytches ands hoes.
  • I love rap.
  • Um... it sucks?
  • because most of it is shit and dribble and all they do is rip of other music and songs and the worst part is when they try to sing ....even makes my dogs howl !!
  • i think the main reason is the message it sends to kids. the rappers may not intend this message but it has spawned a whole new level of scum on the streets with silly slang and general violance. like people have stated previous it is black subculture etc. now thats fair enough but i am drawn away from modern day rap now because of all the white kids trying to act like there black peers and basically just cannot pull it off. this sort of thing sickens me.
  • I hate hip hop/rap because I'm all about the melody. When the beat overpowers the melody, I'm lost. But I recognize the talent involved with making the music. I would never try to take that away from it's creators. While filthy lyrics will turn many people off regardless of the musical style, I feel lack of or subdued melodic content is contrary to what many have come to expect of music.
  • I think the reason people hate hip hop so much is cause people are affarid to know the truth about the streets and that there right about how safe of it is but its not people get shot every day not cause there from a hood its not cause of that and people think there style its complitely ridiculas but its not its a style like i think the style of like classical music kinda style or the really prepy look is really stupid, so stop hatein let people be the way they wanna be its a life choice stop chriszing it
  • Perhaps people don't like it because there is a lack of singing, or musical instruments in hip-hop and rap, so they don't consider it to be 'music' to them.
  • I hate it and yet I'm not white. Anyway, why would I like a genre of music that offends women with lyrics, generalizing that most women are sluts or prostitutes, and promotes the extreme hedonistic lifestyle? I don't have any beef with rap. Years ago, most music in rap featured powerful lyrics, such as talks about life in the ghetto, the underdog, and how to make dreams into reality by surviving day to day. Now, rap and hip-hop music nowadays talks about the money, the gangs, the girls, the limos, the lifestyle....excess. I don't see anything poetic about a person's greed and hyping it. It's sad.
  • I hate when people say if you hate hip hop u dont kno hip hop. I grew up listening to hip hop. But we dont hate hip hop in general i just think people hate what it has transformed and evolved into
  • I think the majority of people who dislike it are against the messages it sends to the youth. =]
  • People who don't like that sort of music think it lacks any sort of melody, and it's repetitive and boring.
  • hip-hop I don't have an issue with.....It actually can hold my interest and isn't that bad in my opinion Rap is just low-class idiocy made into's pathetic... like the "song" Ya Trick Ya by Soulja Boy makes me wanna put a bullet in my head.
  • Because it's annoying, degrading, and offensive. Go ahead and downrate me for answering an opinion based question..go ahead...I don't care.
  • i have been fighting with my parents about this for years... i have only recently been able to et them to recognize that it is actually music... for years they said it was only poems over elevator background... thanks to some really good artists lately i have been able to get them to call it music rather than noise
  • Because it's really not music. It's just a rant about something over a pounding beat.
  • I hate it because it's just monotonous, all sounds the same. Most of the artists look and act and move alike, with the same hoodies and oversized jeans falling down, and do the same grotesque movements. There is really little musical talent there, not in most artists. It's my excuse to turn the radio off...
  • The beat is monotonous but catchy and trendy, however the lyrics are confusing with lots of grammar mistakes and occasionally with bad,violent and seductive messages.Rap is not meant to be that way in the beginning but has however evolved into such irritating and occasionally provocative and insulting displeasure to listeners who cannot tolerate and understand the music.
  • Because it is degrading and offensive, however, I like it.
  • I think you have to give it a chance and really get into it before you start to like it, and most people arn't willing to do that. Also the kind of perceptions about someone who listens to rap arn't exactly desirable.
  • It could be a combination of not enjoying music that isn't like 'singing', the loudness of it, the urban nature of most of the songs and a lot of the themes of the lyrics. Gee, sorry someone doesn't like opinions and is afraid of them.
  • Because most of it is very vulgar and low class.
  • Because it's hard to understand that version of English in rap. It all seems to have the same beat. I just don't like either one, and when all the stations started going to it in the early '80's, I stopped listening to pop radio.
  • it takes no talent to talk into a microphone.......
  • I teach hip = hop dance to kids and I think its pretty cool
  • I used to hate it, but now I like it. I think its the misconception that its rude, crude, and offensive to women. But its not. People who often makes misconceptions usually are exagerrating.
