• fave: 1. cozy 2. love 3. faith 4. sex 5. joy 6. yes 7. hope 8. yo yo 9. daisy 10. melissa (cause thats my name) least fave: 1. hate 2. fungus 3. mushroom 4. crap 5. zipper 6. perv 7. molest 8. rape 9. evil 10. liver (dont know why)
  • 1. Giggledrops. - Candy :] 2.Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - lung disease caused by 3. Pizzle. -dried bull's **** 4. Kono ama - You bitch (in japanese) 5. Bubble - as in soapy buibbless :] I only got 5 :)
  • My least favorite words aree.... 1. hate 2. love 3. fu** 4. ugly 5. fugly 6. pompas 7. kudos 8. pain 9. mata noi (japanese) 10. clobber
  • Least Fave: Moral,obligation,ethic/s/al,responsibility,faith(not as in my user),Fundamental/ist/ism,free will,atheist,importance,mandatory Fave: logic,pastrami,philosophy,cold,snow,nap,explore,wisdom,weekend,WTF(It should be a word)

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