Escargot, aka Snails. They really are yummy when prepared properly
Lobster, I love it but have friends who won't try it.
Uni Sushi, Brussels sprouts, and dried squid.
Ketchup on scrambled eggs.
guacamole. it has to be fresh and homemade (preferably made by me). delicious!
Sushi... I dont understand why people are so freaked out about it! It has to be the best thing ever!!!
- one seems to like fish eggs..they prefer chicken eggs more..ew
Spaghetti boiled with no sauce but have scrambled eggs mixed into it....very kids loveee it.
Liver and onions
chili on top of cinnamon rolls. My husband got me hooked, but no one else ever wants to try it.
Halvah. I say it's made fro, sesame and it's like a candy and they say no, especially once they learn there might be chocolate involved.
Chicken Feet
Raw oysters.
liver roasted onions and pickles on bread
Sushi. And the sad part is, the reasons that I hear most often don't even relate to most sushi: 1.) "I don't want to eat raw fish." - A lot of 'beginners susushi', and even some more daring sushi, like eel or squid, isn't even raw. It's fried shrimp with cucumber or avado rolled in soy paper and covered with rice. 2.) "I don't like the taste of fish." - I don't like fried fish, either - but a lot of sushi has shrimp or crab in it, plus I think even the raw stuff tastes better than that fried shit. I'm suprised how hard it is to get some of my friends to eat sushi, but how easily they are willing to put shell-less sunflower seeds in their ice cream (also delicious). And the friends that I DO get to eat sushi... I always tell them, if you are going to use the wasabi, use it SPARINGLY. Twice now my friends have taken the whole gob of wasabi in their mouths anyway.
Veggie burgers.
Garlic bread
Peanut butter, lettuce, and miracle whip sandwiches!!! Yes, I know, I said the same thing. But it is SOOO yummy as long as you make it the right way!!
Haggis. But it makes it nicer at Burns Night dinners because we get to eat what the other folks don't want!
Black pudding!
Anchovies. I adore them but cannot get people to try them.
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