  • Rap is crap. A poor excuse for music, people not wanting to give time to learn to sing and play an instrument. Instant work, no practicing hour after hour. Just need a little talent and their you. But you do need some talent to do it that is a fact. It's just mind numbing rants set to mind numbing music.....crap.
  • Hip-hop in general, and especially that with live music and melodies in there aren't bad. (Linkin' Park, Will Smith (Fresh Prince), Arrested Development, Kid Rock, even MC Hammer, etc.), usually, as long as the message is NOT about gangsters, whores, junkies, drugs, killing cops, stealing, etc. I think few would have a major problem with it and might even start to like it more. But when the ONLY part of a recognizable song is sampled (not live), when the rappers are "in yo' face" all the time, when the lyrics move too fast to understand, when the subject is like one of the above listed, and when they are arrested for various crimes they are so proud... THAT is WAY over the top for many.
  • rap music is the shit especially the older gangster rap like 2pac,Bone thugs,Eazy E,cypress hill,dayton family, and the list could go on forever but alot of people seem to hate it but if u listened to these artists i just listed it might interest you with the beats and lyrics but alot of this new rap sucks its all about cars,clothes and money so i like rap music but im more old school you know wat im sayin so peace out
  • I'm going to play the Devil's advocate then, and I don't even listen to rap that much, if barely at all. First of all, saying rappers have no talent is crap. Try singing the way they do without screwing up and putting emotion in your song. Second, I've seen people free verse in real life, and I couldn't even begin to say what kinda talent you need for that, but you certainly need something, not everyone can do that. People wouldn't be so insulted by the contents of rap if putting emotions in their songs didn't work. Remind yourself that a lot of genres can be just as insulting. In fact, sometimes it's even more disgusting. Hearing love songs about eternal promises and all that mushy garbage. None of that is ever true and is so shallow in most cases. Even if it's insulting and derogatory, at least rappers are honest and won't lie to you with superficial words that don't mean fuck all beyond the extent of presenting a sly way to do exactly what it is rappers say they do, or want to do, as often presented by a music video completely defying its lyrics. I always laughed at how rappers sometimes have to make up or improvise on words to make their stuff rhyme, however that helped to fixate an entire sub culture, and anyways, it's no better than all the leet words people online use to mock rap with, is it? Rap originated in the ghetto as a personal means for impoverished youths victims of racism to vent out their frustration and anger, and although the subject has changed much today, I'm of the mind that a LOT of musical genres become superficial in the long run, and some have probably never been honest. People don't like it because rap is a scapegoat for all the bubble people in society due its grainy and questionable disposition, whether older or modern. People are damn ignorant and closed minded, and sometimes, I wouldn't be surprised if some are even jealous of some rappers' apathy towards the judgement of others and how they say things like most people probably fucking think but are too wussy to admit and would rather cover up just to look good. They would rather listen to sellout bands and whatever the hell HMV tells them is new and hot. Unless it's rap. People can use it as an accusation factor for street gangs, violence and all that, but I'm pretty sure street gangs adopted rap and created it, it's not the other way around. Either way, it's not the root of the problem. I'm pretty sure it soothes them rather than encourages them but hey, you have to learn to read between the lines when it comes to claims, reactions and boasting. After all, that's all it is right? I could say that Gospel is responsible for creating closed minded Bible thumpers who faint at a women wearing pants and has short hair, but that would be just stupid now, wouldn't it? I'm a big fan of metal, I'm like, the first person who is supposed to completely despise rap, all metal fans have like this unspoken hatred towards rap. But it's a buncha crap if you ask me. I don't listen to it because the music gets on my nerves but I have heard some extremely intelligent and very philosophical lyrics in rap. A hell of a lot more deep than what CΓ©line Dion or Linkin Park spew out. I think there's a lot of misconceptions about rap though. I find it very hilarious that people say they don't like rap because they can't understand what is being said, than right away go and say they don't like it because of the lyrics. Ha ha that cracks me up. Is rap used as a scapegoat to hide the insecurity one feels when they realize that their favoured musical band isn't as great as they think? Wow, pfft that's deep. And although the music gets on my nerves, I recognize it, for the most part, as art. At least, it isn't anymore constructive than repeated techno or Industrial recordings or one band wonders that still make millions because of one famous song. Or love songs featuring videos with nothing but women doing the exact same thing shown in rap videos. I am a big fan of Emenem though, as the exception, and leave yall with this.
