• A woman who flashes. Breastfeeding is the reason we have boobs.
  • a woman flashing because when a woman breastfeeds she does it discreetly and its the reason we have boobs in the first place.
  • Flashing boobs in a bar is obnoxious. There's nothing obnoxious about feeding a hungry baby.
  • niether... women have the right to do what they want with their bodies just as a male does... while boobs are for breast feeding, a lot of women make a lot of money for showing people their tits... just ask any female stripper...
  • A person who objects to either.
  • The flasher. Breastfeeding is a natural event. Flashing is something a person wants to BE an event.
  • Oh its far worse to just flash your boobs in a bar. At least breastfeeding serves a biological funtion. Now I do think there are more discreet ways of doing it, however its nothing compaired to flashing someone.
  • Definitely the trashy lady at the bar!!! Breast feeding is natural,...I think you shouldn't be ashamed to feed your child.
  • The flasher
  • A woman who flashes! Breastfeeding is a natural thing, it is a woman feeding her baby.
  • To me breastfeeding is perfectly natural. It can be done in public discretely and should not offend anyone. A baby can be placed to suckle on the breast without exposing the breast to all and sundry. If I am honest - I would probably enjoy seeing the woman in the bar, but I can fully understand why some people would not like it. So this has to be the worse of the two.
  • Someone who finds the sight of breasts offensive in either situation is idiotic in my humble opinion.
  • I don't think that there is anything wrong with either one; however, one is designed to be provocative, while the other is merely feeding a baby. I find people who are offended by breastfeeding to be obnoxious and offensive.
  • Brestfeeding is natural, it shouldant even be a question.. Of course it is worse to just flash your boobs, It has no purpose. ( although I dont think it is bad women can do whatever they want) Breast feeding is the most natural thing in the world.
  • G'day Janacide, Thank you for your question. Breastfeeding is recommended as the best way of feeding a baby by the World Health Organisation and most respectable health organisations. In fact, anti-discrimation legislation is being introduced in many jurisdictions to protect the right of mothers to breastfeed. It is completely different from a woman disrobing whether professionally or otherwise in a bar or nightclub. I have attached sources for your reference below. Regards References Wikipedia Breastfeeding World Health Organisation American Association of Paediatrics;115/2/496 US Government
  • Neither is "bad" if you ask me. American's are all weirded-out by nudity for some reason.
  • I don't see anything bad about eithr of them. I HATE hypacracy, so I fight it all that I can.
  • Wow, real nice images eh? I think the flashing at the bar. Although, both are pretty 'interesting'.
  • Neither are bad. Why is it any different than me showing you my elbow?
  • well now the women allowing the "little person" to pleasure her in public must be in the wrong here! you see she must be getting pleasured or else she simply would NOT do it!!! the girls at the bar are providing a much needed service, that is waking up the drunks and trying to sober them up by accepting monetary gifts or gifts of beer, thats one beer that wont be driving home later!!! (sarcasm on the internet just isnt as good as in real life!)
  • The flash is bad taste breast feed is normal as long as it is done in a private manor Its the minds of some that see it differently
  • Breastfeeding is a natural occurance, A woman flashing her boobs in a bar is just wrong and she oviously doesn't have any self respect or self esteem.
  • At least brestfeeding in public has a more important purpose than just whippin' 'em out and saying. . . Hey look everyone I am flashing my headlights at you just for the sake of doing so.
  • I'll go ahead and say it. I'm not afraid....I don't get why people see that part of the body to be sexual in nature. It's not! It serves its purpose. It gives nurishment to the mother's child. I'm a guy, very heterosexual and don't see why people fuss over an exposure of a body part. I'm sure every woman has one or two. Everyone has nipples, unless they had an accident while shaving. I don't get it. It's like if a mother is feeding their child and they take out their breast, it mean's she's a whore. What is this, the 19 century? Heaven forbid a woman should show her ankle, there would be a war! UhOh! People are going to have to grow up at some point. It's sad when a woman is asked to put her breast away, on the bus or on a plane, because she's feeding her child. I'm a guy. I like to show off my arms, because it gives me esteme. Does that make me a whore? Someone would say there is sexual content in that. I don't see how.
  • One is a necessity, the other is just plain FUN!
  • A woman who flashes . I do not how the two are in the same question. There is no comparison
  • the drunk.
  • that depends on what the woman looks like, and if i'm one of those drunks or not. that's right, i'm not being moral, so rate me.
  • They are the same thing. A drunk in a bar is the same as a baby hungry for a boob. So I have no problem with either.
  • Breasts are for feeding children. When will people get this through their heads. Ogling them is very much a secondary thing. A child needs to eat, breast feeding is not an optional extra for a baby.
