• 1) "KwaZulu: Historic homeland, eastern South Africa. The name is that of the former Bantu homeland set up for Zulus in 1972 in place of the former English-named territory of Zululand. The indigenous name has basically the same meaning as the old,, "land of the Zulus", with Kwa- the Nguni locative formative (meaning "at the place of") usually prefixed to the name of a person or people. The Zulus derive their name from their ancestor uZulu (died probably 1709), the founding leader of the dominant amaZulu clan. His own name came from izulu, "sky", a word which later came to mean "heaven". " Source and further information: "Placenames of the World By Adrian Room" 2) "The word "Zulu" in the language of the Zulu literally means High Heaven , and they consider themselves to be Superior to the numerous other tribes of Southern Africa" Source and further information: 3) "The Zulu language is called 'isiZulu' in Zulu, 'isi-' being the prefix associated with languages (e.g., isiNgisi = English, isiXhosa = Xhosa, isiBhunu = Afrikaans, isiJalimane = German, etc.). The root word Zulu can take many other forms in Zulu, each with a different meaning. Here is a table showing how the meanings of two roots - Zulu and ntu - change according to their prefix. Prefix -zulu -ntu um(u) umZulu (a Zulu person) umuntu (a person) ama, aba amaZulu (Zulu people) abantu (people) isi isiZulu (the Zulu language) isintu (culture, heritage, mankind) ubu - ubuntu (humanity, compassion) kwa kwaZulu (place of the Zulu people) - i(li) izulu (the weather/sky/heaven) - pha phezulu (on top) - e ezulwini (in, at, to, from heaven) - Some prefer to call Zulu isiZulu in English as per the Zulu name for the language.[citation needed] This is similar to the practice of calling Swahili Kiswahili, but many languages are not called by their native names in English, like German (which is Deutsch in German) and Japanese (which is Nihongo in Japanese)." Source and further information:

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