  • Personally I just can't relate to most of it, plus I like more interesting chord progressions than most rap songs have to offer. There is rap out there that I like, but in general I don't like rap.
  • I don't get the fuck how people put all rap in one booth, thats just show your arrogance. Artists like Lil wayne, 50 cent, the game are all wack, and they represent the hiphop culture in a bad way. Listen to some real stuff, immortal technique, jedi mind, wu tang, tonedeff, redman... and check that out while you're at it.
  • Because hip-hop/rap is nothing more than retarded crap. Idiots trying to show that they have talent that they don't have. The only thing that they have is the ability to get on stage and act and look like stupid ass retarded morons. And they are far from being musicians.
  • Well the rap that's out nowadays is garbage for the most part. It's the same regurgitated shit about guns, cars, jewelry, women, drugs, blah blah blah. Old school rappers did it first and much better years ago. Many people disregard rap as a type of music but if you put yourself in the shoes of someone who really grew up in a rough area and used rap as a way to convey their experiences it isn't really that bad...Just my take on it.
  • I suspect they think it is horrid, and I must say I agree.
  • From what I see it is quite the opposite. It's hard to find anyone (under middle age) to say that they don't like rap. I think that everyone is afraid that saying they don't like it would somehow make them look racist. Ironic considering rap is merely a trend, modern disco you might say, and will not forever be a part of african-american culture (let alone world wide)
  • because of its derogatory lyrics.
  • RAP = Retards Attempting Poetry
  • In my case it just gives me a frickin' headache. It's lame, annoyingly repetitive, seems to require little to NO talent, just a lame put-on thug-wanna-be attitude.
  • Ahoy Cap'n! It's been a while me old shipmate : ) As to your question - I hate hip-hp/rap because so far I have not heard ANY music in it! : (
  • With Rap, it depends who you hear. there are some good and some bad. Same with Hip Hop. And I think many are misunderstood and some are labelled due to the bad things others is the industry say and do. There are actually many good rappers and Hip Hop artists out there. Yell at me if ya want, I dont care. I grew up on Rap, and I know the good ones and the bad ones. And "YES" there are both. There is good and bad in everything and everyone.
  • The same reason people hate pit bulls. They only look at the bad ones, and don't realize that a lot of it is good. For example, a lot of people hear the name Tupac and think of a gangster shooting people and doing drugs... but A LOT of Tupac's later music had good meanings. Listen to the songs Keep Ya Head Up, Dear Mama, etc... he was very anti-violence against women, and all for rising above just being a thug on the streets and making something of yourself.
  • It follows Sturgeon's Law, in that 90% of it is c(rap). Of course, Sturgeon's Law states that 90% of everything is crap...:-D... The thing that tends to bug me about (c)rap is the self-centered attitude displayed by of its so-called artists. Typical lyrics involve the (c)rapper bragging about how much money he (almost inevitably it's a he) has, how fancy his car is, how many women he's had casual sex with, how much illegal drugs he has ingested, how bad-a$$ he is, and how you (the listener) is dog-poo on his shoe compared to him. Yeah, whatever.... Still, some of it is fun...:-D...
  • Another great question out of the past. I missed it the first time around, but I would like to add my 2 cents. I think this kind of music is not really music, so much as spoken poetry. The variation in sound tones (music) is not the primary purpose, but rather the story told by the rhyming words. I prefer harmony and tonal variation.
  • I am not all that familiar with rap music, but from the little I've heard, I find the lyrics distasteful...actually offensive. But, like I said, I haven't listened to enough to say I "hate" it.
  • I'm not sure that I can speak for the rest of society, but my big problem with most hip-hop/rap music is not so much its musical make up (though much of what I hear is not so much dependent on skilled musicians as it is a guy with a cool computer program and mad mixing skills) as its message. The grand (and by "grand" I mean "overwhelming") majority of that style of music is filled with lyrics that glorify mindless violence, promote greed and selfishness, degrade women (reducing them to breathing sex toys)and have this undercurrent of a victim's complex. It's rappers against the world apparently. What really gets to me is that these people are taken seriously. Some guy from urbania gets a grill and a bad attitude and suddenly he's seen the rough side of life? He knows how to break laws and call his girl his b***h. (Yes, this is my girlfriend/ pet dog, Lucy.) adn so we should all listen to what he has to say? I've grown up in a less-than-fortunate household, and I have seen my share of heartache - but I feel no need to sing about it as if the world owes me its attention and sympathies. So, again, I'm not sure that I speak for any number of people... but for myself I say, most rap needs to get a life.