  • If someone is offended by a woman that is breastfeeding,then they are only looking at it sexually. i was over in many foreign countrys and they breastfeed on cornres,resturants,evrywhere.i think its a beautiful thing.
  • Feeding a baby is natural so it's not like you could compare these. A woman who deliberately flashes her boobs is looking for attention. I personally don't care who sees me it makes no difference, but I wouldn't deliberately flash off to a stranger.
  • Breastfeeding is nature's intent for the flash i guess.
  • A woman exposing her boobs in public, is an intentional act. A woman breastfeeding a baby in public, is an act of mother nature. You decide.
  • Flashin in a bar is drunken stupidness, serves no function other than cheap entertainment and laughs. its obnoxius and inapropriate. Breastfeeding is a means to an end and a part of life. Babies need to feed from their mothers, all animals in nature do it. deal with it. MOST women will do it discretly. its not like they stand on the table flop out a boob yell hey look at me im gonna feed my kid and sit there exposed while the child eats. rather they usually throw on a blanket reach under to expose then put the baby under the blanket all the whiel no one sees anything except a loving parent taking care of her child.
  • Actually, both sound kind of hot to me. I don't think either is bad. Boobs are beautiful.
  • Neither is "worse." they're both okay with me.
  • No comparison ... The flash is tasteless the breast feed is as natural as birth ...
  • I think it depends where the breastfeeding is done in public, and what type of bar. If breastfeedsing is a urine soaked public bathroom vs a woman flashing in a seedy bar - Breastfeeding looses If breast feeding descreatly in a public park vs flashing in a high class bar - Breastfeeding wins
  • breastfeeding :/ Im sorry but its a private time for mothers and babies. so keep it private. Its disgusting. Flashing isn't as bad, its just nudity in my opinion and today nudity has become part of everyday life, you see it in the media all the time.
  • the flashing! breast feeding is a natural thing to do, the baby needs 2 eat!! if you dont like it do not look! breast feeding is a nessacity flashing is pointless!
  • Neither. I think it is the people who sit in judgement and watch that are the problem.
  • One is natural ie breast feeding. the other disrespectful to themselves
  • a woman who flashes her boobs to all the drunks in the bar
  • Who am I, or who are you for that matter, to place value judgements on either? A woman breastfeeding in public is feeding her baby, and you have to deal with the boobs - by all means, if you can't handle them, walk away - and if a woman is flashing in a bar... well, I don't see the problem. Women have boobs, they should be proud of them.
  • Why would either be particularly bad?
  • i enjoy both sights. ;)
  • Nutritional Value vs. Exhibitionism - why would you even WANT to attract drunks at a bar (I'm getting a barfly image in my mind) expectations must be higher. Go ahead, feed your baby, mom...maybe the drunks won't look.
  • Depends on how nice the breasts are that are being flashed! Actually, I don't know why breastfeeding is considered something done in total privacy. Most women try to be somewhat descrete and would prefer privacy, but if you are on a bus and the time comes, it should be just fine. After all breastfeeding should be encouraged. Men do view breasts as sexual objects and women enjoy that attention when it is appropriate. Like to their husband or an exhibitionist in a bar. I think some people are uncomfortable seeing a bare breast in public and business want keep everyone comfortable. So they go overboard with breastfeeding restrictions. It is something we need to get over as a society.
  • I'm ok with both.
  • If the women don't care if i look, then neither is worse. Like all Harley riders say, "Show us your boobs"
  • woman breast feeding you ave to expect the lady in the bar lol
  • Geez! The flasher of course! Breastfeeding is a nature human bond! Hope this helps; God Bless!!!!
  • The drunk slut in the bar. There is absalutly no way in this world anyone with any sense could compare a breatsfeeding mother doing what her body is inteneded to do with some idiot looking for attention by acting a fool.
  • Breastfeeding in public is something a mother would only do if she is a situation when her child needs to be fed and can't wait.A woman showing her boobs in a bar is just another form of female sexuality.I wouldn't do it but there's no harm in it.:-)
  • Breastfeeding is a normal natural thing - there's nothing wrong w it, and it can be done discreetly. Flashing boobs to the drunks is disgusting and degrades the woman who does it.
  • Worse than what? Both are my idea of great scenery.
  • Same result in our bar.
  • why is breastfeeding considered something bad???
  • Breastfeeding is perfectly normal - people shouldn't ahev an issue. Flashing boobs could be considered derogatory - but as long as I didn't miss it I really don't mind. ;-)
  • This has an obvious answer....a woman who flashes her boobs to all the drunks in the bar.

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