  • Not a lot of people know the difference between mainstream hiphop and HIPHOP Real rap is poetry with a beat. It was about rhythm and creativity, but mainstream rap turned it into a ruined artform. People say they hate hiphop/rap though they probably have never really LISTENED to it. Aesop Rock, Cool Calm Pete, MF Doom, and Mr. Lif are intelligent and amazing artist, just because they are Hip Hop and Rap, they are all of the sudden considered stupid? Gotta give music a chance you know? fuck I love some country songs, rock, pop, and whatever interests me. It's not a matter of genre, it's just my opinion
  • My guess is because it sucks, big time.
  • How did you come to the conclusion that it is "most people" who hate hip-hop/rap music? Did you conducted some type of poll? Who did you check on this with? Who's this "most people" you're talking about? Or is this just another prejudicial/bias against something YOU dislike and you would like to rally others to jump on your bandwagon of your own prejudice? I've been to Europe, Africa, and Latin America and Hip-hop is sweeping throughout those nations. I've heard young people from different nationalities rapping in their native language and dancing Hip-hop style. It has become a multibillion dollar industry and many people have benefited from it. It's a form of art born in the inner-cities(or ghetto if you will) out of desperation from the neglected, deprived and disfranchised. Thanks to Hip-hop many of them have been able to live the so-called "American Dream" and are not out there putting a gun in your head and taking all your shit! And for the record, I don't care a thing about Hip-hop as a form of art; I just turned 41 this past July, I'm "old school", but I felt I had to say something because I can pierce through your question and see something insidious embedded in it.
  • It is felt that its lyrics provoke violence, gun and knife culture and disrespect to women. As a music genre I find it refreshing and original but cannot except most of the lyrical content.
  • Personally speaking... * A lot of hip-hop/rap lacks a pleasing melody (or a melody of ANY kind, for that matter.) * Misogynist, sexist or vulgar lyrics. * Some of it is incomprehensible. * Much of it promotes inappropriate behavior/ideals that kid emulate.
  • Well I don't like rap or hip-hop. I am into Rock, Metal, heavy metal, and punk. I dont like it because from my experience with those genres most songs are about sex or something to do with sex and getting the girl.....Now I'm not saying they all are so dont comment me saying it. There are some good songs that are in those genres. But they are not on my iPod.
  • Most of its pure ignorance that doesn't make an logical sense unless your from the hood or live that lifestyle and even then I wouldn't sa its exactl logical :P I use to listen to rap but then I grew up and become an intelligent adult. Some of it is alright, note I said alright and not good. I dont hate R&B though.
  • Because it has a bad beat and it repeats itself
  • I don't mind if people say that they don't like it. People have their own tastes. What annoys me is when people say things like, "It all sucks" or "It takes no talent." I hate generalizations, especially when people are ignorant about the subject that they are denouncing. And explain to me how this guy isn't talented.
  • because theyre rappin the truth and people cant face the real world i love rap music
  • cuz it sounds like a jumble of noise with a bass that makes my head hurt
  • Because they have only been exposed to the bullshit that's played on the radio, and not real hip hop.
  • I'd just like to post Positive2's answer again, because he sums it up well. There is so much about hip hop that people don't know or understand: by positive2 on Aug 27, 2008 at 12:48 am Permalink Not a lot of people know the difference between mainstream hiphop and HIPHOP Real rap is poetry with a beat. It was about rhythm and creativity, but mainstream rap turned it into a ruined artform. People say they hate hiphop/rap though they probably have never really LISTENED to it. Aesop Rock, Cool Calm Pete, MF Doom, and Mr. Lif are intelligent and amazing artist, just because they are Hip Hop and Rap, they are all of the sudden considered stupid? Gotta give music a chance you know? fuck I love some country songs, rock, pop, and whatever interests me. It's not a matter of genre, it's just my opinion
  • do hiphop rap and music belong n the same sentence?
  • they are not real
  • What are you talking about?What country do you live in?Almost everbody I know listens to rap/hip hop in the USA
  • Because it's not music! It's some gangsta-wannabe tryin' to sound like a tuffguy when a REAL battle would scare the CRAP outta him!
  • I'm not a huge fan of that type of music.. But there are some exceptions..
  • I love the fun of hip hop. I don't like the violence of gangsta (although I understand the violence of how too many americans live leads to it). There are some very very talented people in rap. Well, it's really like this: I fine country too syrupy, but the waylon and willie ablum is one of the best ever made in any genre. I am bored by opera, Bocelli rules. I didn't get much freeform jazz, but miles, herbie and chick explained it to me. I love the best of the best in any music form. I love the best of the best of rap, but the rest are often just bragging, violent, disrespectful(and probably hurt and scared) idiots.
  • Probably for the same reason people hated rock n roll win it first came out.
  • because they cant relate to it but i dont understand how people relate to coldplay but yeah thats me i like rap music i like loads of music just the whole idea of it being a sound created by someone makes me want to hear it
  • because they discovered R&B
  • I like hip hop culture (dance, music, aerosol art, rhyme)from 1972-1994. I hate rap music. I especially hate rap music that is on commercial radio and TV. Rap music in the new millenium has really made people look and sound idiotic. Most rap artists in the media's eye have little talent and represent a "lack-of-class".
  • its because some people dont understand it, nowa days what u hear on the radio, those r jus people trying to make money. some one can throw in a good beat and rap about money cars and drugs and theres a million dollar contract.(people like lil wayne or souljah boy). what people call it today is called underground hip hop where people rap from the heart and soul,not just money cars and hoes, but the people who truly understand hip hop dont state as underground hip hop, this is real hip hop and when we listen to it, it doesnt just go in are ears and flows through are blood and soul, its are own high. just because is not on the radio doesnt mean its called underground hip hop. this is real music to are ears. hate it or love it we cant live without it. and there is no real meaning to hip hop, there is no real description to it, hip hop is jus beautifull, hip hop is life....
  • its because some people dont understand it, nowa days what u hear on the radio, those r jus people trying to make money. some one can throw in a good beat and rap about money cars and drugs and theres a million dollar contract.(people like lil wayne or souljah boy). what people call it today is called underground hip hop where people rap from the heart and soul,not just money cars and hoes, but the people who truly understand hip hop dont state as underground hip hop, this is real hip hop and when we listen to it, it doesnt just go in are ears and flows through are blood and soul, its are own high. just because is not on the radio doesnt mean its called underground hip hop. this is real music to are ears. hate it or love it we cant live without it. and there is no real meaning to hip hop, there is no real description to it, hip hop is jus beautifull, hip hop is life....
  • I geuss they hear the raio and just dont like it But I love it Lupe,T.I.,The Cool Kids,MFDoom,Blu All Good Music Some havent even really listened and just choose to hate it
  • I hate it because it sucks. The lyrics are plain stupid. They are virtually all sexist, and no songs in that genre have meaningful lyrics. That and it's pretty much talking fast. I guess you could call it a skill, but compare that to proper singers, who play guitar too, and it's quite embarassing really...
  • its NOT music! its annoying beats that are capable of destroying a person! all of them look exactly the same and sound exactly the same(HORRIBALE) they have no style WHATSOEVER! their lyrics make no sense...and if they do,,,they are OFFENSIVE! rap revolves over SEX DRUGS AND WOMEN only! and im not sayin that rock doesn' does,,,but not as much as rap!:) now to end it...RAP FUCKIN BLOWS!
  • I hate rap, it has no meaning, and only exists purely to make people money. Majority of the artists dont care about song quality as long as it sells a million ring tones However I love hip hop, I enjoy listening to emcee's telling stories and putting across a positive message, listening to the amazing wordplay in any Talib Kweli track is why I love hip Hop. Only the uninformed/ignorant would think that rap and Hip Hop are the same thing
  • Rap--is to music, like Cubic Zirconia--is to BLING!!!
  • because it sucks
  • I mean, if you look at some of the artists today, not all of them, sometimes, their music doesn't make any sense. Including, they mostly talk, instead of actually making something that is appropriate; like cussing a lot. My favorite female hip-hop/pop artist, would be Aaliyah, but of course, she died awhile back. I really admired her songs, because I understood them and she thought life was simple.

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